Monday, April 13, 2020

Corona Virus Task Force To Screw You Over!

Yeah we are doomed.

The Ostrich in Chief appointed these 7 yahoos to get the market back up to save the Pervert in Chief re-open the economy as soon as possible. Despite the warnings from scientists and doctors who actually know what they are talking about, this Shitheel in Chief cannot wait to get his portfolio back up to snuff. And if people have to die well hell, thats what has to happen to save this degenerate's ass.

These 7 yahoos in a nutshell, heavy on the nut.

Mark Meadows

This hot shot "economist" has an associates degree from University of South Florida in what I assume is in lying. Meadows falsely claimed for years he had a BA from South Florida but hey whatever, AA or BA its only one letter. Meadows first won a seat in Congress after a gerrymandered district beckoned him to fight the black guy in the White House in 2012. Meadows is also a birther, believing the black President was born in Kenya and also a creationist who think Jesus rode a dinosaur on Palm Sunday. Meadows is now the Deceiver in Chiefs Chief of Staff . The 4th. Meadows knows about as much about economics as he knows about college degrees.

Ivanka Trump

Wow what a shocker that the First Lady/Daughter is on this panel of dunces. Ivanka does have a degree from Wharton School of Business after getting two years of Jesuit education at Georgetown. So the nepotism started early. Ivanka, who looks like a manufactured Westworld bot that one John Barron may have ordered, runs sweat shops all over the world and wants to bring that expertise to the shores of America. So of course Ivanka can get the economy jump started by giving Americans $62 a week jobs making her shitty shoes and clothes destined for T J Max.

Jared Kushner

Ivanka's "husband". This sex doll returned for being so fucking dull is the ultimate grifter. Kushner is the son of yet another grifter who spent time in prison for fraud and hiring hookers to make his accusers look bad. Kushner is a soulless devil with dead eyes and a dead personality. And he holds grudges much like his father in law. He's not only a vile parasite, he's a fucking turncoat who used to be a Democrat. In the words of my father, once a turncoat always a turncoat.

Steve Mnuchin

This chinless nerd has been one step ahead of the law his whole career. Goldman Sachs, Sears, K Mart, this corporate raider has looted more property than Genghis Khan ever thought of. Basically this creep has ruined more peoples lives than the fucking virus ever thought of. Married to a gold-digging harpy "actress" named Louise Linton, the two lovebirds like to take private planes to tourist hot spots like Fort Knox and make duck lips while taking selfies of themselves holding cash. As despicable of a human being that Mnuchin is, he can never be forgiven for his greatest sin, executive producing Suicide Squad.

Larry Kudlow

This coked up TV "economist" was seen for years on CNBC, probably by the TV Addict in Chief during his whacked out Adderal episodes. Three times married like his hero, Kudlow is a TV clown who another TV clown hired cuz he likes TV. Kudlow is so dedicated to his economic principles that he opposed tariffs like any room temp IQ thinking person does, until he was hired as Director of the National Economic Council when he saw the light and supported taxes tariffs. Kudlow is a miscreant who was a better human being when he was whacked out on the blow.

Robert Lighthizer

He's the United States Trade Representative. This law school grad and fantastic "economist" has ALWAYS believed in tariffs. Calling it a Republican staple and denying the truth that its nothing more tan a tax on Americans, this man is one of the great 19th century economic minds. No wonder this Luddite is on this panel.

Wilbur Ross

This sleepy old turtle, whens he's awake, is the Secretary of Commerce. He's also the guy who thought the Corona virus was a blessing that will bring back jobs from China. This old prune cares nothing about human life and he's a professional grifter, insider trader and miser who lies about his net worth. Remind you of anybody?

There it is. Your Corona Virus Task Force to Re-Open the Economy. They all have YOUR best interests at heart.

We are all fucked

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