Friday, March 20, 2020

Daily Trump Rallies!

Its clear now that these daily Corona Task Force Briefings are not to inform the public of anything. Its become nothing more than a rally for the Thug From Queens who cannot hold his ego boosting rallies in arena any longer. So on a daily basis, the Virus King in Chief lumbers out, lies, talks about how great he is, and picks fights with the evil fake news. All for the entertainment of his out of work base. Keep em on the line. Be a racist, fight with the press, lie about the time period, lie about how this started, lie about progress, lie about solutions, blame Obama, be rude with female reporters and today, get corrected by Dr Fauci when he continued the bullshit about a malaria drug he "feels" may work.

Make no mistake, the Sociopath in Chief cares nothing about you. This virus could have been prepared for, but because it might make the Narcissist in Chief vulnerable in his re-election bid, he chose to ignore it, call it a hoax, tell lies about numbers, blame the Chinese and tell people to go to work. And now, the Liar in Chief is fucked. Unfortunately so are we.

Today, when asked a softball question by NBC's Peter Alexander, the Temper Tantrum in Chief decided this was the moment to entertain his base. He "answered" the question by attacking a clearly befuddled Alexander. Pointing at him , calling him a terrible reporter, stomping his feet and telling the why me Alexander he should be ashamed of himself for stating facts and asking for Presidential empathy. Wrong guy, Pete. The Thug from Queens doesnt even know what a calming influence is.

We didnt get the infamous Chanel Rion from One America News today, but we did get Sean Spicer from Dancing With The Stars News asking a celaerly planted question about the criminals Republican Senators who sold stock right after a classified briefing told them to sell stock and tell all your donor friends too. Trump even played along calling Spicer "Yeah you in the back" which Im sure wasnt the first time that happened.

The time has come to STOP televising these daily clown show rallies. They serve no purpose other than boosting Trumps fragile ego. The typical Task Force briefing kind of goes like this:

1) Trump lies
2) Mike Pence says "the president" about 100 times while kissing his ass
3) Trump lies some more
4) Surgeon General praises the Dear Leader
5) Trump pushes way back and lies some more
6) Dr Scarf Lady speaks and praises the Dear Leader
7) Dr Fauci tells the truth, and corrects virtually everything said so far
8) Trump pushes him out of way to praise himself
9) "Press Conference" where reporters ask questions and Trump battles them to impress the Magats
10) Trump gives out dangerous information that needs to be corrected soon after

Networks have to put an end to this shit. You're getting nothing productive out of this. How many times are you going to allow yourselves to get attacked by the Thug From Queens before you just say enough and speak with actual scientists and doctors without agendas to sew their lips to the Dear Leaders orange ass?

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