Thursday, February 2, 2023

It Almost Happened Again But Just Wait A Day Or So!!

 Two days ago this guy walked into a Target here in Omaha and fired off a few shots, not even sure if he aimed at anybody, walked around the store as people were running for their lives, was confronted by the police and state patrol, didn't listen to commands to drop the weapon and was shot dead. Nobody, except him, was hurt . Well maybe the police office who killed him may have been mentally hurt for life but we here in America dont care about stuff like that do we? Because this gunman, a 32 year old man who had walked into a Cabelas 4 days prior and walked out with the weapon and 13 clips of ammo, had schizophrenia and probably had gone off his meds or not. But the fact remains a mentally ill schizophrenic walked into a gun store and then walked out with a weapon a few minutes later perfectly capable of murdering dozens.

The speculation here is the dude committed suicide by cop. He didn't want to go on and figured what the hell, I will go buy a weapon, ammo and walk into a Target, fire a few shots at nobody and then the police will show up and kill me and end my misery. Yeah perfectly normal behavior right? Well maybe for a mentally ill man yeah that IS perfectly normal. We ignore not only guns in this nation, we also ignore mental illness because it might cost money. Years ago when Saint Reagan emptied the mental hospitals by cutting their budgets and forcing them to close, the mentally ill were released into America's streets with all the rights and privileges that go along with that honor. Including that good old Second Amendment where any yahoo, sick, healthy, crazy, insane, nice, mean or suicidal can walk into a gun store, say hey I want that one and 100 boxes of ammo and nobody at the gun store bats an eye as they count their hundreds because hey that guy might have one helluva rat problem.

It's never gonna stop, you know it, I know it, the nuts know it. Access to a gun will always remain all about money. No 2nd Amendment bullshit or defend your family or fight off the evil government or compensate for your shortcomings need be said. Guns are big money and big money has the politicians in their pocket whether they be Senator Bernie Sanders or Senator Pete Ricketts (ugh). The money is all that matters because they know the odds are none of them will be shot by a madman, Steve Scalise excepted. But even Scalise, born and bred a real prick, didn't have the sense to second thought his gun horniness, he just cashed the checks and became an even bigger prick.

But you and me. Normal everyday people going to Target, or Von Maur, or a movie, or a grocery store, or a concert, or a nightclub, or church, or Wal Mart, or a parade, or a highway. Why don't these money grubbing pricks care about us, the 99.99% who are the victims of these crimes?

We all know the answer. But y'all keep voting for them, ya hear?

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