Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Joe Biden/Kamala Harris!

 Four years ago I sat on this very couch, 5 days out from breaking my leg, and watched an event I could not believe was happening . A clown stood on the inaugural stand and basically threatened America. A dark themed speech of fear and disdain, a speech that put the evil out front of what was to come. Carnage? It ends here and now? Yeah sure buddy, it ended today.

But that worthless traitor is gone, slithering back to Florida on the taxpayers dime after holding one last campaign rally full of lies and alternate reality. Good riddance whatever your name is.

Joe Biden is now President and I have hope again. Kamala Harris is Vice President and all women and especially little girls of color should have hope again.

The lead up to the speeches was excruciating. They couldn't be sworn in quick enough. When Kamala Harris took the oath from Justice Sotomayor it was apparent that for about 15 minutes, that other guy had a black woman Veep. That made me happy. When Joe Biden took the oath, the tears welled up in my eyes. We were free from the buffoonery of the past 4 years. We were free from the international disdain and the world giving us the side eye. 

Joe gave the inaugural speech and it was dull to some but inspiring to those of us who actually listened. As seditionists like Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham sat there, proving Republicans have no fucking shame, Biden threw his darts at them. Saying to the cynical twosome, your mobs tried to silence the people and it didn't succeed and goddamnit it will never ever succeed. Biden may as well have turned around and flipped the finger to those two back stabbing snakes. 

Then if Cruz and his minions didnt get that, a young poet named Amanda Gorman twisted the knife to kill the 2 week old insurrection once and for all. You can delay democracy but you cannot defeat it. Young Ms. Gorman is an old soul, the kind of kid wise beyond her years, and she gets it. She gets it far greater than old white Republicans and thuggish middle aged vandals do. They want to destroy, she wants to build. Kudos to the 22 year old who stole the ceremony.

The last 4 years have felt like a thousand. Being my age, we don't have 4 years to endure, we need to live. With this incoming administration, I feel like living again and I have hope it shall happen. Joe Biden is a gift from the heavens. Once they fumigate and exorcise the demons from the halls of Congress and the White House, I look forward to the future. To move forward and not backward.

1776 can fuck the hell off.

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