Tuesday, January 19, 2021


 I am not a hateful person. Really I'm not. I don't like a lot of people. I'm annoyed by a lot of people, I want nothing to do with a lot of people. But hate? No. Well maybe Rush Limbaugh, the bully boy who amused the hell out of dumbshits by punching down. Him I hated at times and then I forgot about him and couldn't care less what happened to him.

But the last 4 years have taught me a lot. About myself. I have that hate gene in me and I don't like it, you could say I hate it. Donald Trump I absolutely hate. I hate everything about him. There isn't a redeeming piece of DNA in this glob of orange slime. I used to watch his Celebrity Apprentice because he was such a clown, a fool, a parody of himself. His sycophantic daughter and sons approving of his every decision. His insulting of other "celebrities " who quite frankly deserved it was amusing. Penn Jillette called him the worst human being he's ever met and he almost won the damn thing. I had no idea this buffoon would ever achieve any power other than to fake fire a gang of B and C list "celebrities'". 

Denying reality that America was that racist and dumb caused me to dismiss this fathead as a jerk who would never win a presidential nomination of a major political party. What the fuck was going on? When he won the nomination I figured there was no way America was that racist, dumb AND sexist to put this blockhead in power. But they did.

I was still not in hate mode. I didnt hate him. I despised him . He made me ashamed to be a human. But hate? Nah I dont hate anyone.

The cruelty , the bigotry, the lying, the appointment of incompetent TV talking heads to positions of power, the racists who permeated the administration , the egomaniacal bragging of shit that wasnt even true  and the adoration of a band of intelligence challenged ignoramuses was pushing to the edge. But I still didnt hate. I loathed him and his grifter family. His yes men, his bootlickers, his fellow liars, his enablers, his scummy base (sorry I dont want to "understand" them EVER). 

And then the sight of him, his voice, his hair, his Bigfoot style of walking, his effect on people I liked, made me feel things not healthy. I physically became unstable at the sight of him. I wished him gone. Gone from the Earth. I hated him for what he had done to a country it turns out I loved. I've never been a greatest nation on earth guy because I don't feel its necessarily true.  But goddammit its still pretty good and this motherfucker was destroying it from within. Turning a nation my father fought for into the very thing he fought. Fucking Nazis. White supremacist. Fucking Nazis. I'd see pictures of my Dad, I'd hear his voice telling me the Army was the worst 4 years of his life, and this privileged prick from Queens was wrecking it all. I imagined my Dad and felt his presence and for the love of Christ yes I hated Donald Trump for what he'd done to an entire generation of Antifa warriors. 

So I hate Donald Trump. He won in that regard. He brought out a feeling I didn't know existed. For that I'm sure a scummy low life like Trump would be glad about that. He is a destroyer. A vile detestable monster who gets off on not only shitting his diapers but shitting on anyone who gets in his way. What a despicable unhappy Prince of Darkness he really is.

When he's gone I hope I can exorcise that gene form myself forever. To not hear his voice or see his lumbering walk will be glorious. Please tomorrow please. 

I cast thee out unclean spirit. I hope.

1 comment:

  1. i know what you mean. they are loathesome. but, you can't sink to their level
