Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Wisconsin Sleese!
Well any hope that SCOTUS is fair and the last bastion against fascism (which of course became absurd in 2000) had died yet another grisly death. That John Roberts is a man who cares about his legacy as Chief Justice (which is absurd since he was sworn in) has also died yet again. Let the trial run for the November 2020 election ratfucking begin.
The Republicans are not going to go down with a rigged fight. Now that the socialism argument has been crushed by the socialism they all love being kicked in again, its become a new route to travel. Low voter turnout in any manner possible. Make people risk their very lives in order to vote, at least in big cities where all the undesirables live.
The Wisconsin decision, which really is nothing more than suppressing the vote in a fucking pandemic, is all designed to save a gun nut named Dan Kelly's Wisconsin Supreme Court seat which was in real danger. Why the fuck anybody allows voters to elect judges is beyond insane in the first place, but then Wisconsin at times really is the Mississippi of the North. Kelly, who has expressed regular views that giving anything to a poor person is taking it away from someone else who actually creates wealth, and that his opponent wants to confiscate all of Wisconsin's guns (god that moldy oldie again) was on the ropes until the Wisconsin Legislature, dominated by guess who, failed to act on delaying an election in the middle of a pandemic, and the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the Governors executive order to delay the damn thing till 6/9. And then allowed the US Supremes, led by a coward and featuring an professional Catholic, a bitter old race traitor, a folksy fascist and a drunken frat boy to uphold the election being today.
So this here we go. Denying absentee voting, denying mail in voting, reducing polling spots in a city of over a million from 180 spots to 5. Yep, 5 polling places in Milwaukee, reducing other cities (Green Bay) polling places to 2, and blaming it on a lack of polling place volunteers who are unwilling to risk their lives in the face of a pandemic.
So heres the test. If this succeeds, and the neanderthal Dan Kelly retains his seat due to low voter turnout in the cities, the GOP will have their plan in place for November. They will suppress the vote in ways you cant even dream of. Anything to keep their Dear Leader in office and his traitorous collaborators enabling the destruction of democracy.
And then if you think the Trump appointments of a human being who thinks a man should give up his life for a corporation's bottom line and a drunken frat boy with friends he still calls Squee and Tillman you aint seen nothing yet.
Goddamit, VOTE! Even if you have to crawl over broken glass to rid ourselves of these anti-democracy ratfuckers.
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