Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Osama Bin Trump Sees His Shadow!

 Osama Bin Laden  Donald Trump emerged from his cave today to fly away to where he feels most comfortable. At a giant wall meant to keep the browns out and the whites in. The Terrorist in Chief also spoke to the press for the first time in days and was his usual self. Lying, puffing out his chest and again claiming hey it wasnt me who ordered that gang of goons to trash the Capitol. He takes no responsibility because the man child never ever takes responsibility. He just brags about non existent successes and does improv for his base of trash.

Meanwhile up in Washington DC as the Revolutionary in Chief tried to divert attention away from his traitorous behavior , The FBI was making sure that the Trump Terrorists know that they are not fucking around. They will find you and they will arrest you. Though they fell down on the job 6 days ago by ignoring the intelligence that this band of hooligans were going to trash the Capitol because after all it was just white people having fun, the next time they will not. Its like the parent that finally finds out that just because Charlie Starkweather wears geek glasses doesnt mean he is good at math, just rampaging.

Donald Trump unleashed a gang of insurgents, a gang of trash, a gang of lawless lunatics, in his fucking name. To not impeach this miserable son of a bitch is to condone what happened last week. To not arrest him is to condone the murder of a police officer by a horde of American rubbish chanting U S A and singing the national anthem. To not expel and arrest pieces of American sediment like Representative  Lauren Boebert , Rep Madison Cawthorn, and Senator Josh Hawley and his chief competitor for most Despicable Member of the Senate, Ted Cruz, is to condone the swarm of thugs who hunted for hostages. To not rid ourselves of this American shit stain is to ask for it to happen again. I dont give a flying fuck if its 8 days to inauguration day. Do it NOW.

This has to be dealt with. Theres no boys will be boys bullshit to hang our hats on here. These are privileged white trash intent on a white homeland at all costs. Their hero is a scummy con man who tells them what they want to hear while at the same time calls them low class and would have them booted from Trump Tower the second they waddled in to say Hi. But there they are, plotting their little revolution online, which basically begins and ends with bloodshed. There they are, screaming about their rights, their rights their fucking rights. As if others gaining rights somehow means they lose rights. These bozos just arent very smart.

Never in my life did I think my country would come to this. Mob rule. But due to Republican enablers drunk with power we have come to exactly this. Is it too late to clean up the reptiles that crawled out in the last 4 years. I am really not sure.

Meanwhile here in Nebraska, our illustrious rich kid Governor, Pete Ricketts, stated out loud he has no problem with the tiny dicks coming into the Capitol in Lincoln armed to the teeth. No problem at all. This lunatic, the Covid denier of the Plains, apparently has no concern that the Legislature is in session. In fact, why not just let this crap in armed and take target practice on those commies Ricketts hasnt paid for. 

This nation, and my state are fucking insane. 

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