Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The Schlong Enthusiast Fry Cook!

 What a bizarre weekend. The former guy is in full insanity mode. While Kamala worked at McDonalds at age 20 or whatever, Trump decided age 78 was the correct time for him to try yet another thing he isn't qualified for. French fries. Trump and his "advisors" thought this would be a good idea to fake like he was working at a McDonalds, a closed McDonalds with only supporters allowed at interact with Donald the Clown. Ooooo that'll show her. This entire stunt was performed so that at the merciful end the Felon (who McDonalds wouldn't hire) could state, "I've now worked 15 more minutes than she has at McDonalds." This very strange obsession by this campaign that Kamala never worked at McDonalds because corporate has no record of her working there in 1984. Yeah, like corporate keeps a list of the millions of employees who have worked at a locally owned McDonalds in the last 40 years. It's a stupid argument that only appeals to the cult, who have probably worked fast food jobs in the past. I mean who hasnt? My time in 1973 at the local KFC is something that probably isn't on paper either but trust me, I knew my way around a steamer and a cutting board. And I also knew that employees don't stick their hands into a fryer to get the fries out. 

In Pennsylvania, Trump rattled off a ludicrous 12-minute spiel about Arnold Palmer because he was at the Arnold Palmer Airport. The screed went off the rails as Trump began an outlandish "story" about the size of Palmer's schlong. Apparently professional golfers back in the 60s and 70s all showered together which is peculiar in itself that he believes this, and these "golfers" all couldn't believe the size of Palmers driver shaft. He was "all man". This type of ridiculous talk may go over well at the boardroom as the yes men all laugh, and it may go over well with the bros and the middle-aged men who never grew up but come on now. Palmer had a huge dick is actually something Trump thinks about. Other people's genitals is a MAGA obsession. They are preoccupied with this sort of thing. What lies in these people's closets is frightening. Palmer's daughter came forward (how uncomfortable) to state her Dad didn't really like Trump and his crass demeanor though he was a die hard Republican. JFC Donnie Darko, please leave your infatuation with golfers tallywackers at home/

The "enemy within". Trump doubled down on his weird McCarthy like bullshit in which he states that Pelosi and Schiff are bigger "enemies" to the nation than his good friends and lovers, Putin and Kim. He said it, he named names and yet the Republican sycophants refuse to admit he means it. Ohhhhh come on now, Donnie is hyperbolic, he means migrants, he means gangs he doesn't mean Americans. Yeah, he does. He said it, he named names. All this shows is that the Joe McCarthy DNA still lives in Republicans. This is their modus operandi for the last 70 years. Commies! You Democrats are commies! Definition of commies? Anybody who disagrees with me. 

All in all, this "enemy within" shit is the most dangerous of all of Trumps uncouth rhetoric. He fucking means it, folks. If this tyrant wins, this "enemy within" hot air will become reality. Is there any doubt that right after Trump ends his federal indictments, he will invoke the 1798 Alien Act, which is what has been used to imprison draft evaders and an entire race of people being forced into camps. 1798 baby! Back when America was "great" Women couldn't vote, blacks were enslaved, Indians were massacred and white men dominated society. I always thought MAGA wanted back the 1950s. I had no idea they actually meant 1798. These people are sick. Trump is deranged.

How is this even close?

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