Monday, February 3, 2014

Phillip Seymour Hoffman!

And lost in the shuffle of that crappy game and the tabloid garbage of the Farrows Vs. Allen, came the loss of the great, no the best American actor out there, Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Son of a bitch!

Phillip was a guy who made no lousy movies, well once he moved past the horror of enduring the "acting" of Bill Paxton in Twister that is. I loved this guy. He could do anything.

But of all the things he did, nothing hit me harder than when he played Lester Bangs in Almost Famous. Hey man, he was talking to a 15 year old Max's Dad in that scene. And he was right.

I still remember that line spoken by Phil as Lester. Every 15 year old kid should hear this line in high school. In fact it should be posted above every entrance to every high school in America!

“You’ll meet them all again on the long journey to the middle.”

Goddamn right!

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