Friday, July 12, 2024

Joe Is BACK! The Media Is Not!

It's like that press conference last night in which Joe Biden rattled off foreign policy off the top of his head didn't even happen. The ghouls of the press said yeah not bad but when's he gonna drop out? Its a better story than Biden is fine and more in tune than that Florida Felon talking about sharks and batteries and calling his doctor Ronnie "Johnson". Bottom line, Trump is a better story and is better for ratings and profits. There is no journalism on the cable networks any longer, with a few exceptions. Back in the 60s and 70s, the news division was not designed to make money, it was a separate entity meant to do journalism. Then came Reagan, the fairness doctrine being dropped and thus the rise of right-wing radio in which total phonies pretend to believe what their whacko audience wants to hear. Rush Limbaugh was the catalyst, a failed broadcaster with not one core belief, who began the trend. After a while, with numerous failed marriages behind him, millions of dollars in payment to him, he started to buy what he spewed. Then came Fox News, that den of sexual harassment perpetrated by former middle school bullies who couldn't resist the sight of a pretty blonde stooge. And the rest is history until we hit 2024 when "journalists" just ignore reality to put the worst spin on everything for ratings and profits.

Ok enough about my disdain of the media. Last night's press conference went on for an hour. After the talking seals asked if he was too old over and over, the foreign press saved the day by asking Joe to rattle off things like the triangulation of North Korea, China and Russia while at the same time pointing out the past tension between South Korea and Japan. He spoke for an hour with policy wonk like precision. BUT, he misspoke and called Vice President Harris "Vice President Trump" which was all the domestic press heard. NBC's Peter Alexander couldn't stop himself from pointing that out as Biden walked off stage to which Biden said: "Listen to HIM". 

Look can we still talk about Grandpa? Of course we can. Joe is 81, he moves like he's 81, he stares into space at times like he's 81 and he gaffes a lot, kind of like he did when he was a 29-year-old Senator who suffered from a stutter. Is he up to the job? It's a legitimate discussion. We are having said discussion with some Democratic leaders and actors saying OMG he needs to be replaced. He's going to lose to a fascist because the fascist is a smooth-talking lie machine. These people think Americans are dumb AF. Not some but all of them. We know a significant portion of Americans are idiots, but it's not everybody. Can you imagine a clear-thinking American, with a general knowledge of politics, switching a vote from Biden to Trump because Biden is old. I refuse to believe that (of course I thought the same thing in 2016). 

Yes, have the discussion but in the end, we need to focus on the actual enemy and it's not us. It's the Project 2025 puppet convicted of 34 felonies and running for President only to save his own ass from prison. The enemy is the GOP. The party of Romney and McCain and even W and Dole is deader than Abe Lincoln. It's a cult, worshipping a man who owns the libs and that's all that matters. He pisses off those people I don't like. No policy argument will change these people's minds. They are incapable of understanding it anyway and exist only to further their own frightened view of their scary world of blacks and browns and women and gays. 

However, when faced with Nazism or fascism or worse, I am confident they choose democracy even if the standard bearer is old AF. I HAVE to believe that or what's the point? 

I choose to fight the enemy, not my own people. So, dump Biden, don't dump Biden, but FFS get it over with one way or the other. 

If we don't fight the real enemy, we have indeed met the enemy and he IS us. 

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