Sunday, May 31, 2020
Omaha Riot 2020 Night 2!
As unnecessary as the Friday night Police beatdown of protesters was, Saturday night proved to be even more unnecessary. Give cops and certain protesters 24 hours to prepare, and the toxicity is already stinking the city up by mid afternoon. Protesters gathered, pissed off because of the video murder of George Floyd ,the lynching of Ahmaud Arbory and a lifetime of disrespect and outright hostility by Police Departments towards the people of color in whatever city for decades, hell centuries. The cops showed up with literal armored vehicles, riot squads were there by 5pm, the busiest intersection of a city of half a million people was shut down, barricades were put on medians to prevent protesters from crossing the street in effect corralling them on whatever corner they stood on. MAGA morons showed up in trucks with Blue Lives Matter flags hanging off the back. The whole atmosphere was much more dangerous than the night before.
The police, and I believe the problem here is not so much Omaha Police but Douglas County Sheriff's deputies, began to take incoming from some asshole with a carton of eggs, and a few water bottles flew out of the crowd. Ok, allow the good folks there for a reason, George Floyd, to police themselves and put a stop to boneheads there to cause trouble. They did that, shouting down people with too much time on their hands breaking shit and throwing stuff. By 430 PM Nebraska State Patrol already were gearing up for fun. By 540 cops began arresting people. This damn demonstration was NEVER going to be allowed to happen. The common sense solution is to let it happen, get it off their chests and in some instances join arms and march together like in Camden, NJ, Santa Cruz,Ca , and Flint, Mi . But this is really not a common sense town. Like most other cities cops exist not to Protect and Serve, but to crack down on anything that stops the daily grind of Midwest values, in other words, keep the white people comfortable.
The City Prosecutor declared the First Amendment "unlawful" around 7pm and the tear gas, the pepper balls, the lock step marching of Sheriffs riot squad and the State Patrol pretend riot squad began moving the people in the street into a corral. It is just so unnecessary for cops to provoke people with a show of military might. The crowd drove off the MAGA idiots real fast who drove off in fear.
This was basically over.
What they didnt realize was that downtown, a whole different band of protesters were gathering around Omaha Police Headquarters.
Tear gas, pepper balls, beat downs, it all just moved downtown. This demonstration was much different. This demonstration contained many more people who probably couldn't spell George Floyd much less say his name. And the riot continues but much like the night before by 10 pm the people genuinely concerned had gone home, and all that was left were the vandals trying to smash windows (one particular weakling trying to smash a window and failing each time was particularly pathetic) and invite trouble.
And then it happened. A person was shot to death. Not by cops. But by somebody else. The vandals attacked the EMT's and were stopped by other people there for a legitimate reason. George Floyd again has been forgotten and now somebody else was fucking dead.
I do blame the cops for all of this. The killing of these unarmed black men and women with no consequences lit this fucking fire. The cops internal desire to show everyone their awesome power and act upon it with no consequences throw gas on the fire. A Leader in DC with a base of out and out racists doing nothing except threatening to invade American cities and encouraging the killing of his fellow citizens is to blame also. The consequences of this mans reign of terror MUST happen on November 3rd. The whole atmosphere of the Police being not there to Protect and Serve but to be an occupying force in certain neighborhoods makes all of this happen.
Yet also, vandals and lawbreakers in demonstrations need to be dealt with internally. Dont throw bottles of fucking urine, or eggs, or anything at cops. Like the MAGA dopes, you're asking for trouble. Because of a few lamebrains, it allows cops to go wild. Now I cant guarantee they wouldnt just start acting all fascist anyway, but goddamit, dont provide an excuse.
A person died last night in Omaha. It wasn't by Police, it was by us.
That doesnt honor the legitimate victims of police murder. Its inexcusable.
The person who was killed was a protester killed by a white Trumper business owner screaming racial slurs while carrying a gun. Just gets better and better huh?
Saturday, May 30, 2020
The 2020 Omaha "Riot"!!!
This is how we "riot" here in the heartland of America.
It started as a peaceful protest around 6pm at the "Times Square" of Omaha with all four corners of the intersection (trust me its a pain in the ass intersection) occupied by sign carrying concerned people of all genders and races. They chanted, they marched up sidewalks, the held signs expressing outrage at yet another killing of a minority by armed jackboots afraid of their own shadow. It went on for an hour and a half or so. No problems. Murder victim George Floyd was the focus.
Then came two events. The Douglas County Sheriffs Department showed up in full riot gear itchin for a fight. Event number two. The professionally outraged white Bernie Bros, still upset their Magic Wizard lost again, sat down in the street and blocked traffic. You can argue whether they should have been allowed to sit there, yell FUCK a lot, and stay being a pain in the ass as is their nature. Thats my opinion. Let em yell and scream and get it out that yeah we know you're all pissed off you arent getting free college for awhile. But nope. The guys not good enough to become real Omaha Police Officers, The Douglas County Sheriffs Department, formed a line and began advancing on the sit in (so 60s I know).
Then this happened . Tear gas, pepper spray, pellets, pushing and shoving, schoolyard bullies starting shit with people whose political arguments start with fuck you and end with fuck you. Beating people and shoving people and showing how goddamned tough you are means the George Floyd part of this protest is over.
The rest of the evening was more tear gas, more shoving , and the only thing left by 9pm was bored white teens out of Mom and Dads house, perennial pissed off Bernie Bros blacksplaining to black folk what this was all about, and white vandals with records of minor offenses driving around throwing rocks thru the windows of whatever business was convenient. Pale white punks, jumping into panicky local news reports to yell FUCK live on local TV before they go throw more rocks at Burger King windows. Then the inevitable "apology" from the on the scene local reporter for the salty language. Instead I'd prefer one of them throw it back in their face NO FUCK YOU YOU WORTHLESS WHITE TRASH!!!"....
Cops formed a line in front of Target to protect the corporation. Cops formed a line in front of an ATM to protect the banks money. Yes I said a line in front of a fucking ATM that had been desecrated with obscene graffiti. Cops continued to fire tear gas bombs just for the hell of it. They continued to dare people to get in their way.
This how we "riot" here in Omaha. We gather, we chant, we hold signs and then the shit shows up and baits bully cops into overeacting. It never fails. Many riot cops, or at least the Douglas County Sheriffs Department riot squad, are nothing but adrenaline junkies who if they arent beating the shit out of a disrespectful kid, are just not happy people. I can totally see the Karens they have for their 2nd wives. What they did last night here in Omaha caused everything that happened.
There are four sets of views on this. You have your white privileged nitwit racists who believe in authoritarian government that crushes any threat to their way of life. You have your protesters who beat down by an institutional racism , truly are frightened they and their families are at risk of becoming the next George Floyd or the endless list of dead black and minority people killed by police. You have us responsible white liberals. Clueless to the plight of black and minority people yet willing to listen and learn. Then you have your arrogant white liberals, the ones who explain racism to black and minority people and how they should feel. They are the ones who sit in the streets and bait cops to beat them up as a sort of weird yeah bro I know whats its like to be oppressed by The Man. I have no use for the pretentiousness of those types. If that makes me a traitor to the cause so be it.
Look, nobody deserves to be beaten down by Trump loving cops bent on cracking heads and giving themselves boners. Its wrong and should never have happened. But I dont need lectures from 23 year old cocky white twerps. Ive been around a long time and deplore violence of all kinds. I understand violence is the only thing that brings about change. But if you ASK to be thumped on the head to feed your own ego and add it to your arrogance, please just stay home and watch the stump Bernie speech. Its safer for all of us.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Larry Kramer!
Larry Kramer woke up every morning pissed off, he went through each day getting more pissed off and probably went to sleep in a fuckin rage. Kramer died at age 84 of pneumonia today. Yet another LOUD voice who wouldn't shut up. Ya know,the kind of people we need more of, not less.
Larry Kramer was rude, crude, nasty, mean, loud, profane, whatever it took to make this nation realize that in the 1980s a different virus was killing off gay men at an alarming rate, much to the indifference of American government. The government was seemingly content that if it wasn't them then who cares. Some in American government seemed almost giddy that the virus was killing off the gay men they so longed to be. Larry Kramer called these people "murderers" accused them of genocide and raised holy hell to make people pay attention. And pay attention they eventually did.
Kramer formed ACT UP, a gang of AIDS activists who took no shit and didnt give a fuck what polite society thought of them. They demonstrated in the streets, using tactics that offended not only many straights but also offended many gay activists. IN 1989 ACT UP invaded St Patricks Cathedral to protest the Catholic Church's outright pro-Aids stances. They disrupted the Mass, being said by sexual abuse cover up artist Cardinal John O'Connor. They lay down in the aisles, yelled, and ripped up communion hosts which outraged people for some reason. I hate to be blasphemous here, nah I really dont, but its a snack for gods sake. Yet from the President on down America got its panties in a wad. But ya know what, they sure as fuck knew what AIDS was and how many people it was killing.
Kramer was not only a loudmouth who got stuff done, he was a brilliant writer and playwright. The Normal Heart was a Tony Award winning play and an HBO film that I believe you can still see and I order you to watch it.
Larry Kramer wasnt the kind of guy you'd like to have a beer with, or much of anything else for that matter. But he was relentless. Relentless is what we need now.
I will miss his anger. My kind of guy.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Black Lives Matter!
Goddammit, George Floyd's life mattered. When a Minneapolis cop decided that "forgery in progress" warranted a death sentence by choking the 40 year old black man to death it epitomized what "Black Lives Matter" mean. If you watch the tape of George Floyd being murdered, oh sorry thats Eric Garner, another guy I saw get murdered on tape, no watch the tape of George Floyd being murdered, oh wait, thats Philando Castile, no the tape of George Floyd being executed by Minneapolis cops oh shit thats Laquan McDonald......well you get it.......or you dont......if you dont, you're an idiot, a racist,or in full possession and use of your white privilege.
George Floyd is why "Black Lives Matter" matters. Nobody is saying ONLY Black lives Matter as some outraged white folks seem to think. White folks, like me, are in no way able to relate to living in fear of the police. No white person ever sat their kids down and warned them to be polite to the police, do what they say, and keep their hands in full view. Even that doesnt matter at times. Tamir Rice for instance. Playing in a park like a lot of 12 years olds do. Shot within two seconds by Cleveland cops. For the crime of having a toy gun. A staple of this old white guys childhood.
This Police thuggery has been going on for years and years before the murder of George Floyd. Oh sorry again, thats Walter Scott. But this latest cop killing of George Floyd oh sorry again, thats Terence Crutcher.
Black Lives Matter because they just fucking do. You got a problem with that? Then stay in your bubble and vote for the Racist in Chief. Theres nothing that can be done to save your lost white soul. If the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police Oh I again beg your forgiveness, thats Stephon Clark, murdered in his own backyard by Sacramento cops.
Look at the tape of a jackboot choking the life out of a 40 year old man named George Floyd oh sorry, thats Charles Kinsey. The tape of the murder of George Floyd is damning, oh yeah finally got it right, and it is really damning of at least two cops totally oblivious to black lives. One who actually kills Mr Floyd and one who stands there guarding the murder scene from possible interference from innocent bystanders who dare not interfere or there'd be more dead black Minnesotans.
Many police officers are totally oblivious to black lives.
That is why Black Lives Matter is a thing.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Hello 2020 Class, I'm Ben Sasse!
I have warned you about this middle school smart ass for 6 years. Ben Sasse, author of the bestseller (lol) The Vanishing Adult, and Senator from Nebraska, cant help it. In his ongoing quest for attention and desire for a certain hip factor, the Nebraskan who fled Fremont at age 18 only to return 25 years later to establish legal residency so he could bamboozle the rubes into sending him back to DC where he lived anyway, the hilarious Ben Sasse (Runza Salesman-Ne) gave the commencement address to the class of 2020 at his alma mater, Fremont High School. And it was typical Sasse.
Either coming off a bender or auditioning for opening act on Open Mic night at the Giggling Goofball comedy club, Sasse began his address
"Congratulations, parents, teachers and coaches, not that there's really any meaningful distinction among those categories anymore at this point. If you're a parent, you're a teacher. Thanks a lot China. We're all teachers now." teachers arent that great. You've been exposed as nobodies with work that anybody off the street could do. And China did it. I think he actually meant the Thank you to China.
Ben Chuckles Sasse continued
"Let's be honest, at the start of this, most parents thought we would be visionary math teachers, changing the world. But after about two weeks, we all decided to just default into gym teachers. I'm kidding -- my dad was a gym teacher. I'm serious."
Man my gut is busting here.......he basically stole the old Woody Allen joke about teachers who cant teach teach gym and he slammed his old man at the same time
He went on to tell the Class of 2020 that they were fat and lazy because they cant climb the rope in gym class like his generation could and how much more fit HIS contemporaries were than the current 18 year olds. Ben, please produce the tape of you climbing that rope. I know in my 1960s gym class that I made it up about 5 feet tops. And back then I wasnt all that fat and lazy. Prove it Ben.
Ben "Dr Phil" Sasse carried on
"There are a whole bunch of people who make a whole bunch of money by just trying to help other people forget high school. They're called psychologists. In fact, 95% of all gainfully employed psychologists -- and I'm serious, there are dozens of them that are gainfully employed -- their job is really just to help people forget high school."There will always be money to be made in psychology. No, that's a joke. Do not. If you're headed to college, do not, do not major in psychology. That part's not a joke."
Mental health? Bahhhhhhhhhhhh..........just get over it. This, I believe, was a direct appeal to his non mask wearing knuckle dragging male base. Talking about feelings? What kind of pansy ass does that? And its all a con game anyway. Getting beaten by your gym teacher Dad is just part of life.
Big Benny wasnt done
"You're gonna say stuff at your high school reunion service ceremonies, 'Remember that time that China started a big global pandemic that created the worst public health crisis in over a century and brought the economy to its knees and we had to stay at home and everybody was hoarding toilet paper and we all watched this documentary about some weirdo dude who raised tigers?'"Everybody named Jeremy is the worst."
Im tellin ya this funny guy has a future virtually no place but the United States Senate where he may get Chuck Grassley to cock his head in wonder or make Mike Lee piss his magic underwear. But really, his main reason in giving this landfill of a speech was to blame China in deference to his Dear Leader. China didnt "start" anything. The virus started there and came here much like viruses do. And whats with that weird Jeremy slam? I wish Jeremy Renner would fly to DC and kick your scrawny rope climbing ass.
But Slapstick Sasse wasnt done inspiring the 2020 Fremont High grads
"We will bring the economy back. We are going to beat the virus. We're going to have to have a serious reckoning with the thugs in China who let this mess spiral out of control by lying about it."
The thugs in China? A Republican playbook staple. Racism and the blame game. The Dear Leader Sasse secretly worships, the Human Delay Tactic in Chief, the guy who has presided over 90,000 plus American deaths and cared more about the Dow Jones than Steve and Sarah Jones, everyday Americans, is not to be blamed. China China China. A "serious reckoning"? Well short of war, we really have no "serious reckoning" we can impose on a foreign nation. The "serious reckoning" belongs here and Donald Trump is the one who chose to play golf, hold rallies and deny reality for two fucking months.
Sasse needs to pull his head out of Trumps ass and examine himself. Ben Sasse is indeed a clown, and a creepy one not a funny one.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Mean People Suck!
The old George Carlin bit about the planet will be fine its people who are fucked I resisted for years. Cynics like me are much like him, scratch our surface and what lies beneath is a disappointed idealist. But his bit about the planet was particularly sharp. Who wants to believe it? Well, since this virus has brought out so many heroes and truly caring people, its the loudmouths who get the attention. Its these assholes that get under your skin. Its these selfish pricks who make you wish for a human extinction.
Michigan Militia members are beginning to make me think Michigan has a lot of necks. Ive been to Michigan a few times and thought the place was a nice pretty place. Well, Ive been to Lansing, Ann Arbor and Detroit. Not the "real" Michigan. Oh yeah "real Michiganders" burned school buses back in the 1970s when they were appalled by the possibility of their little gun nuts having go to school with not "real Michiganders". Their little gun nut children have grown up to be chips off the old block and possibly worse. These gun toting kooks are openly threatening the life of Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and any other Michigan lawmaker who attempts to ban guns from the statehouse. Lynchings, firing squads, beheadings, assassinations ya know all them thangs gun totin white people like to do when they sense danger to their privilege. Theres another nervous breakdown happening on Thursday in Lansing and promises to be even more crazy than last time. Lets hope by then things have calmed down and these white idiots too stupid to keep death threats under their hoods are already in jail.
The Lakota Nation of South Dakota has posted checkpoints on state highways to keep the virus spreaders off the reservation. We all know the history of palefaces giving the Native Americans smallpox infested blankets, spreading all sorts of disease and sometimes just murdering them cuz why not? South Dakota Governor
Polar Cave Ice Cream Parlour in Mashpee Mass decide to open for Mothers Day weekend with all the social distancing rules and a rule that in order to get served place your goddamned order an hour in advance. well in this time of fuck you all that counts is me of course this turned into a giant Polar Ice Cap meltdown. People showed up with no advance orders, screamed at employees for actually having to wait because of constitutional rights and shit, and caused the place to shut down. They also caused a 17 year old girl, who had worked there for 3 years to save money for college to say thats it, I hate humanity and quit. The owner felt so bad he started a Go Fund Me for her upcoming college $100K debt that Mitch McConnell gets stiffies over.
Speaking of Go Fund Me. Seems that Shelley Luther, the "destitute" Hero Hairdresser of Dallas who opened her salon and subsequently got thrown in jail by a black judge fed up with entitled white blonde ladies who think rules dont apply to them had a nice little scam going prior to whining about feeding her kids. A Go Fund Campaign grifting dumb conservatives out of $500,000 for her "legal expenses" and some really great vacations and cars I assume. Oh yeah and she got one of those PPP loans so she can keep as long as she forks it over to her employees. So Shelley Luther is rolling in cash, But not all is well since she had to cut some Canadian Cuban named Rafael Cruz's hair and somehow made it worse. Seems that right wing constitutional rights enthusiasts should stop falling for every blonde con artist who comes along. Maybe they could afford another gun.
Humanity is fucked due to an Orange Goo Face who cant stop tripping over his cotton candy weave. It seems in our last days we could at least be nice to each other. Be nice, except to psychos who refuse to wear masks as some sort of Hey Im Stupid And Proud statement. Those idiots we at least know will be extinct just a few days before we are so thats something right?
Carlin was right. People are fucked.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Little Richard!
Little Richard started out 100 yards ahead of everyone else and he never gave that lead up in his 87 years on Earth. Richard Wayne Pettiman died today of terminal awesomeness and that is all I need to know. Little Richard could take any song, any song, and make it his own whether it be this one, Rubber Duckie or that one, Itsy Bitsy Spider. Little Richard was so far ahead, and so ignored and ripped off, it led to an often bitter life. Gay, not gay. omnisexual, gay, not gay again. Its a shame that Little Richard couldn't have come around at a time where he could have just been himself. He'd have been the GREATEST. He was the Greatest, but nobody knew it. Never a damn time that I saw Little Richard on TV or heard him on the radio did I not for one of the few times in my miserable life not be glad to be alive. He made me happy.
Years ago, some sort of Oldies Show came to the cement building officially known as the Omaha Civic Auditorium. I was in my concert infancy in the early 70s. The lineup I barely remember, I do remember Bill Haley and the Comets, The Shirelles and one other guy.
Little Richard, who I was not all that familiar with, I mean I thought Long Tall Sally was a Beatles song for gawds sake, came onto the stage in a floor length fur coat, a pile of hair that made him look like a French Revolution aristocrat, and a smile as big as the moon. The applause was so much more intense than it had been for the other acts. Little Richard let his handler take his coat, he cracked it was just something he found at Sears, and he sat at a piano and began tickling the keys unlike anyone I'd ever seen. The place went crazy. It was thrilling to hear this man wooooooooooo and scream the lyrics to suggestive songs with a rhyme kids like tone. I have never forgotten it. I never saw him again but I didnt need to. Little Richard was like a chip in my brain.
He was the best. I hope he found peace.
Friday, May 8, 2020
Ahmaud Arbery!
25 years old and Ahmaud Arbery was jogging down a Brunswick ,Georgia street in broad daylight when he saw he was being chased by white men in vehicles, so he kept running. The ghosts of Trayvon Martin and Tamir Rice and countless other black men lynched in Georgia told him your life is on the line. Run. Unfortunately for him, the white men had guns and were itching to use them. The younger white man pointed a shotgun at Ahmaud and those same ghosts said fight or you're dead. He grabbed for the shotgun and older white man in back of truck shot him twice. He staggered two steps and dropped dead in a Georgia street, yet another lynching victim who shall never see justice.
Unfortunately for the two killers, their buddy was following in a separate vehicle and as modern lynch mobs do, he was videoing the entire sordid affair. Now its been almost 3 months since the incident occurred, and the total
This kind of shit is old as America. After 3 prosecutors did a hard pass on this murder, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, who apparently has zero fucks to give when it comes to lynchings, stepped in and put Daddy and Junior in cuffs and took em away. What happens after this is sadly predictable. These two rubes will be acquitted after the life of Ahmaud Arbery is trashed in court and defense attorneys have turned him into a sneering Birth of a Nation stereotype. At that point conservative media will turn these two jackoffs into heroes and they will be selling the murder weapons to collectors. These two killers will pose for pictures with George Zimmerman, perhaps even appearing on Conservative Jeopardy with host Kaitlin "Gun Girl" Bennett.
I hope I'm wrong. Sadly I dont think I am.
Monday, May 4, 2020
50 Years Later!
50 years ago unarmed students protesting an illegal unjust war caused such panic among middle aged white America that an Ohio Governor, a miscreant named Jim Rhodes, a Republican Nixon stooge, called out the Ohio National Guard as property had been damaged in Kent and we all know how much white people hate property damage (see burning CVS Pharmacy in Baltimore). As students became a bit pissed off they had armed troops marching around the campus, the demonstrations grew. Tear gas was fired, Tear gas was thrown back and then the National Guard, in fear for their lives that somebody would actually flip them the bird, fired 67 shots in 13 seconds into an unarmed crowd of college kids, many of whom were simply walking to class. Four died and 9 were wounded. It truly was America's Tiananmen Square.
Nothing ever happened to any of the murderers, in fact they were praised by many in Middle America. I once had a boss who proudly exclaimed that a few more Kent States would end protests once and for all. Im sure that mentality still exists........oh wait now the shoes on the other foot.
The swastika tattooed thugs, the white supremacists, the punks of the right are now the armed creeps and they are threatening the law enforcement officers they love when they kill a few black folks. Blue Lives Matter? Unless I need a fucking haircut and want to bowl.
How far we've come in the last 50 years. The mentality that justified the murder of unarmed college kids 50 years ago is now the mentality that justifies carrying military weapons and threatening cops and politicians. Screaming traveling white supremacists like that Travis Bickle looking motherfucker in the picture are now the protesters. Are they protesting an immoral war? Hell no, they are protesting protecting their fellow citizens from a deadly virus and wanting to go to a bar and play darts. The ultimate selfishness of a generation of privileged buffoons empowered by a privileged buffoon they elected in 2016.
Has progress has been made in 50 years?.
Nixons America or Trumps America? In 50 years of history we haven't progressed one freakin bit.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Quarantine In The Heartland!
As across the country, gangs of thuggish armed bigots and clueless nitwits gather in groups to demand their right to bowl, we here in Nebraska gather in groups of 50, politely display our signs, and
Hey its not the most favorite thing Ive ever done. Staying home. Wearing masks in public. Binge watching The Good Fight, Amazing Race, old Hawaii 5-O's (Wo Fat is a Top 10 TV villain of all time) and incredible mediocrities like Little Fires Everywhere. But Ive done it for an entire month and a half. Oh the humanity! My parents and grandparents spent 4 years sacrificing during a World War and this current pack of planet destroying lamebrains cant wait to kill themselves and others so they can get their fucking grey roots colored. Its baffling. Now I know the vast majority of people are doing the right thing, understand its not about YOU getting Covid-19 but about YOU giving it to someone else, but its this rock slithering 30% who cannot stand not being at a Trump rally and goddammit they need attention and their right to be a racist, sexist, armed to the teeth fuckstick will not be infringed. Enough! This is about is here in Nebraska and not about a death cult devoted to their own Dear Leader.
Nebraska has a egg headed Governor named Pete Ricketts, the Eric Trump of the billionaire Cubs owning Ricketts family. This guy became bored making millions by sitting around T D Ameritrade and getting his Daddy coffee.So Daddy attempted to get rid of
Ricketts refused to lock down the state instead recommending social distancing and quarantine. He did limit gatherings to 10 people except of course if you slaved away in a meat packing plant then you could go stand shoulder to shoulder and cough and hack away. Ricketts is lifting these restrictions on Monday and has ordered meat packing plants to stay open. He also ordered that if you didnt feel comfortable returning to your job you would be a quitter and thus ineligible for unemployment. His administration is obsessed with not paying unemployment benefits, implying that most applications are fakes and that Nebraskans are lazy slackers, ya know like he used to be.
The biggest spike in Covid 19 cases is right here in Nebraska. The meat packing plants are Covid 19 hotspots. The nursing homes are Covid 19 hotspots. This state, in typical fashion, is the absolute last to react to anything. How much the fact that meat packing plants employ the poor and the undocumented and the desperate can be debated. Ricketts is the man who after 60% of voters demanded he take federal Medicaid funds refused to implement it by kicking the deadline down the road over and over in an attempt to "do it right". Almost 2 years later federal help for Medicaid is STILL not implemented. In the middle of a fucking health crisis where he orders the poor to risk their lives daily and refuses to test, the Trump of Nebraska says let em die. He is a disgrace.
Here in Omaha we have a Republican Mayor named Jean Stothert. Yes a female. The woman is not my political cup of tea, Ive voted against her twice, but I cannot say she is an irresponsible kook. Shes not. She is a former nurse, said she did not for Trump and generally acts like an empathetic human being. So she shut down the city much to many's chagrin. Oh we didnt have to stay home if we didnt want, but it was strongly suggested and most of us did. Christ there was nowhere to go anyway. Thank you Door Dash.
Mayor Jean has weekly press conferences featuring community leaders from the black and brown population, the county health director, and responsible people stating facts and figures. Since she's a woman, and the health director is a woman they face things perhaps male politicians do not face. How the hell does Mayor Jeans hair look so nice? She has to be getting her hair done in secret while the rest of us get grey. Damn her!.........I aint kidding. This is 100% true. The biggest controversy regarding a female Mayor in the middle of the health crisis of the century is her fucking nice hair. Amazing what a small town of 500,000 this place really is.
The health director, a competent woman named Adi Pour, has directed with a calm and cool manner the voluntary shutdown. She has directed the Police to break up gatherings of 10 or more people and uses science and facts to keep the damn city as safe as possible. So what does she get in return? Death threats from former TV weathermen. What the fuck? Lynching threats, demands for his "freedom" and kooky emails from easily traceable accounts. No wonder hes a former TV weatherman. I demand freedom from that tornado!!
We in Omaha have lost billions in potential tax money and economic activity. We have no College World Series, no US Olympic Swim Trials, no concerts, no Big 10 baseball tournament, no Berkshire Hathaway ascot wearing cheapskates flocking here to worship Warren Buffet at the annual meeting, no Henry Doorly zoo visits, no restaurant traffic (man we love our brand new chain eatery openings around here). Its pretty bleak. The taxes here are already ridiculous because Republicans run the show and we all know Republicans suck ass at actually doing anything about taxes.They just talk. But with all that lost tax revenue, we really are screwed. The state received billions in federal help, the county we live in received hundreds of thousands in federal help, the city itself got nothing. Some lame excuse about population not meeting standards. So we are in the position to beg a Trump like Governor and and a greedy county for some of the pie. Great, not only are we spiking in Covid cases we also get no help financially. Its like we live in New York City. Well sort of.
Nebraska, with the highest rate of increase in Covid cases, reopens Monday. Brilliant timing. But at least our "dime store Lex Luthor" Governor gets his wish to kill people. And this time, he doesnt need to spend a dime of Daddys money.