Friday, July 17, 2020


Who the fuck are THOSE guys? The shithole country has gone full shithole in this Presidents desperate plan for re-election. The streets are full of anarchists building barriers and singing Do You Hear the People Sing while President Light Bulbs hides in his bunker and watches Fox. The unnamed patchless armed all miltia'd up gang of tough guys running around Portland beating up anybody dressed in black and grabbing some, shoving them into rented SUV's, putting a black hood over their head and taking them someplace to rot. Where all of them are is unknown. Are they under arrest? If so for what? The videos are frightening as the goons attack anybody they perceive as a possible graffiti artist. Its positively Stasi, Gestapo, Pinochet, Trump.

Acting HHS Secretary Chad Wolf, unconfirmed by the complicit Republican Senate, flew off to Portland to observe the "anarchy" going on in the burning city. Check out this idiots twitter picture as he sits there, shades on, big old headphones on looking as hes about to hop off the chopper and massacre of few Charlies with Colonel Kilgore. He also apparently hates graffiti as his ENTIRE list of anarchist events in Portland involved tagging some building. Wolf addressed his storm troopers as if he was George C Scott in Patton. All he needed was a giant flag, hugged by Trump of course. Wolf, whose job is to oversee FEMA, thinks his job is to please his Dear Leader by creating anarchy instead of stopping it, which of course doesnt exist. FEMA? Who needs that during a pandemic? Kick some hippie ass.

The fact that these goons from HHS are running around Portland kidnapping people in black, taking them to potential black ops sites, and then letting them go tells me this is a dress rehearsal for what comes later if the Fuehrer in Chief somehow cheats well enough to actually win in November. I mean it could happen. Voter suppression, Russian hackers going the extra mile to actually change vote totals, Republican Governors shutting down polling sites, hey its possible. And if it happens, its hunting season on potential "anarchists" which of course is defined as the truth tellers. The press, the Democrats, ex Republicans sick of the Thief in Chief and virtually anybody else that pisses off Kim Jong Trump.

Why the Governor of Oregon hasnt sent in the National Guard to give the bums rush to these HHS gangsters is hard to fathom. Why the mayor of Portland hasnt sent the Portland PD to break up this bullying is also hard to understand. Besides, a nice cop fight would be fun to watch. This lurch towards fascism is despicable.

I'm not crying wolf here. President Depends is not going quietly without throwing some poop around. The more this Un-American thuggery goes on, the more "normal" it becomes. Think of all the shit President Washer and Dryer has pulled in the last 3 1/2 years that would have destroyed any other President. Its uncountable. But armed hooligans being sent to various cities to crack heads, make unlawful arrests, and shit all over the Bill of Rights is a bridge too far.

Right? Right?

The silence of the American people and media is deafening.

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