Friday, July 24, 2020

Cortez the Killer!

Every person should watch this entire speech.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez disembowels a Florida Congress creep named Ted Yoho (Coward-Fl) who like most right wing chickenshits, called her a "fucking bitch" behind her back for standing up for herself, her constituents and right and wrong.

Guys like Yoho are a dime a dozen. They act like pigs when among each other, yet have wives and daughters they seem to forget about. When confronted on their sexism and misogyny they fall back on the some of my best friends are women argument. I have a wife and daughters as if that makes them some sort of Phil Fucking Donahue. Yet they deep down have a hatred of any dame who speaks up and threatens the old boys network. Mansplaining bartending to AOC, or mansplaining economics to Liz Warren, or mainsplaining soccer to Megan Rapinoe or mansplaining acting to Meryl Streep. This is what they do. Because ya know men know all.

When a dipshit like Yoho takes on a beast like AOC, he best better learn something. Oh I know they never do because learning is not in a right wing teaching plan. Much as Steve Scalise (Asshole-La) learned absolutely nothing from being shot and damn near killed by a whacko Bernie Bro and having his life saved by a lesbian black woman, Yoho shall remain a moron. In fact like Scalise, who continues to vote down civil rights legislation protecting the LGBTQ community and has become an even bigger asshole since he was shot, Yoho may do the same. His misogyny will become more torrid now that AOC ripped his non existent heart out of his chest and showed it to him before she ate him alive. I know nothing about Ted Yoho's wife and daughters but I do know this. They are mere nuisances to him. They are not men and thus not all that bright like him. I hope they watched that speech by AOC. It showed a maturity and a class their stupid crude father could never muster.

Though Ted Yoho can never learn. Perhaps his female family members can.

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