Friday, January 8, 2021

We All Told You So!


I had shut up. Trying to ride out the last month of this shitty administration by ignoring it. Not wasting my time worrying about what this monster will do.


Wednesday was the darkest day in American history in my lifetime. And that rather long lifetime includes JFK and RFK and MLK and 9/11 and the Challenger and Nickelback's American Tours.

I am at home doing my job. Lucky in many ways during this time of the Trump Virus. And what I saw was this.

Though I never watch Donald Trump rallies, this one was special. It was his last. A dead man talking. A scumbag spewing forth his last scum into a trashy gaggle of marks, all of whom enriched him by buying his Chinese made swag and screaming like loons at the Greatest Hits. The stolen election, the fake news, the poor me, the stolen Senate, the poor me, the more poor me and then Donald Trump turned into Lenny Bruce in his last days. He began reading transcripts. Boring the shit out of the all of the pigeons who cheered less and less at the monotone grievances he hollered about. Me Me Me. 

At the end, the Con Artist reeled back in the most violent of this mob of losers. Go up Pennsylvania Avenue and show them whos boss. I will be with you leading the way. And this herd of sheep believed it yet again. Off they waddled. Spearheaded by in shape off duty cops and military Trump devotees, the Capitol Police complicity came forth by letting these fuckers into the Peoples House. Donald Trump was nowhere to be found. He and his criminal family were back at the White House enjoying the show in real time.

Some of them were intent on murder  of politicians they dont like. Some had zip ties, some had guns. There was not any "economic anxiety' or "frustration" here. This was a white supremacy temper tantrum. These white assholes were intent on taking over the fucking government like it was goddamned 1860. What Black folk, Hispanic folk, Asian folk, Women folk, LGBTQ folk, Libtard folk  thought is irrelevant. Because of them, their dictatorial Grand Kleagle, Donald Trump, had lost, and they were intent on keeping him in office thru violence. And some of the fucking cops, so concerned when BLM came to town to peacefully protest last summer, let them in. 

They ransacked the offices, some say led there by complicit police, they shit on the floors like animals, they pissed on the floors like animals, they tore shit up like bored puppies, they looked for hostages. And many of them taped themselves committing felonies. Why? Well for one they are dumb. But on the other hand, as pointed out by the right on Joy Reid, white people do NOT fear the Police. They expect to be allowed to do whatever it is they want to do.

I mean seriously I have fucking had it. Donald Trump needs to GO NOW. These GOP enablers have to GO NOW. These trashy Trumpers will do it again. If allowed to get away with it and if their enablers keep urging it on, they shall be back.

The rest of this trash event is for another rant. And goddamit its coming . How Matt Gaetz and Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz are still in power is beyond me. Remember Claus Von Stauffenberg after he swung and missed at Hitler??

Anyway, in conclusion, those two pictures are the  things I will never forget. A traitorous rat caring a Confederate battle flag, the American equivalent of a Swastika, thru the Capitol is unforgivable. And....the sight of a white male leading a thuggish mob after a lone black cop up stairs was as frightening a sight as I've seen. I imagine every black person has had nightmares of that scenario and for that to happen IN OUR FUCKING CAPITOL is also unforgivable.

Impeach, 25th Amendment, arrest, dragged out by force,  I dont give a damn. This monstrous maniac cannot be allowed to go on with any power. 

Goddamit DO SOMETHING!!!


  1. Just heard on the news that the black police officer was purposely leading the mob away from the senate chamber. Look at the video again and it becomes obvious what he’s doing. Take care
