Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Debate And Other Stuff!

Its the night for the Vice-Presidential debate and why anybody cares is beyond me. Nobody is going to change their mind based on this so-called debate. CBS News has already abdicated responsibility for when J D Vance tells his tall tales by refusing to fact check him. Same with Tim Walz, thought the only lie he's been caught at is that Menards gives back 11% in rebates when he said 10%. So, with Nora O'Donnell, the person who lost control of the 2020 debate, and Margaret Brennan, who both sides everything with a certain Chuck Todd vibe, Vance and his bullshit are free to be said. If Walz wants to fact check Vance, I guess he could but that gets into a whole different aura and gives the horse race press something to talk about. I like Tim Walz a lot. He's a rural Nebraskan who had the sense to get out before the local towns got all up in arms over the town liberal teaching their kids about communism like empathy and fairness. He's basically my Dad, another rural born Nebraskan who came to the big city to thrive. Every time Walz speaks, I hear my father. Every time Vance speaks, I hear my Dad hollering at the TV that the guy is a liar and a phony. This debate shit will be just that, shit. 

Trump went to Georgia yesterday even though nobody wanted him there. Dragging along phony "Christian" Franklin Graham, and a crew that built him a little wall of bricks from destroyed buildings, Trump called for unity then immediately reverted back to form to blame Biden for not contacting Brian Kemp about disaster relief. Of course since it came out of Trumps mouth, it was a lie pointed out by Kemp himself, who said Biden called him first and offered whatever he needed. A contrast from Trump, when he was POTUS, who delayed aid to suffering states because he didn't like the party the Governors belonged to. He made Gavin Newsome beg on camera. He gave Roy Cooper (D-NC) less than 10% of the money needed. But Biden did things like a moral human being and gave little creeps like Ron DeSantis (who voted against Hurrican Sandy aid cuz it was Noooo York City). Trump also went on his social media dumpster fire Truth Social to accuse Harris and Biden of leaving people to drown. So much for "Unity".

Jimmy Carter turns 100 years old today. He is one tough son of a bitch for being at deaths door for two years and hanging on to vote for Kamala Harris. Carter was my first vote for President in 1976. He wasn't my favorite candidate but at least he wasn't Gerald Ford (who looks damn good nowadays). I remember my Dad thinking Carter's smile as 100% crap and the whole evangelical thing as disturbing. But he got by that, and we all voted for him. Then came hard times, inflation, gas prices, unemployment, recession, energy dependence and general malaise. Carter had the balls to tell Americans that hard times were here and let's ride it out together. Then came Ronald Reagan and his "optimism", He'd never tell you hard times were coming or even being here, it was all Carter's fault. Then came the Iran hostage crisis. Good lord, can one man be this unlucky? Ted Kennedy ran against Carter, I supported Kennedy, and didn't even vote for Carter in 1980. Oh, I didn't vote for Reagan either. 

Jimmy Carter left office. He wasn't bitter, He just reverted back to being Jimmy Carter. He spent the rest of his life making the world a better place, He built homes for the poor, he negotiated the end of wars, he monitored elections abroad, he stayed true to himself. 

Happy Birthday President Carter. You were done wrong by people like me. I hope he lives forever to remind us of the best of America since nowadays the worst of America seems to win.