Friday, March 6, 2020

Liz Warren!

I am convinced that whenever this nation get dragged forward, the neanderthals crawl out of their caves and drag it backwards even further. LBJ to Nixon, Carter to Reagan, Clinton to W, Obama to this orange shitgibbon. Elizabeth Warren, perhaps the most intelligent real candidate Ive seen since Gary Hart, dropped out of the race yesterday. No money, no path to victory, and a 78 year old cranky heart patient standing in her way. Yeah shes no kid, she's 70, but she acts 30, has the energy of a toddler, and has the brain of a scientist. She has plans for everything and that was her downfall. People dont want actual plans. They want some old man promising them relief from student debt with no plan, health insurance for free, with no plan, no endless wars, with no plan. In other words, in this short attention span country, phooey on Elizabeth Warren and her plan. We aint got no time for that. We'd rather just get this free shit in 30 second sound bites.

Elizabeth Warren had a chance. But sometime last fall, while rising in the polls and at times winning, she backed off and played prevent defense. The plans went away, the intelligence got taken down, oh the energy was still there (the endless selfies) but the facts became less and less important. And with that came the old Wizard and his stump speech, the beanie wearing bearded bros not willing to accept reality, and the short attention span crowd jumping onboard other campaigns. Yeah Liz was still there but playing prevent she was just another yakker. And lets face it, shes a dame, a broad, a chick, a woman. Thats a big no no still in this country. And remember the lurch backwards, so since Hillary failed, fuck that nominate a woman shit. The Old Wizard it is.

Liz Warren was the one. Though I have been disappointed my whole life by backing losing primary candidates, Teddy, Jesse Jackson, Gary Hart, John Edwards, Jerry Brown, and yes the then 74 year old Bernie Sanders. But I accepted my crushing defeats and got onboard for losers like Gore and Kerrey and Dukakis and Mondale. I was determined to not back anyone this time. Whoever won was my person. Trump must go down hard. His re-election would be the end of my nation and I am already old. So whoever won, The Old Wizard, the old Gaffer, Mayor Pete, or Liz Warren I was onboard. It saved me a lot of stress not caring who won.

But deep down, I did care. Because I wanted Elizabeth Warren to run against the Treason Monkey in Chief. I wanted her to show that fearlessness against Trump as she did against Bloomberg. But by then it was too late. She had drifted in behind the old soothsayer and was willing to ride his wave. Unfortunately her caution destroyed her chances. And now its over.

All those plans that actually make so much sense. I dont expect anyone to read them, its a soundbite world. But Elizabeth Warren is a fuckin genius, a soothsayer for those of us willing to read and listen. I cannot tell you how much I admire the woman's energy and real woman persona. She may be a nerd but goddamit so am I in many ways. And of course she has her good boy, Bailey.

Warren dropped out amid her emotional statement that she was just a simple Okie and how much she wished her parents could see this success. It was as real a moment as Ive seen. The only other candidate with that ability to awe you into tears by just talking about their past is Joe Biden.

If you saw her talk with Rachel last nite you get the impression she will endorse Biden eventually. The underlying disgust she has for Sanders and his cult members (you just lied about me on national TV) was evident. That cuts deep. Bernie Bros are nasty. They are Trumpers without guns and when wronged will go nuclear in about 1 second and Liz Warren knows that. If she endorses Uncle Joe, who she likes, and not the old Wizard, whom she doesnt, the Bros are going to go ballistic, in fact, because she stuck around and allegedly sucked votes from Senator Dumbledore (she didnt) Biden surged ahead in about 72 hours and the Bros accused her of treason and wanted her primaried by some left wing conspiracy hack.

But give it time.

Look, sexism is alive and well here. Harris, Klobuchar, and now Liz have been kicked off the wagon for having a vagina. All three would have been solid candidates and solid Presidents and plus, they arent old white men. America lurches backwards again. I am hoping this time its due to fear of another term of the Impeached for Life Shitheel in Chief. Biden seems the safe choice, I get it. The Heart Patient is not. He's a 40 state loser in the making. But any of those 3 women would beat Trump. The fear beat them. Oh no, Hillary lost last time, we cant take that chance again even though she actually won by 3 million votes.

It is incredible to me that the last two Democratic candidates have been a black man and a woman and both received records numbers of votes. The top 3 of all time. Yet, we Democrats are so fearful of a 73 year old loudmouth liar we are unwilling to go back 4 years or 12 years to go with what won, Instead we go wayyyyyyyyyyy back to either Clinton or McGovern. Oh Im on the Joe-mentum train now. I have no choice and I feel good about it. Its just I'd have felt better with Kamala Harris, Amy K or the incredible Elizabeth Warren. Its sad.

And dammit, let Bailey have a burrito.

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