Friday, May 8, 2020

Ahmaud Arbery!

25 years old and Ahmaud Arbery was jogging down a Brunswick ,Georgia street in broad daylight when he saw he was being chased by white men in vehicles, so he kept running. The ghosts of Trayvon Martin and Tamir Rice and countless other black men lynched in Georgia told him your life is on the line. Run. Unfortunately for him, the white men had guns and were itching to use them. The younger white man pointed a shotgun at Ahmaud and those same ghosts said fight or you're dead. He grabbed for the shotgun and older white man in back of truck shot him twice. He staggered two steps and dropped dead in a Georgia street, yet another lynching victim who shall never see justice.

Unfortunately for the two killers, their buddy was following in a separate vehicle and as modern lynch mobs do, he was videoing the entire sordid affair. Now its been almost 3 months since the incident occurred, and the total cover up lack of investigation was predictable as the dead person was a black male and the alive people were white males, one of whom an ex cop. Local yokel district attorneys allowed the two killers to plead the old I was in fear for my life and that Ahmaud Arbery was the instigator of the entire shitstorm. Bogus burglaries and black kids looking in empty house windows caused scared white people to call 911 when they saw a black guy running down the street in Riverdale. The ex cop and his not right looking son took off in hot pursuit. The NRA wet dream.

This kind of shit is old as America. After 3 prosecutors did a hard pass on this murder, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, who apparently has zero fucks to give when it comes to lynchings, stepped in and put Daddy and Junior in cuffs and took em away. What happens after this is sadly predictable. These two rubes will be acquitted after the life of Ahmaud Arbery is trashed in court and defense attorneys have turned him into a sneering Birth of a Nation stereotype. At that point conservative media will turn these two jackoffs into heroes and they will be selling the murder weapons to collectors. These two killers will pose for pictures with George Zimmerman, perhaps even appearing on Conservative Jeopardy with host Kaitlin "Gun Girl" Bennett.

I hope I'm wrong. Sadly I dont think I am.

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