Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Governors And Goobers!
During this national emergency there have been some politicians who have stepped up and done the right thing. Quarantines, self distancing, banning groups of more than 10 people, stay at home orders, closing bars and restaurants. Some Governors seem genuinely concerned about their citizens, both Democrats and Republicans, self centered libertarians and delusional Greens and independent wusses. These Governors also include both parties and they should be applauded.
Democrats like Gavin Newsom, Andrew Cuomo, Gretchen Whitmer, J B Pritzger, Andy Beshear, Steve Bullock, Phil Murphy, Jay Inslee have all done things designed to flatten the curve. Republicans like Mike DeWine of Ohio and Larry Hogan of Maryland also seem to have a flatten the curve mindset. Even my Trump cult member Governor, Pete Ricketts, has done some decent things to attempt to save lives though clearly he still kisses Trumps ass.
Meanwhile we have Republicans running states who seem scared to death of the Trump Death Cult. The Death Cult of zombie eyed dipshits who would happily die for the Deceiver in Chief. These Republican "leaders', these irresponsible dimbulbs, are refusing to cooperate with all medical advice to stay the fuck home.
Ron DeSantis of Florida allowed indestructible youths to party on the beaches, crowd into bars and restaurants, cram 10 people into hotel rooms and exchange body fluids and airborne viruses. DeSantis is the Mayor of Amity Island letting human beings swim in the virus infested ocean while he knows its dangerous. After his precious Florida economy was sufficiently fluffed he finally decided to close the beaches and unleash the runny nosed hungover kids back across the country to kill Granny and Grampy and who knows else. Thanks Ron, you're truly a hellbound vermin.
My next door neighbor Governor , Kim Reynolds of Iowa, a gender traitor from way back, ,refused to lock her filthy state down but had no problem attempting to lock down the states abortion clinics. Never take your eyes off the prize, Kim, that abortion ban bullshit you clowns worship is always the most important thing. Who gives a shit if actually breathing human beings die from your irresponsible refusal to issue stay at home orders, but save that fetus using any loophole you can find.
Kay Ivy of Alabama refuses to issue stay at home orders because Alabama isnt California whatever the fuck that means. No Kay, you're worse. Your infection rate down there in the Heart of Dixie is way higher than them fruits and nuts out in California. Ya know why? Because California is trying to flatten the curve while you sit there and think the curve looks a lot like the Mount where Jesus gave his sermon you've never read.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott. Need I say more? Texas.
But as bad as this bunch is, nobody is worse than the two birdbrains from Oklahoma and Mississippi.
Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt not only owned the libs early on in this crisis by taking his family to a restaurant, his fucking children, but he posted pictures of he and the unsuspecting children smiling away and bragging how he wasnt going to be stifled by the panicky libs and those stupid scientists. Go out everyone! Stitt has since decided or been told how goddamned dumb he is, to take minimal measures to keep Oklahomans safe from death . But because Oklahomans are the salt of the earth, he has decided to quarantine people from other states. Lets guess where from. New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Washington, California and Louisiana. Though no sane human from any of those states would set foot into Oklahoma is beside the point.
But Tate Reeves of Mississippi is the worst. This Trump twerp not only refused to issue shutdown orders, he barred the states Mayors from issuing their own stay the fuck home orders. Reeves refused to expand Medicaid and also tried that abortion ban crap. Reeves, who spent time in Spain watching his kid play soccer, has decided to fight the virus in his own way. Facebook Prayer Vigils. Ok Tate, You pray on Facebook while real Governors try and save their constituents with based on reality solutions.
Like Stay Home and Flatten the Curve you Southern Fried Fools.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Miss Lindsey and Preacher Ben!
The trillion dollar corporate bail out has passed the Senate, ya know, 500 billion for me, 1200 for you. Onto the House it goes where Nancy of San Fran will get ahold of it and hopefully drown some of it in a bathtub of toxic sludge.
But before it passed the Senate 96-0 with the scrooge Rand Paul still in quarantine, some of the Republicans Senators decided it would be a good time to also reveal their selves just as a shout out to their cynical hateful base.
Miss Lindsey Graham (Butt Licker-SC), Ben Sasse (Black Hearted Wonder Boy-Ne), Tim Scott (Traitor-SC) and Rick Scott (Medicare Fraudster-FL) all stood there in public and expressed concern that all you deadbeats out there, the individual deadbeats not the corporate deadbeats, would all lay yourselves off from your $15 an hour jobs just so you could make $24 an hour for 4 weeks. As Miss Lindsey said, all you nurses laid off because Becky cant get a facelift, will get $24 an hour to sit at home and none of you will even attempt to get another job like stocking grocery shelves or delivering food. You'll just sit there watching Netflix and make yourselves rich off gubmint unemployment and never ever go back to work.
Nurses? The ones putting their lives on the line daily? The ones who clean up your shit as you lay dying? They are all deadbeat lazy lumps per Miss Lindsey, Ben Sasse, Tim Scott and Medicare thief Rick Scott.
Revealing your true self folks. These four miscreants did it out loud. Two of them are up for re-election. Both deserve not only to lose but to be put in stocks. Graham and Sasse need a spanking at the polls. Now Graham, he has a rival capable of beating him. But Sasse? Because of the virtual non existence of a Nebraska Democratic party will probably, no he WILL, win re election simply because of that R next to his shameful name. Ive ranted about this soulless phony for years. His bullshit "concern" overt the tone of Donald Trump. The books he "writes" about the Vanishing Adult and the lack of tact in todays politics. His Uber driving and Runza selling. His lame attempts at trying to be cool.
Ben Sasse is THE WORST excuse for a human being in the fucking Senate. Because he pretends to be an actual person when in fact he's a misanthropic pile of pig shit it makes him worse. Because he may actually believe he's decent is the scary part. He's not. And in the long run, he wants to be President. But the true man came out this week. He hates you. He thinks you are all less than him. You can be brought into laziness and sloth for an extra $600 a week in scary times. You are lazy and sinful and need to be saved by Preacher Ben. Fuck him.
These 4 men, Miss Graham, Reverend Sasse, Scott the Dancer and Scott the Fraudster showed what they think of you. Again, REMEMBER them when this ends. In Fact, remember two of them in November.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Republican Vultures!
My late father didnt really think much of real Republicans. By real Republicans I mean the ones like what surfaced this week. Dad got along with many Republicans cuz he had to being a guy who sold stocks and bonds for a living. But the "real" ones he had problems with. The ones who valued their money more so than human beings. The ones who gave zero fucks about their fellow man. Once, in the 80s, Dad brought home a story of a branch manager he worked with who when Union Carbide let loose toxic gas in India and killed thousands of people worried exclusively about what that would do to the stock price and gave not one shit about the people who died. The guy had no empathy, no compassion, no basic human decency . Dad sat there and said with much sadness, those people had hopes and dreams just like he did and the guy didnt care (The guy later got indicted for some SEC violation which made Dad so happy), Dad said when met people like that they had "gone Republican".
This week a whole lot of
A crisis like this is good in one respect. People reveal who they really are. Republican politicians, the wealthy, and regular people for that matter show their true selves. Whether its privately or even publicly expressing a view that money wins no matter what, or selling off stocks after getting inside information that this administration is piss poorly prepared for a pandemic, or if its just whack jobs hoarding toilet paper or wipes or hand sanitizer or people refusing to buy into the facts, or Donald Trump spewing forth misinformation to make himself look better.
These real Republicans have shown themselves and theres thousands more smarter than to express homicidal thoughts to protect their assets. But theyre out there and rest assured, like their Dear Leader, they dont give a rats ass about you or your family. In fact if your elders died it would make them happy as it frees up more Social Security money for them to plunder and steal.
We are in tough times and the stories about health care workers putting their lives on the line every fucking day against astronomical odds, the people social distancing yet still making people happy, the teachers maintaining contact with their students, the cooperation of the vast majority of Americans to keep this thing under control give me hope. The greedy self centered "real Republicans" make me nervous, Thanks to American voters in 2016, they were put in control of saving you. Think they intend on that? Dream on sisters and brothers.
Like my Dad used to say, a whole lot of people "went Republican" this week. When this dies down, REMEMBER who they are.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Daily Trump Rallies!
Its clear now that these daily Corona Task Force Briefings are not to inform the public of anything. Its become nothing more than a rally for the Thug From Queens who cannot hold his ego boosting rallies in arena any longer. So on a daily basis, the Virus King in Chief lumbers out, lies, talks about how great he is, and picks fights with the evil fake news. All for the entertainment of his out of work base. Keep em on the line. Be a racist, fight with the press, lie about the time period, lie about how this started, lie about progress, lie about solutions, blame Obama, be rude with female reporters and today, get corrected by Dr Fauci when he continued the bullshit about a malaria drug he "feels" may work.
Make no mistake, the Sociopath in Chief cares nothing about you. This virus could have been prepared for, but because it might make the Narcissist in Chief vulnerable in his re-election bid, he chose to ignore it, call it a hoax, tell lies about numbers, blame the Chinese and tell people to go to work. And now, the Liar in Chief is fucked. Unfortunately so are we.
Today, when asked a softball question by NBC's Peter Alexander, the Temper Tantrum in Chief decided this was the moment to entertain his base. He "answered" the question by attacking a clearly befuddled Alexander. Pointing at him , calling him a terrible reporter, stomping his feet and telling the why me Alexander he should be ashamed of himself for stating facts and asking for Presidential empathy. Wrong guy, Pete. The Thug from Queens doesnt even know what a calming influence is.
We didnt get the infamous Chanel Rion from One America News today, but we did get Sean Spicer from Dancing With The Stars News asking a celaerly planted question about the
The time has come to STOP televising these daily clown show rallies. They serve no purpose other than boosting Trumps fragile ego. The typical Task Force briefing kind of goes like this:
1) Trump lies
2) Mike Pence says "the president" about 100 times while kissing his ass
3) Trump lies some more
4) Surgeon General praises the Dear Leader
5) Trump pushes way back and lies some more
6) Dr Scarf Lady speaks and praises the Dear Leader
7) Dr Fauci tells the truth, and corrects virtually everything said so far
8) Trump pushes him out of way to praise himself
9) "Press Conference" where reporters ask questions and Trump battles them to impress the Magats
10) Trump gives out dangerous information that needs to be corrected soon after
Networks have to put an end to this shit. You're getting nothing productive out of this. How many times are you going to allow yourselves to get attacked by the Thug From Queens before you just say enough and speak with actual scientists and doctors without agendas to sew their lips to the Dear Leaders orange ass?
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
8 Vile!
My Senator voted no. One of eight who voted no to a corona virus relief package.
Ben Sasse, a joke of a rebel. A Senator who criticizes Trump's bully boy swagger and then backs him up 95% of the time.Sasse is a clown who used to drive a Uber to "connect" with real people. He also sold Runzas (a disgusting Nebraska sandwich made of cabbage and "meat") at Nebraska football games until a courageous woman followed him around to call him out on his two faced bullshit. He quit selling Runzas (I cant tell you how horrific these things are) after that citing his "just having non partisan fun" being ruined. Non Partisan? He promoted himself selling Runzas (no seriously they are inedible) on his campaign website.
Sasse voted no citing how he wanted to give money to Governors to distribute. Yeah sure Ben, for instance OUR Governor, a bald headed asshole named Pete Ricketts has refused to distribute Medicaid money which in 2018, yep 2018, was voted on by the citizens of Nebraska to be expanded. 18 months later, Ricketts (yeah that Cubs family Ricketts) refuses to abide by the majority of Nebraskans will. Right Ben, giving Ricketts the job to distribute corona virus money is like giving money to Trumps kids to distribute. 5 for me 0 for you.
The sad part is that Ben Sasse is running for re-election this year and because of genetic Republicanism in rural Nebraska, he will suffer no consequences for this act of cruel indifference . He will win because the Nebraska Democratic Party doesn't exist outside of Omaha and Lincoln. He will win because of the R next to his name. Like most people in this red state.
The other 7 who voted no happen to include (in order of stupidity)
Marsha Blackburn (Dumbest Woman in the Senate-TN)
James Inhofe (Snowball Thrower- OK)
Ron Johnson (Who cares if 3 million die- WI)
James Lankford (Life begins at fertilization and ends at birth-OK)
Mike Lee (Climate Change is a Hoax- UT)
Rand Paul (Scared of his Neighbor-KY)
Tim Scott (Koch Bros Butler-SC)
From the bottom of my heart, fuck all of ya.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Task Farce!!!
Does anybody watch this daily shit show any longer? The Corona Virus Task Force puts itself out there every single day, led by a guy who looks like he just finished 18 holes. Yeah its the Hoaxer in Chief now thrusting himself out front in the daily re-election speech giving himself a 10, saying how he knew it was a pandemic before it was declared a pandemic, calling it a Chinese Virus, attacking reporters, usually female, for daring to call him out on his bullshit, attacking Democrats, jacking himself off for closing borders, and then stepping back to hear his ass kissers on the Task Force praise his leadership skills. It is unwatchable.
The Task Force may contain actual experts trained to handle a pandemic, but they are not allowed to do anything at these propaganda fests but lie for the Dear Leader, nod their heads as he rambles, lie about what he has or hasnt done, and humiliate themselves on a daily basis. I hope the fame and money make this legacy killing worth it.
Today the Thug From Queens lied in ways he so revels in by attacking his eventual conqueror, Joe of Scranton. Lying about the handling of the HIN1 crisis pf 2009 by inventing events and turning the history into nothing more than whats he's done and not done. He told more fables about the swine flu, and whined about bad press actually reporting what a fucking disaster he is as a Dear Leader.
Look the facts are that The Thug From Queens:
1) called this pandemic a hoax
2) was briefed 3 months ago about this and chose to ignore it
3) turned down tests offered by the World Health Organization
4) attempted to bribe German scientists to come work for him exclusively
5) took zero responsibility for firing Obama's CDC team which had done so well with malaria epidemics in Africa
6) keeps calling it a "Chinese" virus
7) said a virus was under control thanks to him
8) claimed April will kill the virus and claimed a miracle will occur to make the virus disappear
9) told people with the virus to go to work
10) listened to Jared Kushner who insisted this was exaggerated
11) now attempting to bribe Americans to vote for him by giving them money
This is what happens when a brutish punk ass like Donald Trump is allowed to lead. As he stands in front of actual doctors and scientists and lies what must be going through their heads?
Fuck this guy. Stay away from these daily clown car shows, Donnie. Nobody listens to your crap any longer.
The only problem is if Trump stays away, the Penultimate ass kisser, Mike Pence, will lead the task force and lie for him.
We are doomed.
Monday, March 9, 2020
The Trump Virus!
We are definitely doomed. Doomed to at least another 10 months of this moron in the Oval Office driving the country drunk thru a snowy mountain pass.
This virus is probably not as apocalyptic as its made out to be. As more people get it, and more people live through it, the fatality rate should plunge. But this idiot, this narcissistic cretin, and the sycophantic dimwits he has surrounded himself with have fucked this up so bad with their contradictory messages and the unwillingness of any of these people to stand up to the Dear Leader. The press conferences led by an HIV enthusiast named Mike Pence are disgraceful as one after another praises the Great One for his handling this clusterfuck. The despicable appearance at the CDC where the Thug From Queens accepted the proverbial ring kissing from actual scientists, called a Governor with an actual pandemic going on a "snake" and wore a cheap campaign hat while stating how goddamned smart he was because some imaginary relative went to MIT .
Meanwhile the stock market is crashing, the travel industry is dying, the airports are deserted, a threat of empty stadiums and arenas while athletes compete is a real possibility and then we get a complete bubblehead playing golf and lying about something that kills people.
America, is this what you want? Four more years of this crap? We have at least 10-11 months more of this clown show we cannot avoid but for the love of Christ, this HAS to end.
The Thug from Queens began ti unravel today on twitter. Flailing away like Chuck Wepner blinded by his own blood, the Narcissist from New York began by retweeting that ass kissing surgeon general saying his 44 year old self is less healthy than the 73 year old jumbo who can barely fit in a golf cart. Then it was more Deep State paranoia. Praising the HIV advocate and his ridiculous task force. Then he called the Obama/Biden administration the most corrupt in history, which of course only the stupidest among us would even listen to. Back to praising himself for"saving lives" by restricting travel. Then hey the bright side for you is lower gas prices. Fake News. Blames Saudi Arabia and Russian infighting for the market drop which I'm sure will draw a rebuke from his handlers in both places. Then finally downplayed the Coronavirus by tweeting death from regular flu stats.
The man is not only a real birdbrain, hes a dangerous birdbrain. How long before the draconian attempts to stay in power occur?
Walls being built, travel restricted, quarantining cities and states, and possible martial law.
You think I'm crazy. Not half as crazy as the Denier in Chief.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Liz Warren!
I am convinced that whenever this nation get dragged forward, the neanderthals crawl out of their caves and drag it backwards even further. LBJ to Nixon, Carter to Reagan, Clinton to W, Obama to this orange shitgibbon. Elizabeth Warren, perhaps the most intelligent real candidate Ive seen since Gary Hart, dropped out of the race yesterday. No money, no path to victory, and a 78 year old cranky heart patient standing in her way. Yeah shes no kid, she's 70, but she acts 30, has the energy of a toddler, and has the brain of a scientist. She has plans for everything and that was her downfall. People dont want actual plans. They want some old man promising them relief from student debt with no plan, health insurance for free, with no plan, no endless wars, with no plan. In other words, in this short attention span country, phooey on Elizabeth Warren and her plan. We aint got no time for that. We'd rather just get this free shit in 30 second sound bites.
Elizabeth Warren had a chance. But sometime last fall, while rising in the polls and at times winning, she backed off and played prevent defense. The plans went away, the intelligence got taken down, oh the energy was still there (the endless selfies) but the facts became less and less important. And with that came the old Wizard and his stump speech, the beanie wearing bearded bros not willing to accept reality, and the short attention span crowd jumping onboard other campaigns. Yeah Liz was still there but playing prevent she was just another yakker. And lets face it, shes a dame, a broad, a chick, a woman. Thats a big no no still in this country. And remember the lurch backwards, so since Hillary failed, fuck that nominate a woman shit. The Old Wizard it is.
Liz Warren was the one. Though I have been disappointed my whole life by backing losing primary candidates, Teddy, Jesse Jackson, Gary Hart, John Edwards, Jerry Brown, and yes the then 74 year old Bernie Sanders. But I accepted my crushing defeats and got onboard for losers like Gore and Kerrey and Dukakis and Mondale. I was determined to not back anyone this time. Whoever won was my person. Trump must go down hard. His re-election would be the end of my nation and I am already old. So whoever won, The Old Wizard, the old Gaffer, Mayor Pete, or Liz Warren I was onboard. It saved me a lot of stress not caring who won.
But deep down, I did care. Because I wanted Elizabeth Warren to run against the Treason Monkey in Chief. I wanted her to show that fearlessness against Trump as she did against Bloomberg. But by then it was too late. She had drifted in behind the old soothsayer and was willing to ride his wave. Unfortunately her caution destroyed her chances. And now its over.
All those plans that actually make so much sense. I dont expect anyone to read them, its a soundbite world. But Elizabeth Warren is a fuckin genius, a soothsayer for those of us willing to read and listen. I cannot tell you how much I admire the woman's energy and real woman persona. She may be a nerd but goddamit so am I in many ways. And of course she has her good boy, Bailey.
Warren dropped out amid her emotional statement that she was just a simple Okie and how much she wished her parents could see this success. It was as real a moment as Ive seen. The only other candidate with that ability to awe you into tears by just talking about their past is Joe Biden.
If you saw her talk with Rachel last nite you get the impression she will endorse Biden eventually. The underlying disgust she has for Sanders and his cult members (you just lied about me on national TV) was evident. That cuts deep. Bernie Bros are nasty. They are Trumpers without guns and when wronged will go nuclear in about 1 second and Liz Warren knows that. If she endorses Uncle Joe, who she likes, and not the old Wizard, whom she doesnt, the Bros are going to go ballistic, in fact, because she stuck around and allegedly sucked votes from Senator Dumbledore (she didnt) Biden surged ahead in about 72 hours and the Bros accused her of treason and wanted her primaried by some left wing conspiracy hack.
But give it time.
Look, sexism is alive and well here. Harris, Klobuchar, and now Liz have been kicked off the wagon for having a vagina. All three would have been solid candidates and solid Presidents and plus, they arent old white men. America lurches backwards again. I am hoping this time its due to fear of another term of the Impeached for Life Shitheel in Chief. Biden seems the safe choice, I get it. The Heart Patient is not. He's a 40 state loser in the making. But any of those 3 women would beat Trump. The fear beat them. Oh no, Hillary lost last time, we cant take that chance again even though she actually won by 3 million votes.
It is incredible to me that the last two Democratic candidates have been a black man and a woman and both received records numbers of votes. The top 3 of all time. Yet, we Democrats are so fearful of a 73 year old loudmouth liar we are unwilling to go back 4 years or 12 years to go with what won, Instead we go wayyyyyyyyyyy back to either Clinton or McGovern. Oh Im on the Joe-mentum train now. I have no choice and I feel good about it. Its just I'd have felt better with Kamala Harris, Amy K or the incredible Elizabeth Warren. Its sad.
And dammit, let Bailey have a burrito.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Put Adults Back In Charge!
Last night on a stage in Texas I saw Joe Biden , Beto O'Rourke and Amy Klobuchar standing there speaking to a crowd of adults, and acting like adults. Across the country on a stage in North Carolina, two minstrel show performers danced and clapped while making fun of another person's height, while a 73 year old man stood there in the background smiling and the thousands of white people howled at the "humor". These are children, bullies and dimbulbs laughing at Diamond And Silk, a couple of Heckle and Jeckles if there ever were.
The adults in Texas spoke eloquently and with logic and reason. They put out their reasons for dropping out of the Presidential race in a respectful and cogent way. People applauded , laughed at lame political jokes and listened intently.
In North Carolina a 73 year old man called people names, gave other people his stupid nicknames, called for impeachment on a US Senator and a guy without a job. And the cultists cheered and booed and were thoroughly entertained by the two bamboozlers who I hope are grifting them but have a feeling they believe their own bullshit. Thats American leadership now. Its a 1915 Minstrel show. Im surprised the pre rally entertainment didnt include a showing of Birth of a Nation. Ya know, back when America was great.
I am now at the point where asking me what I think about the issues is pointless. Do I want Medicare for All? Yes. Do I want background checks? Yes. Do I want an assault weapon ban ? Absolutely. Do I want Wall Street to get its nuts clipped? Yes. Do I want billionaires and millionaires to pay more taxes? Yes. Do I want endless wars? No. Do I want Russians hacking in to our elections? Hell no. Do I want abortion to be legal? Yes Do I want everyone to be protected from discrimination? Of course. Do I think climate change is going to kill us all? Yes. Do I want student loan debt to be reduced? Yes.
Every poll I take says I should be voting for Bernie Sanders or Liz Warren. But ya know what? I dont give a shit about the issues this year.
My ONLY issue is ridding my country of a criminal and I dont give a damn who does it. And right now it looks like Joe Biden is that guy.
I dont care if the next President sits around the Oval Office playing Overwatch all day. At least they arent Donald Fucking Trump.
I dont give a fuck about Purity tests or corporate Democrats or paranoia or sell outs. I just dont.
Rid my country and this world of this grifter blood sucking parasite and his entire fucking family.
Thats my ONLY issue.
If its Joe, its Joe.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
The Tide Turns?
Its hard to believe that a guy who has run for President 3 times and has the name brand of Joe Biden had never ever won a primary before yesterday. But yesterday, when the diversity that is the Democratic Party actually voted, Joe Biden won his first primary by damn near 30 points over the Old Wizard, the 78 year old heart patient with a fondness for dictators. Yep, black folks voted in South Carolina and they voted for Joe Biden. They may have voted for Uncle Joe because he stood by Barack Obama on stages, they may have voted for Joe because he'd be the only old white man they'd invite to the BBQ, they may have voted for Veep Joe because they are a practical people, used to taking what they can get a little at a time unlike the Bernie Bros who want to blow everything up and destroy anyone who expresses a contrary opinion.
Joe Biden won South Carolina huge. The national pundits were digging Biden's grave after white people in Iowa and New Hampshire preferred two white guys who probably couldn't pick Jim Clyburn out if he was standing next to Van Cliburn.
Joe Biden has momentum now. It is clear to those of us who are just plain sick of the 78 year old heart patients stump speech and his crazy ass supporters. Oh yeah and his Russian support which we are not fond of considering the Russians want 4 more years of their puppet doing what he's told and fucking up my country for the rest of my life and certainly for anyone over 50. The Cold War was never over, the peace dividend was never a thing, and right now the fuckin Russians are way ahead and not playing prevent defense. The Old Wizard is the best hope they have to the re-election of a Putin pawn and with the help of Bernie Bots and Bernie Bros they are going full speed ahead.
For fucks sake, The Traitor in Chief got his self impeached because of his fright that Biden will beat his dumb ass. Now Biden is ahead in the popular vote among Democrats after one fuckin primary? Written off by the Bernie water carriers on certain networks, written off by a lot of people content on an even older man taking the party over with ideas that will never pass muster. The ideas are good ones. I stood in the crowds cheering the old guy back in 2016. He was inspiring at age 74 to bring about change. He was one of the people I most admired in politics for sticking to his citizen friendly ideas. That was then. The ideas remain. The messenger needs to go away.
Hey I know Joe is 77 years old. I know Joe misspeaks at times. But not as often as Bernie Bros and Trumpers and their out of context videos make it sound. I'm not in love with a Joe Biden nomination but like the black folks, I want what I can get and like them, I want Donald Trump gone forever, and in jail preferably. Joe Biden may be the only alternative to the old man who will fall electorally short after the Republicans and the Russians get through destroying him. I wish Sanders would put hos ego aside and acquiesce to someone younger, like the 70 year old Liz Warren.
The Democrats tend to go back the well too often trying to win. Biden is back to the well for sure, but the 78 year old heart patient is back to the well of 1972, or 1984 when crooked Republican Presidents got what they wanted, A weak goddamned opponent. Biden may not be a slam dunk, but Sanders is a turnover machine.
I am voting for whoever wins the nomination. But in presidential elections I am a mediocre 5 wins and 6 losses. I just want to win this time because the entire nation depends on it. If Joe Biden is that guy, the practical choice, then Joe it is.
All I can say is again, The Scumbag in Chief got IMPEACHED over Joe Biden. I cannot let that FACT go.