Friday, July 24, 2020
Cortez the Killer!
Every person should watch this entire speech.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez disembowels a Florida Congress creep named Ted Yoho (Coward-Fl) who like most right wing chickenshits, called her a "fucking bitch" behind her back for standing up for herself, her constituents and right and wrong.
Guys like Yoho are a dime a dozen. They act like pigs when among each other, yet have wives and daughters they seem to forget about. When confronted on their sexism and misogyny they fall back on the some of my best friends are women argument. I have a wife and daughters as if that makes them some sort of Phil Fucking Donahue. Yet they deep down have a hatred of any dame who speaks up and threatens the old boys network. Mansplaining bartending to AOC, or mansplaining economics to Liz Warren, or mainsplaining soccer to Megan Rapinoe or mansplaining acting to Meryl Streep. This is what they do. Because ya know men know all.
When a dipshit like Yoho takes on a beast like AOC, he best better learn something. Oh I know they never do because learning is not in a right wing teaching plan. Much as Steve Scalise (Asshole-La) learned absolutely nothing from being shot and damn near killed by a whacko Bernie Bro and having his life saved by a lesbian black woman, Yoho shall remain a moron. In fact like Scalise, who continues to vote down civil rights legislation protecting the LGBTQ community and has become an even bigger asshole since he was shot, Yoho may do the same. His misogyny will become more torrid now that AOC ripped his non existent heart out of his chest and showed it to him before she ate him alive. I know nothing about Ted Yoho's wife and daughters but I do know this. They are mere nuisances to him. They are not men and thus not all that bright like him. I hope they watched that speech by AOC. It showed a maturity and a class their stupid crude father could never muster.
Though Ted Yoho can never learn. Perhaps his female family members can.
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
John Lewis!
I know John Lewis (American-Ga) died last weekend so its already old news. But as The Thumb Breaker in Chief releases his goons on various Democratically led cities to beat Moms and veterans and anybody who gets in their way one must remember that John Lewis faced these types of bullies and thugs in uniforms 55 years ago. Lewis suffered no fools and was not silent about demanding his equal rights. Not asking politely like most white people seem to demand, Lewis didnt give a shit about waiting his turn. He demanded that the words of the Founding Fathers be applied NOW and not in due time. To John Lewis, due time was 188 years prior when they first wrote down all men are created equal.
I loved John Lewis. If I had picked one living person to meet it would have been John Lewis. Not some athlete or musician or even a President but this tiny Congressman who had his skull cracked on the Edmund Pettis Bridge and never let it stop him. Lewis fought and fought and never gave up. He walked through Tea Party rabble back in the good old days of Obama and was called the N bomb, he refused to attend inaugurations of George W Bush and of The Fascist in Chief stating neither was legitimately elected, he was arrested 40 times, and received the Medal of Freedom from an actual President not a Medal of Freedom from a fellow fascist as the disgraceful Rush Limbaugh received for being a bigot.
John Lewis is gone. But John Lewis' memory and deeds are never gone. Once they rename the Edmund Pettis Bridge after John Lewis, I want to walk over it with pride. Like John Lewis did.
Friday, July 17, 2020
Who the fuck are THOSE guys? The shithole country has gone full shithole in this Presidents desperate plan for re-election. The streets are full of anarchists building barriers and singing Do You Hear the People Sing while President Light Bulbs hides in his bunker and watches Fox. The unnamed patchless armed all miltia'd up gang of tough guys running around Portland beating up anybody dressed in black and grabbing some, shoving them into rented SUV's, putting a black hood over their head and taking them someplace to rot. Where all of them are is unknown. Are they under arrest? If so for what? The videos are frightening as the goons attack anybody they perceive as a possible graffiti artist. Its positively Stasi, Gestapo, Pinochet, Trump.
Acting HHS Secretary Chad Wolf, unconfirmed by the complicit Republican Senate, flew off to Portland to observe the "anarchy" going on in the burning city. Check out this idiots twitter picture as he sits there, shades on, big old headphones on looking as hes about to hop off the chopper and massacre of few Charlies with Colonel Kilgore. He also apparently hates graffiti as his ENTIRE list of anarchist events in Portland involved tagging some building. Wolf addressed his storm troopers as if he was George C Scott in Patton. All he needed was a giant flag, hugged by Trump of course. Wolf, whose job is to oversee FEMA, thinks his job is to please his Dear Leader by creating anarchy instead of stopping it, which of course doesnt exist. FEMA? Who needs that during a pandemic? Kick some hippie ass.
The fact that these goons from HHS are running around Portland kidnapping people in black, taking them to potential black ops sites, and then letting them go tells me this is a dress rehearsal for what comes later if the Fuehrer in Chief somehow cheats well enough to actually win in November. I mean it could happen. Voter suppression, Russian hackers going the extra mile to actually change vote totals, Republican Governors shutting down polling sites, hey its possible. And if it happens, its hunting season on potential "anarchists" which of course is defined as the truth tellers. The press, the Democrats, ex Republicans sick of the Thief in Chief and virtually anybody else that pisses off Kim Jong Trump.
Why the Governor of Oregon hasnt sent in the National Guard to give the bums rush to these HHS gangsters is hard to fathom. Why the mayor of Portland hasnt sent the Portland PD to break up this bullying is also hard to understand. Besides, a nice cop fight would be fun to watch. This lurch towards fascism is despicable.
I'm not crying wolf here. President Depends is not going quietly without throwing some poop around. The more this Un-American thuggery goes on, the more "normal" it becomes. Think of all the shit President Washer and Dryer has pulled in the last 3 1/2 years that would have destroyed any other President. Its uncountable. But armed hooligans being sent to various cities to crack heads, make unlawful arrests, and shit all over the Bill of Rights is a bridge too far.
Right? Right?
The silence of the American people and media is deafening.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Bastille Day!
How fitting its Bastille Day, the day that the French people stormed the Bastille and began a revolution that ended when King
The White House troll, Stephen Miller, must be apoplectic that a Federal Judge looked at the Miller plan to use a pandemic as an opportunity to deport all those foreigners and said yeah I'll schedule a hearing. So the plan was withdrawn. Now get back to your burrow and take care of your possums. Miller, using the US version of the Gestapo, ICE, was rubbing his little paws together in anticipation of Universities and colleges doing the right thing and going to all online classes in a pandemic. Ya know, to protect dopey college kids from killing themselves. Because the rules, Im sure to keep those sneaky furriners from living here and going to school at the University of Phoenix or Trump University, state that they must attend schools with in person classes or its deportation time. After Miller stopped cackling he came up with his little plan to get rid of all those non white fellas who would stuff him in his locker. But alas. Curses, foiled again. Stay alert though because Im sure the troll is plotting his next end around to make America White Again.
The continuing battle with science by this beanbag administration is getting downright dangerous. If they arent releasing opposition research like a true ratfucker against Americas friendly house call doctor, Anthony Fauci, they are pulling the rug out from under the CDC by attempting to control all facts concerning Covid 19. This putrid administration has decided to order hospitals to report virus related data like total patients and ICU beds available and how many ventilators are available, in case Jareds hyperbolic chamber fails, to the Department of Health and Human Services where they can control the narrative and not that pesky science nerd center the CDC. Secretary of HHS Alex Azar, Big Pharmas bitch, will be in charge of reporting the covid data. Why do I get the feeling things are suddenly going to get rosier with a Republican big donor like Azar in charge? On this Bastille Day, hospitals need to send the date to the HHS hacks, with a CC to the CDC.
Finally, before I just blow my brains out with a garden hose, the pardon, commutation whatever of professional dirty tricks artiste Roger Stone by President Quid Pro Quo tells us what we face for the next 4 months. The ratfucking is going to get out of control. Stone knows where the bodies are buried and by only getting a commutation and the Trump wipeout of all fines, he retains all rights to his story, including that damned 5th Amendment Trump suddenly loves. Stone has Trump by the mushroom hairs and Trump probably doesnt even know it since President Adderal really cant focus on anything for over 30 seconds. Down the line, when President Dumpy is out of office and under indictment, Stone can again save himself and shiv Trump like a prison snitch. Nice going President Memento. You just set yourself up for a beating by a Batman villain.
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
The Nightmare Continues!!!
If you're old like me you can think back to the 1968 Presidential campaign and if you can ever forget the horror of assassinations of MLK and Bobby you certainly remember the campaign of George Wallace. This opportunistic con man knew the secret to success in his region of the nation was race. Race as in racism. Wallace toured the country as the nominee of the American Party causing trouble wherever he went. He was as divisive a character as has ever existed in presidential politics. Wallace was so polarizing that when he came to the heartland, Omaha, there were brawls and fights all over the University campus and later at the Omaha Civic Auditorium. I hesitate to say "riots" because thats their word not ours. Wallace went to hotbeds of racism all over the nation sending white bigots into a frenzy and not only in the South. Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, places that have areas of rural whites scared of their own shadows and he succeeded in whipping up an atmosphere that in 1968 everyone with any sense of decency and empathy hoped they'd never see again. Boy were we wrong.
Thank gawd that Wallace never served any real purpose other than governing Alabama into the ground so in retrospect he was basically the same as whoever the current Governor of Alabama is.
Well since Friday night, when Donald Trump lumbered onto a stage in South Dakota at Mount Rushmore on sacred Indian land to the sounds of Garryowen its now apparent what it would have been like in George Wallace's America. The Racist in Chief struck a meat cleaver into any unity that may occur on the 4th of July in two speeches full of whiny self pity, insane defenses of statues, threats to jail his political opponents and enormous amounts of delusional paranoia. Since then, Trump has taken to twitter, his attention span appropriate source of his madness. He has asked for an apology from Bubba Wallace for not finding a noose, has given up on stopping a widespread pandemic and asked for his idiotic base to live with it, obsessed about ratings that didnt exist, sent a batshit crazy tweet about the name "Redskins" being a name celebrating strength (ok you fucking Kraut), resumed his idiotic promotion of Hydroxychloroquine , retweeted Tucker Carlsons nightly the blacks are coming to kill you and then...............Manifest Destiny.
If you remember history from your full of shit 1960s and 1970s nuns, Manifest Destiny was the pioneers striving forward to civilize America into a Christian nation of Ward and June Cleavers. It was their destiny to make America great. Again?
To quote the Syphilis Sufferer in Chief:
"Americans are the people who pursued our Manifest Destiny across the ocean, into the uncharted wilderness, over the tallest mountains, and then into the skies and even into the stars."
Ok great. Lets face it. Manifest Destiny was a rolling massacre by white folks on anything that got in the way. Genocide of Native Americans, enslaving a race, forced labor of Asians, the almost extinction of the Buffalo (trust me when I was a kid seeing a buffalo was like seeing an endangered species which it was). Manifest Destiny was an evil that rivals virtually anything. Chrissakes Hitler believed in Manifest Destiny.
But I do have one question for the Genocide Enthusiast in Chief.
Who the hell did we kill on the moon?
Saturday, July 4, 2020
Tote-Tally-Terrier-Ism On Mount Rushmore!
Some old orange racist went to Mount Rushmore last night and spoke to 7500 white maskless Midwesterners about statues and radical leftists and history books and all that unifying shit we call Independence Day. Despite the fact theres a fucking pandemic going on with higher spikes going on, white people flocked in with no masks breathing in gawd knows what just to see the Dear Leader sweat profusely, slur words and sleep walk his way through yet another Nuremberg tirade while onstage two boxes full of creepy sycophants with not a mask between then stood and applauded every racist, divisive lie that came out of the Statue Lover in Chiefs mouth.
I saw the speech later as I wasnt actually interested in being lied to and shit blowing up and the last few days or months of a bunch of covid seeking Death Cult 45 members lives.
I watched a diverse group of actors and singers and dancers perform Hamilton, ya know something I can learn from and be inspired by. If you have Disney Plus, watch it and of course then cancel the service cuz Disney is evil personified. The Hamilton Film is every bit as exciting as I thought it would be. Seeing it in person with at traveling cast is great enough, but to see the original cast in close up spitting a lot action was just too much. The brilliance of this musical cant be described and I am an old white guy. Trust me on this, if something other than hearing Lee Greenwood and watching crap explode on the 4th is your quest, you cannot go wrong watching all 2 hours and 40 minutes of this genius. If not, well good for you.
Trump's "speech", which I watched later on C Span mostly to make fun of it with Max was beyond horrifying. To take a campaign rally to a national park, invite only white Midwesterners, not a Blacks for Trump guy in sight, and defy common sense is criminal. But thats what criminals like the Traitor in Chief do. Deny reality, create your own bullshit agenda and take everybody down with you. Led by the Michelle Bachman knock off Governor of South Dakota, Kristi Noem (R Of Course-Dakota) a truly stupid woman, social distancing was not only discouraged it was goddamned impossible. Noem, a raven haired succubus, smugly announced earlier in the week that no social distancing would be enforced and damn near called anyone who chose to wear a mask a fucking pussy. She is truly not only mentally challenged but truly Eva Braun wicked.
Look, those idiots in the stands at Mount Rushmore are people I've put up with my entire life. Genetic Midwest Republicans who truly believe that white is right and to hell with the rest of mankind. To them, America is a suburb of white families playing badminton, grilling meat and complaining the Washington football teams nickname isnt racist enough. The fact that some of the dumber ones told Indigenous peoples protesters to "Go Home" isnt even ironic to them. These are the kind of people who root for the Army at Wounded Knee, root for the cops in Aurora,Colorado, root for Ax on Billions, think Dean Cain is the only true Superman, and once they stop whacking off, think Kayleigh McEnany is a truth teller. Its something you eventually get used to, even tolerate, but it aint easy at times. Last night was one of those times.
Assaults on statues, leftists teaching one to hate America in schools, hundreds of arrests of political opponents, creating a made up jail term via executive order. You-Lee-sees Grant, Tote-tally-terrier-ism, alt control delete in his brain saying Thomas Jefferson and playing Rockin in the Free World at the end of his screed of divisiveness.
I see a woman in the night
With a baby in her hand
Under an old street light
Near a garbage can
Now she puts the kid away,
and she's gone to get a hit
She hates her life,
and what she's done to it
There's one more kid
that will never go to school
Never get to fall in love,
never get to be cool.
Yeah right to all you Trumpers. Proof you just dont listen.
Enjoy your hospital stays. Maybe you can room with Kimberly Guilfoyle.