Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The Nightmare Continues!!!

If you're old like me you can think back to the 1968 Presidential campaign and if you can ever forget the horror of assassinations of MLK and Bobby you certainly remember the campaign of George Wallace. This opportunistic con man knew the secret to success in his region of the nation was race. Race as in racism. Wallace toured the country as the nominee of the American Party causing trouble wherever he went. He was as divisive a character as has ever existed in presidential politics. Wallace was so polarizing that when he came to the heartland, Omaha, there were brawls and fights all over the University campus and later at the Omaha Civic Auditorium. I hesitate to say "riots" because thats their word not ours. Wallace went to hotbeds of racism all over the nation sending white bigots into a frenzy and not only in the South. Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, places that have areas of rural whites scared of their own shadows and he succeeded in whipping up an atmosphere that in 1968 everyone with any sense of decency and empathy hoped they'd never see again. Boy were we wrong.

Thank gawd that Wallace never served any real purpose other than governing Alabama into the ground so in retrospect he was basically the same as whoever the current Governor of Alabama is.

Well since Friday night, when Donald Trump lumbered onto a stage in South Dakota at Mount Rushmore on sacred Indian land to the sounds of Garryowen its now apparent what it would have been like in George Wallace's America. The Racist in Chief struck a meat cleaver into any unity that may occur on the 4th of July in two speeches full of whiny self pity, insane defenses of statues, threats to jail his political opponents and enormous amounts of delusional paranoia. Since then, Trump has taken to twitter, his attention span appropriate source of his madness. He has asked for an apology from Bubba Wallace for not finding a noose, has given up on stopping a widespread pandemic and asked for his idiotic base to live with it, obsessed about ratings that didnt exist, sent a batshit crazy tweet about the name "Redskins" being a name celebrating strength (ok you fucking Kraut), resumed his idiotic promotion of Hydroxychloroquine , retweeted Tucker Carlsons nightly the blacks are coming to kill you and then...............Manifest Destiny.

If you remember history from your full of shit 1960s and 1970s nuns, Manifest Destiny was the pioneers striving forward to civilize America into a Christian nation of Ward and June Cleavers. It was their destiny to make America great. Again?

To quote the Syphilis Sufferer in Chief:

"Americans are the people who pursued our Manifest Destiny across the ocean, into the uncharted wilderness, over the tallest mountains, and then into the skies and even into the stars."

Ok great. Lets face it. Manifest Destiny was a rolling massacre by white folks on anything that got in the way. Genocide of Native Americans, enslaving a race, forced labor of Asians, the almost extinction of the Buffalo (trust me when I was a kid seeing a buffalo was like seeing an endangered species which it was). Manifest Destiny was an evil that rivals virtually anything. Chrissakes Hitler believed in Manifest Destiny.

But I do have one question for the Genocide Enthusiast in Chief.

Who the hell did we kill on the moon?

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