Saturday, January 9, 2021

Capitol Riot Part 2!

Yes he is STILL in office. For some reason the thinking by a mob of cowardly Republicans, unwilling to piss of a lawless mob of white people, is to simply run out the clock. Similar to running out the clock while the other team thats losing badly stomps on your players heads, kicks them in the balls and kills somebody. Oh thats ok, just let them go and soon they will be back on the prison bus heading home.

Fuck that. There has been a crime committed here. Not all by that gaggle of Goons who ought to be arrested and thrown under the jail, but by the President of the United States. Incitement to Insurrection is kind of a big deal. Its Confederacy Jefferson Davis type shit. A man and is trashy family stood on a stage literally minutes before the insurrection and screamed about  fighting and coming for you and trial by combat and the horrid thought of seeing a cokehead like Junior staggering around your back yard while a 50 year old Kimberly Guilfoyle pole danced around your basketball hoops out of habit.

Thats incitement to insurrection. Convict and remove NOW.

Meanwhile the Trump enablers, trying to grab hold of the felonious garbage that remains in the Traitor in Chiefs rounded corner, continue to enable. .

Josh Hawley (Charlatan-Mo) after a White Power fist salute to the Trump rubbish, doubled down on his appeal to the racist rabble. Objecting to the certification of the electoral vote to please his own ambition, not Trump, but himself, this Missouri Moron stood gazing adoringly in the camera and softly grifted for himself. While Mitt Romney sat behind him double masked and not even attempting to hide his disdain for this arrogant cheat, Hawley appealed to the dumbest among us. With the smooth delivery of a con man preacher, Hawley looked into the eyes of Dumb America and said, please, I'm the new Trump. Follow me to the Promised Land of no abortions, no minorities and no abortions. Hawley lost his book deal, saving Republican PACS millions of dollars in bulk sales, and whined about the "woke mob". Is he that fucking tin eared? Or is he that fucking confident there's enough imbeciles out there to forget what he white power fisted to? I'd love to think Hawley self immolated but in the Age of Anti-Intellectualism I am not confident of that.

Meanwhile the arrests continued of the human debris that made themselves public in their oh so dumb way as they committed federal crimes. The guy hauling off the lectern, arrested. The guy relaxing on Nancy Pelosi's chair . Arrested. The Iowa lynch mob leader with the Q hoodie. Arrested. The guy with the "homemade" Molotov Cocktails. Arrested. The weirdo in the horns...Arrested, The guy trying to remove Tip O'Neills portrait from the rotunda. wait......Dead from a self taze to the nuts and a subsequent heart attack Oops!(I dont even care if the self tazed in the balls part is true or not). The woman trampled to death under the jackboots of charging Trump Trash....Arrested in memoriam . Was it worth it to die for a man who would throw you out of Trump Tower if you even entered the lobby? Guess we shall never know.

This entire sick event cannot be ignored to simply run out the clock. Donald J Trump is a clear and present danger.


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