Saturday, June 15, 2024

America, Land of The Gun!

 What kind of red blooded American alpha male conservative truck ownin goateed backwards baseball capped MAGA man wouldn't wanna shoot a machine gun? The Supreme Court, a fully owned and operated subsidiary of Nazi memorabilia collectin Harlan Crowe and the NRA, overturned an ATF Trump era decision (Christ they got one right) to ban bump stocks. A device that if applied properly to your big ass weapon, turns it into machine gun so you don't stress your fingers too much when you're killing dozens of innocent people cuz of freedom. 

SCOTUS, led by the always delightful luxury trip taking Clarence Thomas, voted 6-3 to take that ban on the bump stock away because of unelected bureaucrats or some such shit. Unelected bureaucrats have no power to ban WMD's, only the shit throwing monkeys of Congress can do that. Ya know unelected bureaucrats, like SCOTUS.

Thomas wrote the majority opinion and overthought it because he knows he's an ignorant buffoon, He threw in diagrams about triggers and firing mechanisms to pretend he knew what he was talking about when we all know some gun group did it for him. Why, it cant be a machine gun, he wrote, because it just isnt or something.

Sonia Sotomayor, a much more clear-thinking justice, dissented with the familiar duck analogy. If it quacks and walks like a duck it's a fucking duck. If it acts like a machine gun and kills dozens in 11 minutes, it's a fucking machine gun. 

The 1934 law outlawing these machine guns is clear. Congress said no private ownership of machine guns, mostly because gangsters were killing each other and cops with them. Yeah, Congress passed that law back then because they had common sense. Today's Congress would pass a law mandating them along with providing human targets like the homeless for its gun groups that own them. Sotomayor, with her duck argument, provided common sense dissension, but Thomas and the other 5 conservative knuckleheads got all technical and used semantics to overturn the ban in a way in which they can say hey it's not that we love bump stocks (which they do) but it's a bureaucratic snafu that forces us to do so (wink wink). This allows the gun fondlers to tell you how ignorant you are of why the ban was overturned as they rush to Clarence's Gun Shop to buy as many bump stocks as possible for the coming race war or whatever it is these freaks are paranoid about this week.

Yes, its back to open season on large gatherings. I suggest wearing Kevlar vests and helmets whenever you go anywhere there's actually people. The wingnuts and mentally ill misanthropes have been rewarded with yet another opportunity to go out with a bang.

Meanwhile at Newtown High School in Connecticut a graduation ceremony was held for the graduating class of 2024 minus 20 of their fellow classmates who were murdered by an assault weapon toting asswipe back in 2012. The dead 6- and 7-year-olds names were read, and moments of silence were observed for each. Somewhere Alex Jones was crying not for them but for his own bankrupt ass.

Congress did absolutely nothing after 20 6-year-olds were massacred and 6 teachers were slaughtered for protecting them. Nothing. Proving that this is not a serious country. If anything has been accomplished by the Congress of 2012 to now, it's that it made mass murder by gun even more likely.

2012's Sandy Hook child meat grinder may have been the start of a Congress, thru gerrymandering and the dumbing down of American voters, has become nothing but a body full of shit throwing monkeys whose solution to stopping mass murder is to arm everybody. It's like they admit Americans are just savages unable to stop hoarding guns for The Road or whatever these Fox News watching zombies think is coming.

If a gang of bought and paid for sycophants for the gun lobby won't respond to a massacre of 6-year-olds with anything other than false flag bullshit and oh well shrugs, nothing will ever happen. 

"Freedom" is deadly.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Random Thoughts!!

 Lots has been happening lately. Alito is a nutjob, Trump is a felon, Hunter Biden is a felon, Paul Ryan has been threatened by a filthy cop from Texas, the feces throwing House GOP is still a clown show, Trump thinks hes being beheaded, The Southern Baptists think IVF is evil, Clarence Thomas is a crook, and the Wall Street Journal is participating in a quid pro quo with the Convicted Felon.

Sam Alito and his crazy German spouse were taped in secret by a journalist who release the tapes in which Alito confessed to being a right-wing hack with no compromise in him, and his nutty wife wants to fly religious flags to get back at the gays and the rainbow flag cuz she is German and that's what Germans like her do. Crank up the camps. Is taping somebody without permission as they play the role of loudmouth at the end of the bar ethical? No but I'm over it. Release all the tapes.

Hunter Biden was convicted on a gun charge which is almost never brought in the federal system. But to the GOP and the screeching MAGA monkeys, besides finding a gun law they support, they also dismiss the verdict as a smoke screen just to make Joe look better. The insanity in this cult is out of control. Jesus, I cannot wait for the Kool Aid moment.

Paul Ryan, the former Speaker of the House, the guy who put thru tax cuts to the wealthy blowing an 8 trillion-dollar hole in the national debt, is suddenly out of favor with the screaming hyenas of MAGA. Troy Nehls (Dirty Cop-Tx) called Ryan a "piece of garbage" and said he was "spitting in the face of the leader of our party". Oh, if only. Now Nehls is just another former cop who was fired for various reasons including the destruction of evidence, much like Clay Higgins (Filthy Cop-La). Look Ryan is a Ayn Rand loving Social Darwinist who would starve everybody on Social Security if given the chance, but when he is the voice of reason for questioning the fitness of the 34 times convicted felon, this cult is truly an insane asylum.

The Southern Baptists, who seemed to be coming around to the 20th century lately, has suddenly regressed to the 19th century. They want to ban women from holding power over any church, and that IVF is of Satan. The common denominator is of course misogyny. The broads are getting a bit mouthy and need to be slapped back to 19th century adherence to the patriarchy. Pronto.

Now the Wall Street Journal. A month or so ago, Putin's puppet, claimed on the shitshow called Truth Social, that he would get Evan Gershkovich, a WSJ reporter, out of a Russian prison because Putin "would do that for me" but only if he's elected. A week later the WSJ published a hit piece on Joe Biden about how goddamned old he is. About how Democrats are melting down about this (no quotes of course) and Republicans being quoted about how Biden needs note cards (shocking!) and mumbles during meetings. Jesus H Christ WSJ....did you run this hit piece under the orders of a 34-time convicted felon as a quid pro quo to get your reporter out of the Gulag? It's not like Trumpski hasn't done this before. Chrissakes, he was impeached over it. 

Finally, here in Nebraska there are competing petitions about abortion. One would codify abortion rights in the State Constitution. The other would outlaw abortion totally and is funded by Senator Trust Fund, Pete Ricketts and the equally backwards Peed Family, a gang of right-wing zealots whose only decent move was putting up the $7 million needed to get rid of Scott Frost. The competing abortion petitions often show up at the same places. I have signed the one that codifies abortion into law. The other one which "gets rid of abortion entirely" (said to me by a petitioner) I refused to sign despite the lady following me into a baseball game where I eventually told her to fuck off. 

I have no idea how close both of these petitions are to getting on the 2024 ballot, but this state is so goofy they may actually approve both if they both made it. Living here is often a chore. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Lionel Richie And Earth Wind and Fire!

 During the 1980's I was listening to REM, U2, Metallica, The Clash and Earth Wind and Fire. Lionel Richie really didn't interest me at all. He was one of those hit the radio button guys to change the channel.

Maxs Mom and I bought $25 tickets in the nosebleed section on that Live Nation ticket day. Jesus, the upper section of the CHI Center in Omaha is like climbing straight up a ladder. Its surprising that after a few beers more people don't take a header and break bones (I once had a coworker who did just that and broke her shoulder, How many beers involved is a question). The upper section was packed and figuring the obesity epidemic it was tight quarters. When you're 6-2 you also have no leg room. But alas.

Earth Wind and Fire opened and quite frankly they still have it. I saw them a few years back opening for Chicago and they dominated that also. I left early during the Chicago set. Opening with Shining Star, singer Phillip Bailey can sing just as he did in the 70's and 80's. This guy is phenomenal as are the other two original members, Verdine White the bassist and Ralph Johnson the drummer/singer. I mean their hour long setlist was a joy to listen to, It was one of the few times I didn't want the opening act to stop. All the hits were there, and they sounded just as good as ever. Serpentine Fire, Got to Get You into my Life, After the Love has gone, Boogie Wonderland and September. With a constant giant screen constantly showing deceased original member Maurice White, these guys obviously miss him.

Then came Lionel Richie. Hello opened. Ok that's familiar. And then this old rocker turned into a sappy wuss as Lionel played his hits, bantered with the crowd telling stories and had the crowd sing along. Hey man, for $25 this was fantastic.

Dancing on the Ceiling, Say you Say Me, Brick House, Endless Love with the crowd singing the Diana Ross parts, and a solo version of We Are The World (watch that Netflix documentary if you want the back stories). Then of course the "encore" All Night Long which got the crowd blowing the roof off the place.

Lionel Richie seems like great guy. His stories were warm, his jokes landed, his crowd banter seemed sincere, his constant references to Omaha (no Hello Cleveland moments) and his voice was still strong. He also looked exactly like he did in 1987. I won't ask how that is accomplished. 

Look Lionel Richie is great. Earth Wind and Fire is greater. This was the best $25 concert I've ever been to.

Thursday, June 6, 2024


Thats my Dad on the right trudging through Germany sometime in 1945 with his buddy. He was in college when Pearl Harbor occurred and immediately attempted to join The Marines but was rejected for flat feet (Thanks Dad I inherited them) and then joined the Army in 1942. He was dispatched to England where the invasion of Europe was being planned. He wasn't in D Day itself but soon after moved over to France to fight Nazis for the next year. He was in an Austrian camp in 1945 read to be dispatched to Manchuria to fight the Japanese when the atomic bomb was dropped, ended WW2, and allowed him to come home. My Dad never really talked about the war, only telling us stories of swiping a general's jeep cuz he was tired of walking, taunting German POWs with the old cigarette on a string trick, being told by an Italian POW that "Hitler son of a bitch, Mussolini son of a bitch, Churchill son of a bitch, FDR son of a bitch, Stalin son of a bitch". The Italians are lovers not fighters, I guess. 

Dad told only funny stories not about what he saw. He slipped twice around me. Once when he became angry at a CNN's Pat Buchanan talking about Russian atrocities (remember when the GOP hated Russia?) and praising Americans for being guys who gave chocolate bars to children. He exclaimed to me "Oh bullshit there were plenty of American atrocities" then got up and left the room. He never mentioned it again making me wonder what he saw. The other time was when he refused to go see Saving Private Ryan with me dismissing it as "I already saw it in person no need for me to see it again". My Dad took me to many WW2 movies when I was a kid. The Longest Day, Patton, The Bridge at Remagen and the Big Red One. That last movie seemed to do him in on WW2 movies. It was bloody, it was rough, it was too realistic for him. Who knows why?

The Greatest Generation was silent when it came to talking about the war. Most refused to discuss it. It was just what they did. My Dad refused to join organizations like the American Legion or the VFW because "all they do is sit around talking about the war and it was the worst 4 years of my life so forget it". Nothing was known about PTSD (battle fatigue) back then. Perhaps that was good or perhaps that was tragic. I wonder what my Dad would say about that but I always respected his decision to not talk about it. 

Dad returned to Normandy in 1984 or so for the 40th anniversary. A coworker joked to me when Reagan was speaking and heard some guy holler at Reagan "where were you back in 1944?" if that was your Dad. Hell, it may have been.

Today is the 80th anniversary of D Day. There aren't many veterans who were there left. But all of them, the dead included, were bad ass Americans who deserve all the praise they receive. They were scared to death, yet still rushed those beaches in a suicide mission to stop fascists. My admiration for that generation is endless. Would boomers have done that? No fucking way. I am a boomer and realize what a selfish generation I belong to. We had Vietnam, an illegal and immoral war, and protested it into oblivion. But why? Because it affected us. The danger of being drafted. Let the inner city and rural kids go fight, not us white kids, we are special. Nowadays that same generation will not go away as they embrace selfishness and think they're still so special that only a fascist like Trump can save them from doing their part to make the world better. 

Anyway, I thank my old man and that entire generation of tough sons of bitches, men and women, who did the world a favor by crushing Nazism and Imperial Japanese aggression. 

Too bad they are all going away, and the world is stuck with us. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Republican Senate Spider Monkeys!

 The Republican cult of MAGA has decided to step in to express their ignorant disdain for a state trial in which their Dear Supreme Leader was found guilty by 12 ordinary citizens of 34 felonies. 

Sen Mikey Lee (whiny bitch-Ut) has gotten together with 9 other Republican toddler Senators to promise to bring the country to a halt by objecting and obstructing any Senate business, ya know, like they already do on orders from their Convicted cult leader. The 10 GOP senators vow to hold up any of Joe Biden's judicial nominations ya know like they do now. Basically, Mike Lee and his band of confederates are throwing raw meat to the wingnut base as they suddenly hate states rights. 

Lets go down the road and see which 10 Senators have signed on and why.

Mike Lee-- a truly evil creep who opposes Social Security and democracy behind closed doors then makes faces when called out on it.

J D Vance--eyeliner and all. Rumored to be on the Felon's short list for VEEP. Vance is more of an Adam Lambert looking phony weirdo who is Ivy League educated yet portrays himself as a real Ohio hillbilly, dazzling rural Ohio voters with a yee haw.

Eric Schmitt (Creep-Mo)--This lawsuit enthusiast spent his entire career as Missouri Attorney General suing everybody. He hates masks, hates health care for poor people, elections, hates the environment, sunshine laws and the gays. Schmitt also opposed letting innocent men out of prison even when the evidence they were not guilty came forward. Schmitt is an obstructionist, period.

Tommy Tuberville (Dope-Al)-- the dumbest man in government. Alabama elected this dipshit instead of Doug Jones, probably cuz that Jones guy convicted those poor white men who bombed a black church and killed little girls and that aint right. Tuberville is a complete meathead football coach and doesnt even know the 3 branches of government. No surprise here.

Marsha Blackburn (Bag O Hair-Tn)--the dumbest woman in government. This human troll doll does nothing but make videos for the base of rocky top lunkheads who vote for her. She is truly vile, and I bet for a Home Ec major from Mississippi, she probably can't even cook. Aqua net loves her though.

Rick Scott (Thief-FL)-- Rick Scott wants that Senate Majority Leader job bad. He's in a tough re-election fight and looks like a freaking snakehead. He makes James Carville look like Jon Hamm. Scott is also a  thief whose company was found liable for stealing millions in Medicare and Medicaid money while an insurance exec. But Floriduh voters elected him Governor and then Senator. There's no attempt to explain anything about Florida Man.

Roger Marshall (Who-Ks)-- this brain dead physician parrots the Kansas Kreep, Kris Kobach. He opposes health care for the poor, hates the environment, denies elections, opposes abortion even in cases of rape and incest, and thinks Covid is a hoax. Obstruction is his fucking middle name. 

Marco Rubio (Lil Guy-Fl)-- Lil Marco, much like Ted Cruz, has zero self-dignity. Derided by the Felon in 2016, Lil Marco came around to suck the Felons ass and is also rumored to be on The Defendants short list for Veep. So he must accept mandates from the hierarchy to toe the line and throw a tantrum about a conviction of a criminal. 

Josh Hawley (Pussy-Mo)-- This guy is nothing but a total and utter pretty boy fascist. Running away on Jan 6 after fist pumping a gang of white trash, Hawley is an election denier, a fake Missourian, and wrote a book about being a manly man, which he isn't. Hawley has aspirations of higher office. Oh, Joshie, please try that. Your closet isn't deep enough to sustain that kind of a campaign.

Ron Johnson (R-Moscow)-- this guy is so far up Putin's ass he probably can speak fluent Russian. This son of a bitch actually made an attempt to deny certification of the election but only for "a few seconds" before Mike Pence said fuck off. Johnson is a Senator who somehow won re-election probably because Wisconsin Democrats nominated a black guy and rural Badger State voters aint into that since 2008 went so badly.

Fuck all of these idiots. They are doing nothing anyway. They are as useless as a popped balloon. The "world's greatest deliberative body" has been destroyed because there is a definite path for these 10 and others to become just another body of legislative spider monkeys throwing their shit at the wall of the Capitol. They just wear more expensive suits than their peers in the House.

Just waiting for the other attention seeking mooks, like Ted Cruz, Pete Ricketts, Rand Paul and Katie Britt to sign on.