Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Task Farce!!!

Does anybody watch this daily shit show any longer? The Corona Virus Task Force puts itself out there every single day, led by a guy who looks like he just finished 18 holes. Yeah its the Hoaxer in Chief now thrusting himself out front in the daily re-election speech giving himself a 10, saying how he knew it was a pandemic before it was declared a pandemic, calling it a Chinese Virus, attacking reporters, usually female, for daring to call him out on his bullshit, attacking Democrats, jacking himself off for closing borders, and then stepping back to hear his ass kissers on the Task Force praise his leadership skills. It is unwatchable.

The Task Force may contain actual experts trained to handle a pandemic, but they are not allowed to do anything at these propaganda fests but lie for the Dear Leader, nod their heads as he rambles, lie about what he has or hasnt done, and humiliate themselves on a daily basis. I hope the fame and money make this legacy killing worth it.

Today the Thug From Queens lied in ways he so revels in by attacking his eventual conqueror, Joe of Scranton. Lying about the handling of the HIN1 crisis pf 2009 by inventing events and turning the history into nothing more than whats he's done and not done. He told more fables about the swine flu, and whined about bad press actually reporting what a fucking disaster he is as a Dear Leader.

Look the facts are that The Thug From Queens:

1) called this pandemic a hoax

2) was briefed 3 months ago about this and chose to ignore it

3) turned down tests offered by the World Health Organization

4) attempted to bribe German scientists to come work for him exclusively

5) took zero responsibility for firing Obama's CDC team which had done so well with malaria epidemics in Africa

6) keeps calling it a "Chinese" virus

7) said a virus was under control thanks to him

8) claimed April will kill the virus and claimed a miracle will occur to make the virus disappear

9) told people with the virus to go to work

10) listened to Jared Kushner who insisted this was exaggerated

11) now attempting to bribe Americans to vote for him by giving them money

This is what happens when a brutish punk ass like Donald Trump is allowed to lead. As he stands in front of actual doctors and scientists and lies what must be going through their heads?

Fuck this guy. Stay away from these daily clown car shows, Donnie. Nobody listens to your crap any longer.

The only problem is if Trump stays away, the Penultimate ass kisser, Mike Pence, will lead the task force and lie for him.

We are doomed.

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