Friday, January 27, 2023

Bad Cops!

 Cops come in all colors. Bad cops come in all colors.The "Talk" given to black children by black parents does not specify the race of the cop. All cops are blue. They stick together like melted gummy bears, good or bad. The thin blue line is real. A good cop covering for a bad cop is just as bad. The barrel of apples is rotted out by the good apples covering up the bad apples at the bottom.

I am no fan of Police Departments. Having lived in a city whose police department has been suspect at best my entire life, they have given me no reason to support them. I am white, and still was subjected to an Omaha police office putting a gun to my head when I was 16. What did I do to get this treatment? I delivered a newspaper at 5 AM. I sat in a parking lot just a bit too long for the local police and the bored cops decided to have some fun? Fuck if I know. My point is I am white, this happened to me and I can only imagine what happens to black folks.This would be everyday treatment. 

Tyre Nichols was pulled over by Memphis cops for "reckless driving" one night and he ended up in the hospital. Pictures of him reeked of Emmit Till and then he died. Beaten to death for "reckless driving". Five cops were fired, and five cops were indicted under murder charges for beating him to death. 

Dont get me wrong here. Those 5 asswipes deserve whatever is comin to them. The fact that they are all black, were fired immediately, charged with murder soon after makes one wonder if these five bastards were white cops, would the police union be screaming about "wokeism" and defending them to the end of time? Would white politicians be yapping about "Back the Blue"? Would there be disinformation released about Tyre Nichols justifying his beating? Sadly, I believe the answer is yes.

But they arent white. They are still cops, with a sense of bullying power they think is their goddamned right. Whatever bad shit happened to them as kids, stuffed in lockers, ignored by girls, bullied by scumbags, beat up for nothing has manifested itself in cops heads . Whatever they do is right. Whatever you do is wrong.They are the law, they are the judge, jury and murderer executioner. Nowadays they have technology not only working for them, but in some cases against them. There is body cam footage of five bullies beating a man to death for "reckless driving". That footage is being released today.

There is fear of riots and lootings because we all know that white people think black people cannot control themselves . As soon as the 3 minute footage (twice as long as Rodney King) is released tonight white politicians and conservative pundits will gear up to divert attention from a murder by cops to whatever bullshit they can come up with. I'm sure Tucker Carlson's show is already written to scare Papa and Meemaw into polishing their guns. It is as clear as day that this will become divisive. A 29 year old black man is beaten to death by five Memphis cops for a traffic violation. That's all we need to know right? Wrong.

Republican politicians have been scaring people for years about MS13 and cartels and Crips and Bloods. What they have never done is scare you about one of the most violent gangs in America since about 1850 or so when they were hunting down runaway slaves. 

The Police.

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