Sunday, March 1, 2020
The Tide Turns?
Its hard to believe that a guy who has run for President 3 times and has the name brand of Joe Biden had never ever won a primary before yesterday. But yesterday, when the diversity that is the Democratic Party actually voted, Joe Biden won his first primary by damn near 30 points over the Old Wizard, the 78 year old heart patient with a fondness for dictators. Yep, black folks voted in South Carolina and they voted for Joe Biden. They may have voted for Uncle Joe because he stood by Barack Obama on stages, they may have voted for Joe because he'd be the only old white man they'd invite to the BBQ, they may have voted for Veep Joe because they are a practical people, used to taking what they can get a little at a time unlike the Bernie Bros who want to blow everything up and destroy anyone who expresses a contrary opinion.
Joe Biden won South Carolina huge. The national pundits were digging Biden's grave after white people in Iowa and New Hampshire preferred two white guys who probably couldn't pick Jim Clyburn out if he was standing next to Van Cliburn.
Joe Biden has momentum now. It is clear to those of us who are just plain sick of the 78 year old heart patients stump speech and his crazy ass supporters. Oh yeah and his Russian support which we are not fond of considering the Russians want 4 more years of their puppet doing what he's told and fucking up my country for the rest of my life and certainly for anyone over 50. The Cold War was never over, the peace dividend was never a thing, and right now the fuckin Russians are way ahead and not playing prevent defense. The Old Wizard is the best hope they have to the re-election of a Putin pawn and with the help of Bernie Bots and Bernie Bros they are going full speed ahead.
For fucks sake, The Traitor in Chief got his self impeached because of his fright that Biden will beat his dumb ass. Now Biden is ahead in the popular vote among Democrats after one fuckin primary? Written off by the Bernie water carriers on certain networks, written off by a lot of people content on an even older man taking the party over with ideas that will never pass muster. The ideas are good ones. I stood in the crowds cheering the old guy back in 2016. He was inspiring at age 74 to bring about change. He was one of the people I most admired in politics for sticking to his citizen friendly ideas. That was then. The ideas remain. The messenger needs to go away.
Hey I know Joe is 77 years old. I know Joe misspeaks at times. But not as often as Bernie Bros and Trumpers and their out of context videos make it sound. I'm not in love with a Joe Biden nomination but like the black folks, I want what I can get and like them, I want Donald Trump gone forever, and in jail preferably. Joe Biden may be the only alternative to the old man who will fall electorally short after the Republicans and the Russians get through destroying him. I wish Sanders would put hos ego aside and acquiesce to someone younger, like the 70 year old Liz Warren.
The Democrats tend to go back the well too often trying to win. Biden is back to the well for sure, but the 78 year old heart patient is back to the well of 1972, or 1984 when crooked Republican Presidents got what they wanted, A weak goddamned opponent. Biden may not be a slam dunk, but Sanders is a turnover machine.
I am voting for whoever wins the nomination. But in presidential elections I am a mediocre 5 wins and 6 losses. I just want to win this time because the entire nation depends on it. If Joe Biden is that guy, the practical choice, then Joe it is.
All I can say is again, The Scumbag in Chief got IMPEACHED over Joe Biden. I cannot let that FACT go.
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