Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Black Lives Matter!

Goddammit, George Floyd's life mattered. When a Minneapolis cop decided that "forgery in progress" warranted a death sentence by choking the 40 year old black man to death it epitomized what "Black Lives Matter" mean. If you watch the tape of George Floyd being murdered, oh sorry thats Eric Garner, another guy I saw get murdered on tape, no watch the tape of George Floyd being murdered, oh wait, thats Philando Castile, no the tape of George Floyd being executed by Minneapolis cops oh shit thats Laquan McDonald......well you get it.......or you dont......if you dont, you're an idiot, a racist,or in full possession and use of your white privilege.

George Floyd is why "Black Lives Matter" matters. Nobody is saying ONLY Black lives Matter as some outraged white folks seem to think. White folks, like me, are in no way able to relate to living in fear of the police. No white person ever sat their kids down and warned them to be polite to the police, do what they say, and keep their hands in full view. Even that doesnt matter at times. Tamir Rice for instance. Playing in a park like a lot of 12 years olds do. Shot within two seconds by Cleveland cops. For the crime of having a toy gun. A staple of this old white guys childhood.

This Police thuggery has been going on for years and years before the murder of George Floyd. Oh sorry again, thats Walter Scott. But this latest cop killing of George Floyd oh sorry again, thats Terence Crutcher.

Black Lives Matter because they just fucking do. You got a problem with that? Then stay in your bubble and vote for the Racist in Chief. Theres nothing that can be done to save your lost white soul. If the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police Oh I again beg your forgiveness, thats Stephon Clark, murdered in his own backyard by Sacramento cops.

Look at the tape of a jackboot choking the life out of a 40 year old man named George Floyd oh sorry, thats Charles Kinsey. The tape of the murder of George Floyd is damning, oh yeah finally got it right, and it is really damning of at least two cops totally oblivious to black lives. One who actually kills Mr Floyd and one who stands there guarding the murder scene from possible interference from innocent bystanders who dare not interfere or there'd be more dead black Minnesotans.

Many police officers are totally oblivious to black lives.

That is why Black Lives Matter is a thing.

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