Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Republican Vultures!

My late father didnt really think much of real Republicans. By real Republicans I mean the ones like what surfaced this week. Dad got along with many Republicans cuz he had to being a guy who sold stocks and bonds for a living. But the "real" ones he had problems with. The ones who valued their money more so than human beings. The ones who gave zero fucks about their fellow man. Once, in the 80s, Dad brought home a story of a branch manager he worked with who when Union Carbide let loose toxic gas in India and killed thousands of people worried exclusively about what that would do to the stock price and gave not one shit about the people who died. The guy had no empathy, no compassion, no basic human decency . Dad sat there and said with much sadness, those people had hopes and dreams just like he did and the guy didnt care (The guy later got indicted for some SEC violation which made Dad so happy), Dad said when met people like that they had "gone Republican".

This week a whole lot of assholes people went Republican.The ones like Lt Governor Dan Patrick of Texas, or Larry Kudlow, or Glenn Beck or quite frankly the Sociopath In Chief and his entire crime family who said OUT LOUD that quite frankly, thousands of people dying was the price to pay for maintaining a strong economy. Old rich white males, with health care plans that put them to the front of the line, are willing to let thousands and perhaps millions to die to keep themselves rich and more importantly, electable.

A crisis like this is good in one respect. People reveal who they really are. Republican politicians, the wealthy, and regular people for that matter show their true selves. Whether its privately or even publicly expressing a view that money wins no matter what, or selling off stocks after getting inside information that this administration is piss poorly prepared for a pandemic, or if its just whack jobs hoarding toilet paper or wipes or hand sanitizer or people refusing to buy into the facts, or Donald Trump spewing forth misinformation to make himself look better.

These real Republicans have shown themselves and theres thousands more smarter than to express homicidal thoughts to protect their assets. But theyre out there and rest assured, like their Dear Leader, they dont give a rats ass about you or your family. In fact if your elders died it would make them happy as it frees up more Social Security money for them to plunder and steal.

We are in tough times and the stories about health care workers putting their lives on the line every fucking day against astronomical odds, the people social distancing yet still making people happy, the teachers maintaining contact with their students, the cooperation of the vast majority of Americans to keep this thing under control give me hope. The greedy self centered "real Republicans" make me nervous, Thanks to American voters in 2016, they were put in control of saving you. Think they intend on that? Dream on sisters and brothers.

Like my Dad used to say, a whole lot of people "went Republican" this week. When this dies down, REMEMBER who they are.

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