Friday, April 17, 2020
Brains, Brains!
Nope not The Walking Dead, 28 Days Later or even Zombieland. The yahoos are bored in their houses and out to start Tea Party 2 in various states to do away with science, expose everybody to the "fraud" Covid 19, develop a herd immunity, and go about their day huntin and fishin or whatever else it is that these dumb people do. Of course none of the reasons about science or herd immunity or even Covid 19 are real, these dimbulbs just want to get out and support their Dear Leader in his time of need. The You Cant Tell Me What To Do crowd showed up in Ohio and Michigan this week and beat down the doors to the various Capitol buildings in a quest for brains they obviously have allowed to turn to mush after they ran out of Dukes of Hazzard reruns to watch.
These bozos, self centered to their very core, showed up in Lansing, Michigan in their trucks and SUV's, waving Trump 2020 flags, Confederate flags, Gadsen flags, and in once case a Nazi flag, to express their disdain for a Governor dissed by the Dear Leader for not kissing his rather wide orange ass. They demanded a rescission of the Stay At Home order issued by a "Democrat" Governor who is also a woman so they can go back to Taco Tuesdays at Barneys Bar and Grill back in whatever rural soon to be petrie dish of Covid they may come from.
It really is amazing that this type of brain challenged shitkicker continues to rebel by sporting flags of losers like the Confederacy, which even though Michigan and Ohio are in the north, somehow are Confederate states to these dipshits. Swastika flags, repellent I would assume to even some of the Stars and Bars wavers, are also losers. Genocidal losers like the Confederacy yet somehow popular with the lamebrains of the right.
These talk radio zombies are just itchin for a fight. Braying about constitutional rights and freedom in the midst of a real threat to life and limb is fine. Go ahead dittoheads (do they call themselves this still?) and suck in the Covid, I dont really care. Die if you want to you misguided puppets (Thanks JC Superstar) but you have NO fucking right to take innocents along with your gasping for breath dumb asses.
This is the part I dont understand. How can one be so utterly self centered, narcissistic, in denial, delusional, and so fucking ignorant to let yourselves be used as a spreader of a deadly disease to "preserve" freedom? Then I realized this is nothing more than the result of 35 years of right wing bullshit from the fake cancer sufferer, the Fox News crowd and the Dear Leader himself, President Windbag The Liar.
Again, no problem with this band of leg dragging undead catching a virus and dying. None. Knock yourselves out. But killing grocery clerks and health care workers and first responders so you can have the freedom to throw darts on Wednesday and kill bartenders and servers IS a problem.
These zombies will rumble off to the voting booths in November to cast their vote for President Negan himself. Will we counter that with common sense and send these idiots back to their own hell where they belong?
We better.
I don't want to see anymore death. I'm sick of it. This thing just took my ex, the first victim I knew. That only increased my contempt of religion and these people who think the voices in their heads are more important than the remainder of my family. But I have to agree with you, that there's nothing we can do to change their behavior. I think we will wind up with two countries - even more so than now- where those with common sense segregate themselves completely from those who don't, and treat Christians like the plague carriers they are. This is the worst future I can imagine and I don't want it. But the choice wasn't offered to me, or you. We have to live in reality, surrounded by morons who don't want to. And they'll take people I care about with them. My ex was devout, just not stupid, and her cancer treatment made her vulnerable. But she didn't have to die alone in her apartment, unnoticed for two days. She was doing well, and probably got covid at church. She went for the comfort they claimed only they could give her.
ReplyDeleteIm sorry for your loss