Monday, May 4, 2020

50 Years Later!

50 years ago unarmed students protesting an illegal unjust war caused such panic among middle aged white America that an Ohio Governor, a miscreant named Jim Rhodes, a Republican Nixon stooge, called out the Ohio National Guard as property had been damaged in Kent and we all know how much white people hate property damage (see burning CVS Pharmacy in Baltimore). As students became a bit pissed off they had armed troops marching around the campus, the demonstrations grew. Tear gas was fired, Tear gas was thrown back and then the National Guard, in fear for their lives that somebody would actually flip them the bird, fired 67 shots in 13 seconds into an unarmed crowd of college kids, many of whom were simply walking to class. Four died and 9 were wounded. It truly was America's Tiananmen Square.

Nothing ever happened to any of the murderers, in fact they were praised by many in Middle America. I once had a boss who proudly exclaimed that a few more Kent States would end protests once and for all. Im sure that mentality still exists........oh wait now the shoes on the other foot.

The swastika tattooed thugs, the white supremacists, the punks of the right are now the armed creeps and they are threatening the law enforcement officers they love when they kill a few black folks. Blue Lives Matter? Unless I need a fucking haircut and want to bowl.

How far we've come in the last 50 years. The mentality that justified the murder of unarmed college kids 50 years ago is now the mentality that justifies carrying military weapons and threatening cops and politicians. Screaming traveling white supremacists like that Travis Bickle looking motherfucker in the picture are now the protesters. Are they protesting an immoral war? Hell no, they are protesting protecting their fellow citizens from a deadly virus and wanting to go to a bar and play darts. The ultimate selfishness of a generation of privileged buffoons empowered by a privileged buffoon they elected in 2016.

Has progress has been made in 50 years?.

Nixons America or Trumps America? In 50 years of history we haven't progressed one freakin bit.


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