Thursday, January 21, 2021

Dr Fauci's Opus!

 He looked 10 years younger, no 20, as he stood in front of the press after being liberated from Camp Death. Dr Anthony Fauci was positively giddy compared to last summer when he would face palm as the former Death Eater in Chief would ramble on about nonsense he thought up in his syphilis addled mind. Fauci stood next the other breath of fresh air, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, and told the truth about the T---- virus that has murdered 400,000 Americans so far. What a weight off his shoulders (probably about 350 lbs) to be able to actually tackle this disaster the way a scientist wants. No Joe Biden hogging the spotlight, no sucking up Cabinet Members praising the Dear Leader before lying their asses off. Dr, Fauci is in charge and hope is alive.

During World War II, the Germans and the Japanese killed less Americans in 4 years than T---- managed to kill in 10 months. That is remarkable . But that's what happens when you vote a morally and financially bankrupt game show host into a position of power because you think hes fucking funny. And besides he owns those libs with his middle school vocabulary and maturity.

Turns out when Joe Biden opened for business today, he found out that the prior administration had no plan whatsoever to combat this virus and send out the vaccine. None. Zilch.  In fact according to CNN, a botox faced returned sex doll named Jared Kushner had the only plan. Let the blue states residents die and die quickly in order to blame their Democratic Governors and benefit politically. Meanwhile the competence of Democratic Governors foiled their evilness and instead incompetent monsters like South Dakota's Kristi Noem (Grandma Killer-SD) Nebraska's Pete Ricketts (Trust Fund Moron-Ne) and Iowa's Kim Reynolds (Terrible Driver -Ia) presided over record death rates and bumbling vaccine plans. No plans? None. This was what 74 million people voted for? A fat guy with no plan? Yep. 

Bidens job has become even harder due to the prior regimes lust for death and destruction. No fucking plan? How could that be any worse?

My hope is still there. Yesterday was grand. It will always be grand. But the ineptitude, the outright criminality of the previous gang of grifters and sadistic shitheels will not be overcome easily or swiftly. We are in for long road. Fuck unity and healing. The GOP is still there and throwing boulders in the way in order to criticize and fool the incoherent masses who vote for them into thinking Joe Biden is actually Joe Stalin. Its infuriating. 

We dont unite with lying insurrectionist anarchists. We dont heal from an attack on democracy by the base of the GOP. We deal with it no matter how long it takes. 

But first we heal ourselves from the T---- Virus. Thats priority number 1. Considering we are basically just starting after 10 months of  blundering indifference, it could be another long year.

Lets go Joe!

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