Sunday, January 10, 2021

Co Conspirators in Public Office?

 This continues down the rabbit hole as time moves on. This was not a spontaneous event as many have claimed. This was a planned attack on democracy by a crowd of low lifes spurred on by another low life named Donald Trump. And there may have been co conspirators in the building called Congress. We already know white supremacist cops and white supremacist military both active and retired participated in this insurrection. They shall be dealt with in due time.

My question is now this. WHY are the following shameful "public servants" walking around calling for healing and unity and not in an interrogation room being grilled on their role in a plot to take hostages, conduct "trials" and perhaps kill. 

Donald Trump is the ringleader of this band of baboons. With a victimization message for all the white losers looking to blame others, this egomaniac grifter has been enriching himself on these blockheads for years. But he finally went too far. Drunk on his own perceived power, the Traitor in Chief sent this mob of meatheads to get Mike Pence. That along with his hundreds of other crimes this one man crime spree has committed with his trashy family warrants arrest. But warrants impeachment NOW.

Lauren Boebert is a new congresswoman from some mountain district in Colorado where she somehow got elected by wearing a gun, getting DUI arrests and assault convictions. So Colorado of her. This nitwit called the rioters her "constituents", screamed about fraud and acted like a lunatic. And she also tweeted out the location of Speaker Nancy Pelosi during the insurrection. She's either a co conspirator or just as dumb as she looks. Why hasnt she been questioned? She looks like she'd fold up fast.

Matt Gaetz is a giant headed mouth breather from Florida. Gaetz stood in the House and declared the rioters as Antifa and BLM infiltrators based on information he had obtained. Presumably from his diseased brain. This resulted in an almost brawl with Democrats who called a liar a liar. Oh how I wished Eric Swalwell  would have knocked him on his ass. Almost as much as Swalwell wishes Im sure. Why hasnt be been hauled in? 

Ted Cruz is an arrogant cynical shitheel without an ounce of shame. Cruz, who always comes across as that asshole middle school teacher everyone hates, stood there AFTER a seditious act and continued to claim 39% is almost half and why cant he have his way defending the man who called his wife ugly. Cruz is an empty soul. Not a person in Congress can stand him. Remember what Al Franken (why did  he have to leave again?) said "I like Ted Cruz more than most people and I hate Ted Cruz". Why hasnt that seditionist vacant eyed werewolf been expelled?

Josh Hawley. I dealt with that self destructive White Power saluting Missouri Moron earlier. Why hasnt he been expelled?

Louie Gohmert is a Texas halfwit who keeps getting re elected by what has to be a mentally defective constituency. Gohmert called for street violence if Trump didnt get his way. Remember Gohmert is the guy who got Covid and Covid saw what lay inside Gohmerts Trump infected body and promptly left to save itself. His call for street violence came true. Co Conspirator anyone?

Mo Brooks is an Alabama imbecile who Im sure represents his body of voters well. Stupid is as stupid does. Brooks makes fellow Alabaman Forrest Gump look like Dr Stephen Hawking. Brooks stood on that traitorous stage and urged the cluster of dumb to go up the street  and "take down names and kick ass". Brooks claimed he was talking about a donkey, something similar in brain power yet more useful. Why isn't Brooks in a room?

Then we get to the Trump Family. Junior said he was "coming for you". Eric and his lip enhanced wife urged the clan of crazy to "take our country back" which of course means White Power in English. Meanwhile Vanky continued to grift over on that Parler deal.

Theres plenty of unindicted conspirators here. My only question is why none of them have been interrogated by whoever? Judging from every one of these soulless creeps behavior, we'd know the real story real fast. None of them would stay silent if pressed by a relatively qualified interrogator. They arent that smart.

Drag em all in. NOW!

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