Saturday, July 4, 2020

Tote-Tally-Terrier-Ism On Mount Rushmore!

Some old orange racist went to Mount Rushmore last night and spoke to 7500 white maskless Midwesterners about statues and radical leftists and history books and all that unifying shit we call Independence Day. Despite the fact theres a fucking pandemic going on with higher spikes going on, white people flocked in with no masks breathing in gawd knows what just to see the Dear Leader sweat profusely, slur words and sleep walk his way through yet another Nuremberg tirade while onstage two boxes full of creepy sycophants with not a mask between then stood and applauded every racist, divisive lie that came out of the Statue Lover in Chiefs mouth.

I saw the speech later as I wasnt actually interested in being lied to and shit blowing up and the last few days or months of a bunch of covid seeking Death Cult 45 members lives.

I watched a diverse group of actors and singers and dancers perform Hamilton, ya know something I can learn from and be inspired by. If you have Disney Plus, watch it and of course then cancel the service cuz Disney is evil personified. The Hamilton Film is every bit as exciting as I thought it would be. Seeing it in person with at traveling cast is great enough, but to see the original cast in close up spitting a lot action was just too much. The brilliance of this musical cant be described and I am an old white guy. Trust me on this, if something other than hearing Lee Greenwood and watching crap explode on the 4th is your quest, you cannot go wrong watching all 2 hours and 40 minutes of this genius. If not, well good for you.

Trump's "speech", which I watched later on C Span mostly to make fun of it with Max was beyond horrifying. To take a campaign rally to a national park, invite only white Midwesterners, not a Blacks for Trump guy in sight, and defy common sense is criminal. But thats what criminals like the Traitor in Chief do. Deny reality, create your own bullshit agenda and take everybody down with you. Led by the Michelle Bachman knock off Governor of South Dakota, Kristi Noem (R Of Course-Dakota) a truly stupid woman, social distancing was not only discouraged it was goddamned impossible. Noem, a raven haired succubus, smugly announced earlier in the week that no social distancing would be enforced and damn near called anyone who chose to wear a mask a fucking pussy. She is truly not only mentally challenged but truly Eva Braun wicked.

Look, those idiots in the stands at Mount Rushmore are people I've put up with my entire life. Genetic Midwest Republicans who truly believe that white is right and to hell with the rest of mankind. To them, America is a suburb of white families playing badminton, grilling meat and complaining the Washington football teams nickname isnt racist enough. The fact that some of the dumber ones told Indigenous peoples protesters to "Go Home" isnt even ironic to them. These are the kind of people who root for the Army at Wounded Knee, root for the cops in Aurora,Colorado, root for Ax on Billions, think Dean Cain is the only true Superman, and once they stop whacking off, think Kayleigh McEnany is a truth teller. Its something you eventually get used to, even tolerate, but it aint easy at times. Last night was one of those times.

Assaults on statues, leftists teaching one to hate America in schools, hundreds of arrests of political opponents, creating a made up jail term via executive order. You-Lee-sees Grant, Tote-tally-terrier-ism, alt control delete in his brain saying Thomas Jefferson and playing Rockin in the Free World at the end of his screed of divisiveness.

I see a woman in the night
With a baby in her hand
Under an old street light
Near a garbage can
Now she puts the kid away,
and she's gone to get a hit
She hates her life,
and what she's done to it
There's one more kid
that will never go to school
Never get to fall in love,
never get to be cool.

Yeah right to all you Trumpers. Proof you just dont listen.

Enjoy your hospital stays. Maybe you can room with Kimberly Guilfoyle.

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