Friday, February 3, 2023

Ilhan Omar!

 Kevin McCarthy (Jellyfish-Ca) exacted his revenge this week by removing 3 Democrats who don't put up with GOP white supremacist shit from House committees  and then pretending like he's saved America. He stuck Adam Schiff (Senator to be-Ca) and Eric Swalwell (Fuck You-Ca) into the corner for having the gall to lead the fight to remove America's favorite traitor back when he did traitor stuff like try and strongarm an actual tough guy and then try and overthrow a duly elected government using guys he wouldn't let take out his trash. McCarthy could just act all smarmy and remove Schiff and Swallwell on a whim. But Ilhan Omar (American Dream come to life-MN) is a different story.

Omar, who spent her youth living it up in a refugee camp in Kenya after fleeing the civil war in Somalia. You know Somalia right? Black Hawk Down and I'm da captain now place. Omar moved to the US and settled in Minnesota where after becoming a citizen (Jesus ,Republicans,  where were you when THIS happened?) she was elected to the House by actual American voters much to the chagrin of GOP House members who believe in Jewish Space Lasers and rant about "globalists" on a daily basis.

We all know Kevin McCarthy is a gutless spinless cuck but after his 14 votes denying him the Speakers chair, who knew he had gone all in to kiss the ass of the 20 "Freedom" Caucus pipe bombers. They needed heads on a spike. Orders from high atop Mount Agent Orange demanded Schiff and Swalwell be slapped down. Easy. But Ilhan Omar was a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and she couldn't be removed unless the majority of the House said yeah ok she wears that rag and scares us. 

So on Tuesday the House seated her on unanimous consent. But goddamit that's not very theatrical now is it? And theater is what the House Republicans are all about for the next 2 years at least. So on Wednesday the House voted to strip Omar of her Foreign Affairs Committee assignment because she's anti-semitic or some such shit. It's because Omar, in her honesty, calls out Israel and its backers as being motivated by money, for crushing the Palestinians, for flippantly saying 9/11 was something done by somebody. None of this is false by the way. None of this is anti-semitic either. There are two points of view on Israel. There's those that back Israel because they long for some fairy tale about Armageddon and want to see the Jews go straight to hell and there's those who think Israel is often wrong on much and say so out loud. Any country that keeps electing a sleazy criminal and thief like  Donald Trump  Benjamin Netanyahu isn't really to safe to rely on ya think?

But to the crowd of GOPers who disguise their own Antisemitism with words like "globalists" and "Rothschild cabals" and "George Soros" the rush to get to the high ground is a trampling.  And by banning Ilhan Omar with her accent, her dark skin, and her head scarf they have again dropped to their knees to honor the base. The base of trash that invaded the Capitol, took shits in baskets, beat up cops, called for Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence to be murdered, and blamed it all on "George Soros". 

Who's antisemitic ? Certainly not the foreign born woman with a unique point of view old white "christian" people don't want to understand. There's no respect whatsoever coming from the christian cabal of Republicans. All they see is an opportunity to crap on another non christian female immigrant their base hates. 

This is not a Congress of the People. It's a white supremacist theater production.

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