Saturday, May 30, 2020

The 2020 Omaha "Riot"!!!

This is how we "riot" here in the heartland of America.

It started as a peaceful protest around 6pm at the "Times Square" of Omaha with all four corners of the intersection (trust me its a pain in the ass intersection) occupied by sign carrying concerned people of all genders and races. They chanted, they marched up sidewalks, the held signs expressing outrage at yet another killing of a minority by armed jackboots afraid of their own shadow. It went on for an hour and a half or so. No problems. Murder victim George Floyd was the focus.

Then came two events. The Douglas County Sheriffs Department showed up in full riot gear itchin for a fight. Event number two. The professionally outraged white Bernie Bros, still upset their Magic Wizard lost again, sat down in the street and blocked traffic. You can argue whether they should have been allowed to sit there, yell FUCK a lot, and stay being a pain in the ass as is their nature. Thats my opinion. Let em yell and scream and get it out that yeah we know you're all pissed off you arent getting free college for awhile. But nope. The guys not good enough to become real Omaha Police Officers, The Douglas County Sheriffs Department, formed a line and began advancing on the sit in (so 60s I know).

Then this happened . Tear gas, pepper spray, pellets, pushing and shoving, schoolyard bullies starting shit with people whose political arguments start with fuck you and end with fuck you. Beating people and shoving people and showing how goddamned tough you are means the George Floyd part of this protest is over.

The rest of the evening was more tear gas, more shoving , and the only thing left by 9pm was bored white teens out of Mom and Dads house, perennial pissed off Bernie Bros blacksplaining to black folk what this was all about, and white vandals with records of minor offenses driving around throwing rocks thru the windows of whatever business was convenient. Pale white punks, jumping into panicky local news reports to yell FUCK live on local TV before they go throw more rocks at Burger King windows. Then the inevitable "apology" from the on the scene local reporter for the salty language. Instead I'd prefer one of them throw it back in their face NO FUCK YOU YOU WORTHLESS WHITE TRASH!!!"....

Cops formed a line in front of Target to protect the corporation. Cops formed a line in front of an ATM to protect the banks money. Yes I said a line in front of a fucking ATM that had been desecrated with obscene graffiti. Cops continued to fire tear gas bombs just for the hell of it. They continued to dare people to get in their way.

This how we "riot" here in Omaha. We gather, we chant, we hold signs and then the shit shows up and baits bully cops into overeacting. It never fails. Many riot cops, or at least the Douglas County Sheriffs Department riot squad, are nothing but adrenaline junkies who if they arent beating the shit out of a disrespectful kid, are just not happy people. I can totally see the Karens they have for their 2nd wives. What they did last night here in Omaha caused everything that happened.

There are four sets of views on this. You have your white privileged nitwit racists who believe in authoritarian government that crushes any threat to their way of life. You have your protesters who beat down by an institutional racism , truly are frightened they and their families are at risk of becoming the next George Floyd or the endless list of dead black and minority people killed by police. You have us responsible white liberals. Clueless to the plight of black and minority people yet willing to listen and learn. Then you have your arrogant white liberals, the ones who explain racism to black and minority people and how they should feel. They are the ones who sit in the streets and bait cops to beat them up as a sort of weird yeah bro I know whats its like to be oppressed by The Man. I have no use for the pretentiousness of those types. If that makes me a traitor to the cause so be it.

Look, nobody deserves to be beaten down by Trump loving cops bent on cracking heads and giving themselves boners. Its wrong and should never have happened. But I dont need lectures from 23 year old cocky white twerps. Ive been around a long time and deplore violence of all kinds. I understand violence is the only thing that brings about change. But if you ASK to be thumped on the head to feed your own ego and add it to your arrogance, please just stay home and watch the stump Bernie speech. Its safer for all of us.

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