Thursday, March 26, 2020

Miss Lindsey and Preacher Ben!

The trillion dollar corporate bail out has passed the Senate, ya know, 500 billion for me, 1200 for you. Onto the House it goes where Nancy of San Fran will get ahold of it and hopefully drown some of it in a bathtub of toxic sludge.

But before it passed the Senate 96-0 with the scrooge Rand Paul still in quarantine, some of the Republicans Senators decided it would be a good time to also reveal their selves just as a shout out to their cynical hateful base.

Miss Lindsey Graham (Butt Licker-SC), Ben Sasse (Black Hearted Wonder Boy-Ne), Tim Scott (Traitor-SC) and Rick Scott (Medicare Fraudster-FL) all stood there in public and expressed concern that all you deadbeats out there, the individual deadbeats not the corporate deadbeats, would all lay yourselves off from your $15 an hour jobs just so you could make $24 an hour for 4 weeks. As Miss Lindsey said, all you nurses laid off because Becky cant get a facelift, will get $24 an hour to sit at home and none of you will even attempt to get another job like stocking grocery shelves or delivering food. You'll just sit there watching Netflix and make yourselves rich off gubmint unemployment and never ever go back to work.

Nurses? The ones putting their lives on the line daily? The ones who clean up your shit as you lay dying? They are all deadbeat lazy lumps per Miss Lindsey, Ben Sasse, Tim Scott and Medicare thief Rick Scott.

Revealing your true self folks. These four miscreants did it out loud. Two of them are up for re-election. Both deserve not only to lose but to be put in stocks. Graham and Sasse need a spanking at the polls. Now Graham, he has a rival capable of beating him. But Sasse? Because of the virtual non existence of a Nebraska Democratic party will probably, no he WILL, win re election simply because of that R next to his shameful name. Ive ranted about this soulless phony for years. His bullshit "concern" overt the tone of Donald Trump. The books he "writes" about the Vanishing Adult and the lack of tact in todays politics. His Uber driving and Runza selling. His lame attempts at trying to be cool.

Ben Sasse is THE WORST excuse for a human being in the fucking Senate. Because he pretends to be an actual person when in fact he's a misanthropic pile of pig shit it makes him worse. Because he may actually believe he's decent is the scary part. He's not. And in the long run, he wants to be President. But the true man came out this week. He hates you. He thinks you are all less than him. You can be brought into laziness and sloth for an extra $600 a week in scary times. You are lazy and sinful and need to be saved by Preacher Ben. Fuck him.

These 4 men, Miss Graham, Reverend Sasse, Scott the Dancer and Scott the Fraudster showed what they think of you. Again, REMEMBER them when this ends. In Fact, remember two of them in November.

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