Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Pence Barebacks It!


Look everybody knows Mike Pence is The Dear Leaders bitch. But does he have to go out of the way so badly he's off the road to prove to his master he is a loyal reckless Fredo Corleone?

Mike Pence, the Vice President of the United States, the so called head of the infamous Coronavirus Task Force, walked around the Mayo Clinic Covid 19 ward yesterday without a fucking mask. Everybody in the joint had a mask, its the rules. But Pence, a true Jared like mannequin in the service of a Mad Hatter, wouldn't wear a mask. Now you know this rule breach was for an audience of one. The Macho Man in Chief, who also refuses to wear a mask because he's afraid he may catch the gay or some other blow to his rapidly fading manhood.

But Pence's excuse was especially dumb, Instead of just saying he couldnt wear a mask because his overseer would call him a namby pamby and swish around the Oval Office making fun of him, he said he didnt wear one because he wanted to look the patients and personnel in the eye and say thank you. Now we all know Pence is a mask aficionado, especially the leather ones, but he cant be stupid enough to think his normal gimp mask is a blindfold as well? This dimbulb is so used to fawning over a disgusting blob of orange toxic waste that even the most idiotic excuse works. Pence, who also claimed he didnt don a mask was because gets that long swab up his ass nose on a weekly basis and has tested negative which of course means nothing to anyone of jellyfish intelligence. Pence could catch Covid 19 by not wearing a mask, he WAS in a fucking Covid 19 ward after all, but he could have also looked around and observed EVERYBODY else, including real life physicians and nurses had masks on and concluded my goodness gracious my Swami is a moron.

Jesus Christ, the man wont be alone with a woman for fear of Mother castrating him being tempted to turn into his orange eminence and start grabbing pussy. Yet he will walk around a microbe infested factory of death with no protection to please the orange autocrat.

Pence is a lapdog, we all know it , but his nonchalance about a deadly virus that has killed 60,000 of his fellow Americans was beyond being the suck ass he is. Its dangerous. The head of the Task Force's main duty is to please his overseer. We are fucked.

By the way, the Mayo Clinic tweeted out the the Veep broke the rules by refusing to wear a mask. That tweet soon disappeared from view.

If a preeminent medical institution kow tows to a madman, we are really fucked.

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