Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Tea Party 2!

Back in 2010, years after the Texas white guy ran up the national debt by fighting a lie Based War and putting it on the American Express, and a year after the black guy won the Presidency and began to rebuild the crushed economy, a band of "grassroots" old white people got all "concerned" about the national debt and began to form what was called The Tea Party. Now this so called Tea Party featured dimwits in tri corn hats and morons with tea bags hanging off the safari hat waving Gadsen flags, Confederate flags. United States flags and in some cases Nazi flags. In true altruistic fashion, the Tea Party expressed its only concerns were for their children and grandchildren's future and how bad the debt had gotten in the last year or so since the black guy won. The white guy ran up a necessary debt because that was war and it was spent well killing brown Muslims. But please, stop loaning money to car companies and rebuilding the economy you vicious funny named President born in Kenya.

I walked thru two Tea Party rallies in 2010, The first one was nasty, full of screeching dimbulbs and genuine anger that white privilege was in danger. There were out and out racists at that one, an early Tea Party rally of nuts and bolts.The second one I walked thru was the Tea Party Express. A giant camper traveling around the country with a makeshift stage and pre determined speakers who could articulate anti Obama racist hate with some sort of tact. How do I know it was racist? Because every single speaker I stood there and listened to said right off the bat, "We are not racists" which of course translated to English means yep we are racists.

Then last week, a gang of sign waving "grassroots" dumbfucks all showed up at the same time in their trucks waving Gadsen flags, Confederate flags, US flags, and is some cases Nazi flags..............hey wait a minute....

Yeah these are the same clowns who showed up 10 years ago when beckoned by the Kochs, and other right wing kooks with the jack to give them something to do. They honk horns, express outrage over shit they really dont care about, hold up pre made signs, scream and holler, carry guns and get wayyyyyyyyyyyy more attention than they deserve.

But this time is different. 10 years ago they pretended it was all about the future. All about their kids and grandkids future. Not about them, about others.

This time the bullshit isnt even an option. It IS about them. Its about them and their Fox News addled brains. Its about them and their Dear Leader, the simpleton that relates to them so well. The lamebrain who sounds just like they do after about 6 Old Styles.

They want to play golf, bowl, go to movies, get haircuts, get nails done, go to bars, fly to Vegas, go to casinos. Yeah they want to do what they want to do and they really dont care about anything else. The irony is that these close quartered fellow self indulgents are all putting each at risk with their bare faces and screeching spit takes. They not only dont care about you, or their kids, or grandkids, they dont give a fuck about each other.

Go ahead open it up. Let these idiots get sick, get others sick, and thin their own neanderthal herd. Thats an opinion that enters and then leaves my mind. Because I realize that stupidity is not a death penalty offense. Ignorance is not a reason to wish harm. Much like children who are not mentally developed enough to know whats dangerous, adults have to make sure they do not harm themselves or others. The adults are Governors and Mayors. The children are these idiots and the idiotic leadership they are inspired by.

Hang tough Governor Adults. There are Child Governors out there doing whatever their Dear Leader tells them to. Lets hope their constituents are smarter than they.

PS-- The Lt Governor of Texas, a true imbecile named Dan Patrick, said out loud to trust fund baby Tucker Carlson, that there are more important things in life than living, like saving the economy. This is in addition to stating olds have to die to save the economy for the kids. Damn, does that sound familiar? Concern for the kids. Or in this Texas Twerps case, is it the fact the virus kills far more blacks and browns than white assholes like him? Texas is getting closer to blue than the Republicans care to admit. Dan Patrick is the front man for the virus solution.

These people are all monsters

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