Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Debate And Switch!
This was the absolute worst "debate" Ive ever seen and Ive seen the 2016 Republican "debate" where a certain orange rapist/racist bragged about the size of his junk. The yellfest that occurred last night was not only a disgrace for CBS but it may end up being the reason a certain "moderator" gets canned from reading serious news at night and gets sent back to morning fluff where she apparently belongs. Nora O'Donnell and her co "moderator" Gayle King were assigned to this rodeo of screaming cats and dogs and were told to make it watchable. Since I used to be a watcher of the CBS Evening News until last night I knew nightmare to follow was coming because of the hyperbole used by O'Donnell in the pre-debate yakking. You could barely her her speak due to the boxing match like babbling crowd, she used words like "fight" and "last stand" in pumping this disaster up. At least I think she said that because the crowd noise was overwhelming.
Seven candidates walked onstage, 2 women and 5 men and the fireworks began. Stupid questions, yelling, hand raising, avoiding answering direct questions even as dumb as they were, lack of specifics and that was just Bernie Sanders.
Mayor Mike Bloomberg had his fans in the $1700 per seat audience of howling hyenas, Hmm wonder how that happened. Bloomberg basically claimed that he bought the House for the Democrats in 2018, defended himself against his abhorrent behavior and fought off the haymakers still being thrown by apparently settling for Veep, Elizabeth Warren. Warren, who had already stuck Bloombergs candidacy on life support, wasnt content on letting it die slowly but wanted to put a pillow over its head. She was disappointing in that regard attacking a corpse while the source of her lack of support was right there off a disastrous 60 Minutes interview. Bernie Sanders was rightfully attacked by everyone else trying to stop him from running away and staggering home in the lead but Warren declined like she wanted his Vice Presidency job. She may have acted like the only adult up there, but in this day and age, that only works when adults are in charge. Thats not the case in 2020. Petulant children rule.
Sanders defended his views by going back to his stump speech time and time again. He defends Medicare for all in the best of terms, even when Amy Klobuchar goes all Republican by distorting the result. But the rest of his views are all the result of pulling a fucking rabbit out of a hat and we already have that in the Magician in Chief. By doing that and claiming all the free shit is paid for by screaming Abra Cadabra in an old Wizards hat he opens himself up to ridicule. And ridicule is what he gets whether its from Mayor Pete or Joe Biden or Bloomberg or Amy K or that other guy nobody wants up there any longer. Imagine what Trump, the Russians and the cheating lying Republicans have waiting for the 78 year old heart patient. Its a disaster waiting to happen.
Look Ive gone from standing at a middle school in Omaha in 2016 with a bunch of young Bernie Bros, middle aged libs and old hippies and caucusing for Sanders to now, where I just want him and his cult gone. Sanders' candidacy would have ended after that 60 Minutes nightmare had he been named anything but Sanders or Trump. The cult these two rule over is truly the same. Blind devotees willing to put up with any stupid thing their candidate says by then hollering about how rigged the system is and unleashing the vulgar cult onto its opponents. Trumps cult cares only about making libtards mad and self destructing and Bernies cult cares only about pie in the sky issues that benefit them that will never pass in the current atmosphere. If you dont fall into line, they promise to self destruct just like the Trumpers. Its amazing how similar they are.
This "debate" solved nothing. Joe Biden may have benefited the most from this screechfest by not screwing up. He actually sounded Presidential at times. Bloomberg is done. That other guy on the right needs to go away. Klobuchar is finished, the Mom act is over. Sanders hopefully has been exposed as the hocus pocus old warlock he is. Elizabeth Warren , who benefits from the destruction of the old wizard, needs to start acting like it.
Now Mayor Pete. The student council know it all act is wearing thin. He makes one want to slap him. Especially old people like me. Calm down there Poindexter. When he carries on about Trump wanting to go back to the 1950s and Bernies "revolutionary politics of the 1960s" being irrelevant he really pissed me off. Dear Pete, in 1969 the "revolutionary politics of the 1960s" stood up and rebelled against cops rousting gay men at the Stonewall Inn. Ever hear of it? Ever hear of the civil rights movement? Ever hear of John Lewis? Mayor Pete, you suffer from the arrogance of youth. You have no respect or possible curiosity about those that paved the way for an openly gay man to be a serious contender for President of the United States. Barack Obama got that part of campaigning. You dont. Your "OK Boomer" dismissal of that is not going to go well.
So there ya have it. The moderators sucked. The candidates sucked. Get it together or this election will also suck and we will lose American democracy for generations.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Tailgunner Ginni!
Years and years ago while in a college documentary class a young woman was watching an ancient film about the infamous Joseph McCarthy. She was appalled at the liberal bias shown in the documentary which was basically allowing McCarthy and Roy Cohn to hang themselves with their own words. Being the loudmouth I was I spoke up in defense of the film and was soon joined by the rest of us 1970s radicals. The woman backed down meekly saying "I always thought McCarthy was a good guy". That young lady was Ginni Lamp, now known as Ginni Thomas, the goofy wife of the mute Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Yep, I know someone famous, well knew, well once argued with her.
Ginni Thomas is now doing what her hero, Joe McCarthy, would have loved. She's involved in a purge of perceived disloyal employees in the White House. Ginni for years has run some conservative thuggish organization called Groundswell, which looks under every rug for libtards that may have infiltrated polite American society and attempts to rid itself of such trash.
Many people have always felt that Ginni way more interested in getting jobs for her donors and friends than she is in some sort of Trump loyalty pledge. She has reportedly pushed forward the crazy idea for the putrid administration to hire the babbling Fox News fool Dan Bongino and the cowboy hat wearing former Sheriff and current plagiarist David Clarke to Homeland Security positions. This nutty idea was rejected and instead a dumbfuck named Ken Cuccinelli was hired and now we know he cant even find a website to see where the coronavirus has landed.
Just the other day after Justice Sotamayor warned the world that the Supreme Court was in danger of becoming just another conservative rubber stamp like the Senate to advance the Thug From Queens agenda, that same Thug From Queens took to the twitter machine to publicly call for RBG and Kagan to recuse themselves from all things Trump because they hate his guts, like any other thinking American. Meanwhile, Ginni Thomas continues to attempt to turn the White House into a 1950s house of horrors looking for the Rosenbergs behind every Big Mac wrapper. So how about Clarence Thomas? Recuse himself from all things not Trump? Fat chance.
Ginni Thomas is a Nebraska nutjob. Who can forget the drunk dial 2010 call to Anita Hill demanding she apologize to
Too goddamned much time on their hands. Tailgunner Ginni needs a new hero other than Joe McCarthy. Jenny McCarthy? Nutjobs should stick together.
Friday, February 21, 2020
Battle Royal In Vegas!
Goddamn the Democrats know who they like and who they dont. A debate was supposed to take place in Las Vegas and a knife fight broke out immediately. Former NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg had bought his way onto that stage and his neighbor to his left, Elizabeth Warren, decided this was no time for polite debate and immediately pulled out the shiv and stuck it into Bloombergs torso. Wow, talk about taking one for the team. Warren is reeling from her playing prevent defense and either decided to take out the Republican interloper and with him, herself, or shes done playing defense and is going back to try and catch up. Bloomberg stood there as Warren called him just another sexist asshole billionaire and looked like he wasnt sure what hit him, meekly saying his NDAs with women were maybe because they didnt like a joke he told. But as Warren took a step back from shivving Bloomberg up stepped the jailhouse lawyer, Amy Klobuchar, who twisted the knife sideways. You could almost see the shock on Bloombergs face as he fell when he realized the Thug From Queens had nothing to do with his political demise.
On the other side of the stage, the smarmy student body president, Mayor Pete, took on his principal, the aforementioned Amy K, who Ive been a fan of since the day she allowed the Supreme Court drunken frat boy to reveal what a shitheel he is by ignoring his Trump like baiting and cynical reference to black out drunks as her father was. Mayor Pete is a good guy, I like him, but his condescension and smartest guy in the room attitude can get grating. Mayor Pete went after her support for the Thug From Queens' choice for Border Patrol chief. Went after her for not knowing the name of the President of Mexico (Vincente "We're Not Paying For Your Fucking Wall "Fox is President for life in my mind). To which Senator K came back with the most Mom comment maybe ever made on a debate stage, "I wish everyone was as perfect as you, Pete". I have to admire Mayor Pete just a bit because he didnt back down and ask for forgiveness like I would have. Sorry Mom. They dont like each other at all in much the way the school counselor hates the know it all kid she knows is crowing from insecurity.
Meanwhile, Uncle Joe Biden had a decent night. He took the assist from Professor Warren and scored his own 3 pointer on Bloomberg and generally sounded Presidential even when calling the Thug from Queens a piece of shit. Biden also handled a group of loudmouthed protesters, probably Bernie Bros, screaming before his closing statement about kids in cages and who knows what else, well by simply waiting for security to throw them out onto the Vegas streets. Then he continued. The gaffe machine was in check. Goddamned Russians better get busy cuz Joe isnt done yet.
Meanwhile that old wizard, the 78 year old heart patient, repeated the billionaire and millionaire stuff he says every single time he speaks, Repeated the Medicare for All. Repeated the same stump speech he's been giving for 50 years. Hey, its not that I disagree with any of it, I do not, its simply a matter of is a 78 year old heart patient going to get elected? Is it smart to nominate a 78 year old heart patient who will not release his medical records?
After the debate, Democrats better decide what they want. Cuz right now, the prospect of Bernie Sanders and his band of
So if the Democratic moderates, Joe, Amy, Pete continue to beat each other up, and the other progressive, Liz, continues to make sure a non Democrat horndog police puppet doesnt get a foot in the door, the old Wizard says the same damn thing and keeps his eye batting Bros in a frenzy while cruising to a nomination. The nomination of a party THAT HE DOESNT EVEN BELONG TO.
I am beginning to get worried.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Pardon Me!
The self described "Chief law enforcement chief" took out his pen today and issued more pardons and commutations of people he perceives as friends no matter what despicable crime they committed. Be nice to the Dictator in Chief, say nice things about his reign of error, suck up to his family and you too can get away with anything, just like he does.
Lets look at just the kind of people that the Banana Republic strongman has said ahhhhh no big deal, your black heart was in the right place when you fucked over losers like I do. Heres a pardon.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Sheriff Joe is the kind of redneck that gives Arizona a bad name. An old leather skinned white supremacist who would have gladly murdered Apaches in the name of God. Arpaio was convicted of contempt of court, was going to go to jail, but the Thug from Queens stepped in to unleash Sheriff Joe back onto the people of Arizona before he went to jail.
Scooter Libby
Scooter Libby served the Devil himself, Dick Cheney, in the murderous Bush administration. Libby outed Valerie Plame Wilson as a CIA agent to punish her husband for blowing the lies off the yellow cake bullshit. Who knows how many CIA informants died as a result of Libby's revenge? But to say Libby cost people their lives is not in doubt. The Traitor in Chief showed his true disdain for foreign lives with this one
Dinesh D'Souza
D'Souza writes shitty books and makes shitty movies about how the 1860 Democrats were racists therefore they are now, even though anyone with the IQ of a bumblebee knows all the Southern Democrats re registered as Republicans in about 1965. D'Souza also makes shitty campaign contributions, illegally of course and got caught. Pleaded guilty to a felony and sat around a halfway house thinking up new shitty movies. The Soon to Be Felon in Chief likes the campaign contributions he may get in the future, legal or not.
Dwight Hammond and son
These two deadbeats are those type of ranchers who want to graze their cows on federal land for free and disdain the food stamp crowd. Since the feds said pay up, they decided to set the land on fire. Convicted of arson and sentenced to 5 years in prison, these two cheap assholes drew a crowd of other deadbeat ranchers like the Bundy Bunch who occupied a wildlife refuge for 6 weeks in protest. Steal money from the taxpayers? Thats right up the Deadbeat in Chiefs alley. Pardon!
Michael Behenna Matthew Golsteyn Clint Lorance Eddie Gallagher
These were men in the military who murdered civilians and were convicted of murder. So of course they get a pass from the Draft Dodger in Chief.
Eddie DeBartolo
Former owner of the 49ers. DeBartolo got into the shit that sent Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards to jail. Bribery, casinos, cover ups, DeBartolo was convicted of failing to report felonies he knew about. Oh yeah, he's also an accused sexual assaulter. Casinos, felonies, sexual assault? Well its like the Old Pussy Grabber in Chief was pardoning himself.
Michael Milken
Convicted of insider trading, ok technically securities "violations" the toupee enthusiast spent a lot of time in jail for doing what the Insider Trader in Chief does on a daily basis. Tells his buddies what crazy thing he may do and lets them manipulate the market. So of course Milken is just a misunderstood cheat, just like him
Rod Blagojevich
Oh yes the former Governor of Illinois and Celebrity Apprentice loser. When Barack Obama won the Presidency in 2008, Blagojevich did what any dishonest Trump like worm would do. He tried to sell the open Senate seat famously saying ON TAPE "I've got this thing, and it's fucking golden. I'm just not giving it up for fucking nothing.". Again to Trump, its like looking in the mirror. Commutation!
Bernie Kerik
The former Police Commissioner of New York and Interior Minister in Iraq had a proclivity for accepting money from rich guys and then not bothering to report it as income on his taxes. So he went to prison. But maybe the worst thing this bullet head ever did was use an apartment for his own personal love nest. So? Well the apartment near Ground Zero was supposed to be used by weary first responders tired after cleaning up the rubble and finding bodies and getting cancer. Kerik is a selfish pig, and a tax cheat. So of course again the Philanderer in Chief was pardoning himself.
Theres others the Peasant In Chief has let go, mostly white collar criminals like himself. And throw in a few others as long as well known political pundit Kim Kardashian approves.
Meanwhile here in the Good Life, a 77 year old woman formerly known as Caril Ann Fugate, who was convicted of murder for being a companion of the infamous Charlie Starkweather at age 14. applied for a pardon from the Nebraska Board of Pardons. Now the Nebraska Board of Pardons consists of the Governor, the Attorney General and some guy who sits around and calls himself Secretary of State, They virtually never meet because after all The Governor, Pete Ricketts, spends all his time trying to kill inmates on Death Row, the Attorney General spends all his time keeping gambling initiatives off the ballot and suing Colorado for the devils lettuce legalization and the Secretary of State probably sits at home watching Price is Right. The 77 year old woman, who has lived an exemplary life for 44 years since being paroled, is in poor health and wanted to clear her name. The Nebraska Board of Parsons said no without so much of a hearing. No testimony, no questions, no nuthin.
Pardons. Maybe Caril Ann should have sucked up to Peter Ricketts for the last 6 years, praising his shitty leadership and going on TV to do so. Ricketts, the Nebraska Trump, would have voted yes in a minute flat. Like he did vote no today.
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Democrats Democrats Democrats!
Ok the white people had their say in Iowa and New Hampshire and now its time to let black people and Hispanics and Asians have a say. The TV yakkers write off Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren because white people preferred a 78 year old heart patient and a small town Mayor. They rise up a Senator who is Minnesota Nice with a tough bite who bit the Mayor last Friday night. And that means, after one white state sat in a room with bullies and moved around the room, and another white state gave the 78 year old heart patient a narrow win, its all over, right?
Its laughable how the 24 hour news channels cannot wait to get this over with. To eliminate the alleged front runner and get rid of the lone woman willing to say she would throw the current crooks in charge in jail. Lets pump up the 78 year old heart patient, the Mayor and the den mother from Minnesota. Its pathetic.
For the first time ever in Democratic politics, I have no preference in this race. Anybody who wins the nomination will get my vote. The 78 year old heart attack guy, the Mayor, the tough Marge Gunderson, the former Veep or the energetic Senator willing to take selfies with everyone. I dont care. Any of them get the bumper sticker on my car.
So for fucks sake, give diversity a chance before you cave to the whims of flannel wearing white duck hunters and barn dwelling white bullies. The rest of the country, ya know where blacks and browns and Native Americans and Asians live, have a shot to decide if they want the heart attack guy, the Mayor or the nice lady you dont want to mess with. If they dont, and prefer the tough talking gaffe machine or the Senator who runs on batteries then so be it. If they jump onboard somebody elses bandwagon so be that.
But for the love of Barack Obama, give them a fucking chance.
Monday, February 10, 2020
Kick Me In The Groin Again!!
The poo flinging monkeys lined up 35 hours in advance in Manchester, New Hampshire to see their lumbering Cult Leader, the forever impeached Thug from Queens. A rally. Another fucking rally to stroke the ego of the megalomaniac as he does his stand up. All to take attention away from the Democrats stumbling over their own clown feet to push forward a 78 year old heart patient with a gang of basement dwelling nerds. Yeah I know I was one of them in 2016 when he was just a 74 year old future heart patient but that was prior to HAVING to win or fall into fascism.
The Thug from Queens will appear in Manchester tonite fresh off his budget proposal which to any normal person would result in peeing your pants laughter at the absurdity of it. But its not funny in 2020 where up is down and real functioning people actually think the Liar in Chief tells the truth. By functioning I mean remembering to breathe, knowing how to load a gun and laughing at other peoples pain.
The Scrooge in Chief's budget contains some of the Draconian bullshit that gets the Heritage Foundation hard. Trumps budget cuts the EPA by over 25%, nice for polluters, it cuts the Center for Disease Control by up to 10% while a fucking virus is spreading. Trumps budget cuts Medicaid, Medicare and access to Childrens Health Insurance. It cuts aid to education which of course his uneducated base loves. Who needs schoolin?
The Peasant from Queens wants to cut Housing and Urban Development's budget by 8% and the pussies who like National Parks and scenery as opposed to big ugly buildings with Trump on the side will see a nearly 15% cut.
The Nationalist in Chief also proposes a cut of almost 25% for the commies in the State Department cuz who cares about gettin along with all those furriners.
The winners under the Dr Strangelove in Chiefs budget? Why, the Pentagon, the Homeland Security thumb breakers and NASA so the Nerd in Chief can get his Space Force.
This budget is atrocious yet tonite in New Hampshire, the Thug From Queens will lie and lie and lie and the Trash that still believes him will suck it up like a Parasite, an actual parasite not that ching chong movie that beat Hobbs and Shaw last nite.
Normally this type of idiocy would kill any candidate talking about it. But in this day and age of gullible bumpkin America, you can just do what you want, lie about it and get away unscathed because even it hurts me, watching them libtards squirm is the new paradise.
Brad Pitt may be squirming, Jethro, but he goes back to his mansion and you sink further in the hole. Ahhh Paradise.
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Awkwafina Got Hosed! 2020 Oscar Time!
I love the Oscars. Rich undeserving assholes jacking each other off yeah. But if you see all the movies its a must. Even the middle when the 5 unknowns on stage for Best Animated Short carry on because they know their audience of 50 will grown tenfold overnight, its interesting.
Most of the categories are meaningless to 99% of watchers. And they really are. But if the Obamas win for American Factory in the Documentary Category it will drive the Racist from Queens crazy. And for that, the middle is meaningful.
Best Original Screenplay
1) Knives Out
2) Marriage Story
3) 1917
4) Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
5) Parasite
Who will win:
It will win because not only is it very original, its Korean and you have to read. And Hollywood wants diversity though they disprove that want every year. Parasite was packed when I saw it. But I have to admit it didnt grab me like I wanted it to. High expectations are not good.
Who Should Win
I found Once Upon a Time in Hollywood fascinating. This may be due to my age and nostalgia for 1969 when I had nothing but time and dreams. And my grisly fascination with the Manson Family. I actually watched Aquarius FFS.
Best Adapted Screenplay
1) The Irishman
2) Jo Jo Rabbit
3) Joker
4) Little Women
5) Two Popes
What Will Win
Jo Jo Rabbit
I didnt think I'd like this satire on Nazis and Hitler. I dont find Hitler all that funny. Low Expectations I guess. I loved this movie and haven't laughed like I did during this movie in a while. Its original, its funny and its sad.
What Should Win
Jo Jo Rabbit
Best Supporting Actor
1) Tom Hanks
2) Anthony Hopkins
3) Al Pacino
4) Joe Pesci
5) Brad Pitt
Who Will Win
Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt is the only one of these greats who has no Oscars for acting. His turn as Cliff Booth was a revelation. As great as DiCaprio is, Pitt dominated the screen. When I saw Ad Astra I out loud said if brad Pitt doesnt get an Oscar for his 2019 there is no justice. His lifetime resume is really accomplished. Look it up sometime.
Who Should Win
Brad Pitt
Best Supporting Actress
1) Kathy Bates
2) Laura Dern
3) Scarlett Johanssen
4) Florence Pugh
5) Margot Robbie
Who Will Win
Laura Dern
a Lifetime Achievement award for an actor who serves as glue for virtually everything she is in. Big Little Lies, Little Women, and Marriage Story, The women can act, soft and subdued in Little Women or a raving lunatic in Big Little Lies. She is deserving AF.
Who Should Win
Laura Dern
Best Actor
1) Antonio Banderas
2) Leonardo DiCaprio
3) Adam Driver
4) Joaquin Phoenix
5) Jonathan Pryce
Who Will Win
Joaquin Phoenix
If you've seen Joker you know why. Again, this guys life work is both weird and solid. His turn as Joker is a masterful work of art. A mental illness portrayed like a man who knows what that entails. This is a lock.
Who Should Win
Joaquin Phoenix-- cant wait for the speech
Best Actress
1) Cynthia Erivo
2) Scarlett Johansson
3) Saoirse Ronan
4) Charlize Theron
5) Renee Zellweger
Who Will Win
Renee Zellweger
Her portrayal of Judy Garland was solid. She captured the sadness and desperation. She was good. But the movie itself was not.
Who Should Win
Saoirse Ronan
Because she should win every time. Millineals , this is your Meryl Streep. Get used to loving her for the next 40 years as I have loved Meryl since the day I first saw her in Julia and the TV series Holocaust. Ronan dominates the screen like no other current young actress. Since we first saw her at 10 in Atonement, through her kicking ass in Hanna, through the brilliant Brooklyn and Little Women, she will win Oscars. Just not now.
Best Director
1) Martin Scorcese--Irishman
2) Todd Phillips-- Joker
3) Sam Mendes-- 1917
4) Quentin Tarantino- Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
5) Bong Jong-hoo--Parasite
Who Will Win
Bong Jong-hoo
Again, Parasite is original, interesting and weird and because its all of those, it deserves something beyond screenplay. This is where it will win. Its no Farewell (the best foreign film of the year) but its in a class of its own.
Who Should Win
Sam Mendes
1917 is directed by someone who takes chances. Its basically a one shot movie. Far beyond the fascination of Joe Wrights Dunkirk sequence in Atonement, to do a one shot for an entire 2 hour movie is a risk. And it works. For that Mendes deserves this award
Best Picture
1) Ford V Ferrari
this was a well acted movie, with a good story and exciting car race scenes. Its entertaining and thats about it
2) The Irishman
3 1/2 hours in the front row of a mini theater. The movie itself is Scorcese at his best. With his chosen few, the story works, its never boring and in another year it would win. But its not that year.
3) JoJo Rabbit
If you have any sense of history, see it. If you like British humour, see it.
4) Joker
The fascinating descent of a man from depression to full blown violet mental illness. I loved this film. Again in another year, it wins
5) Little Women
Its a damned simplestory. No untoward events. No surprises. As PG a movie as Ive ever seen. Thats not a bad thing
6) Marriage Story
I admit I havent watched it because I dont like Noah Baumbach movies.
7) 1917
I saw it in IMAX. That wasnt necessary because this movie would be worthy on a regular screen. The one shot WWI story which rivals Gallipoli in its story is the best war movie since Dunkirk, or perhaps Saving Private Ryan. All of it is here. Brutality, stupidity, fear, and bravery.
8) Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
I am not a fan of Quentin Tarantino. I keep saying that yet every film he makes I go ok I hate him but that was good. This one is great. Despite the rewrite of history which is totally understandable, the ranch scene is the best scene of the year. And spoiler alert, nothing happens. Thats talented directing.
9) Parasite
The trendy pick, Again its fine but nothing groundbreaking.
What Will Win
What Should Win
Jo Jo Rabbit
from beginning to end. Taika Watitis Nazi satire covers it all. A little German boy, JoJo Betzler, brainwashed with Nazi propaganda, is in the Boy Scouts, aka the Hitler Youth, in the waning days of WWII. His mom is a secret freedom fighter hiding a Jewish girl in the walls. The little boys imaginary friend is Hitler himself. As he gets to know the Jewish girl in the wall, the Nazi in him fades.
To make sure we understand the seriousness of Hitlers Germany, Jo Jo Betzlers life changes in a way you dont see coming. Its brutal to see. Mentally. Oh yeah, its Nazi Germany you think. Not all that funny.
Jo Jo Rabbit wont win, but it should.
Other movies that got nuthin in 2019 that I liked
John Wick 3- the horse scene- wow
Blinded By The Light which made me cheer
Yesterday--which made me cry
Us--I hate horror movies but I really liked this one
Dumbo--sorry but it worked for me
Brightburn--what if Superman broke bad
Ma--Octavia Spencer is crazy-who could resist?
Peanut Butter Falcon--a road story-watch it
Terminator- Linda Hamilton is great
Knives Out--as enjoyable a 2 hours as Ive spent at the movies
Dr Sleep--blasphemy but I liked it better than The Shining
The Farewell-arguably the best movie of the year. Awkwafina is a fuckin star and should get an Oscar.
Midsommar--This piece of celluloid shit couldn't end fast enough. In fact, Florence Pugh may take years to get off my personal shit list
But I'd sit thru Midsommar ten times in a row before I'd spend one more minute watching the following disaster.
Uncut Gems is the absolute worst. Oh I know Adam Sandler and his distracting teeth are the best thing ever. No. This despicable movie is so depraved, so unworthy of 1 minute of your time, I cannot believe I saw it and thought it would be good. Ugly, sickening, and just plain amoral, this fuckin thing cant hit the $5 bin at Wal Mart fast enough.
3 Days In New America!
Nancy Pelosi is all of us who favor normalcy and decorum. Nancy Pelosi is an evil witch to those that favor right wing crassness and heavy fisted authoritarianism. Unfortunately those people exist, and are very LOUD.
Three Days in the New America. I, for one, dont like it.
Its State of the Union Day. The day when Presidents from George Washington to Barack Obama bore the shit out of normal people with an over long address in which their own Congressional party members stand and applaud every idiotic pie in the sky never gonna happen moment while tghe other side sits and pouts. Its unwatchable. I haven't watched one since Bill Clinton. It makes me wish for Designated Survivor to occur for real.
Donald Trump, the Thug from Queens, the Impeached President Forever, the Mob Boss, The Cult Leader with collaborators and true mesmerized cultists, will make his speech under threat of being removed from office. Who knows if Ben Sasse, the Phony from Nebraska, or Susan Collins, soon to be Ex Senator from Maine, or Mitt Romney, a man who holds his nose at the sight of the Hooligan in Chief will break ranks and take others with them. The chances are as close to zero as can be. But its not real zero.
The Ruffian in Chief enters the chamber with his normal Mussolini look on his fat face. He lumbers his way to the podium and then #1 happens. He refuses to shake Nancy Pelosi's hand. The tone is set.
The Deceiver in Chief starts his screed. Its a normal Trump screed. Bullying and thuggery. Met by applause from his scared lil collaboraters, the chamber thunders with chants like its some sort of rally. 4 More Years! U S A! Hey I thought the Benedict Arnold in Chief was President of the UNITES STATES not just 40% of the folks. I am delusional.
Trump holds reality TV in esteem so we see "real life" reunions of troops and their families though the toddler had no idea who Daddy was. Wed hear garbage. We see certain Democrats get up and leave. Its just beyond ridiculous. And then comes the moment in which the Racist in Chief shows what we all knew. His crudity. He has Melanie the model present a Medal of Freedom to a lung cancer stricken racist loudmouth named Rush Limbaugh. Like she carries them around in her purse, Melanie pulls out the medal like the Wizard of Oz and puts it around this disgusting man's neck. Trump has taken a shit on this Medal, much as he has done with every institution. As the Onion headlines said, Ex Hooker Presents Medal of Freedom to Racist, and Rush Limbaugh upset he must share medal with Rosa Parks.
Then the end. And the moment in which I felt a swelling pride to be an American. In full view of the TV audience, Nancy Pelosi ripped his speech into 4 sections sending Trumps cultists into heart failure, well that and all the double cheeseburgers. U S A U S A!!!!
I didnt watch any of it, but thru twitter and texts I knew something big happened. Nancy! Nancy!......Day One Over
Mitch McConnell's dark vision of America should come true today. The impeachment "trial" will come to an end. The formality of defending this indecent scumbag will be processed. The Republican co-conspirators cannot wait to stand and read their carefully prepared defenses of this crackpot traitor. Sucking up to not only the Lunatic in Chief, but to the remnants of a once respected political party. Racists, sexists, white trash, dummies, fascists and self loathing women and gays, Senator after Senator says the same thing. The Dear Leader must not be questioned. A couple say something like yeah he's guilty AF, but I cant vote to remove him because I am a spineless weasel.
Then comes Mitt Romney. The Senator from Utah. The 2012 loser. The man who shifts positions like a weather vane. The man we all know loathes the very existence of the Fiend in Chief. Mitt Romney, with apparent zero fucks to give, votes to remove the Kook in Chief on Article 1. Let the death threats begin. I loathed Mitt Romney. He's a man, born with that silver spoon, who said he knows what its like to "struggle" because he had to sell stock for tuition money in college. Really? But Mitt Romney grew a spine. And for that loathing goes to dislikeful admiration.
The Back Stabber in Chief was acquitted mostly along party lines and his paid thugs went to work. His waste of sperm son began his normal juvenile screeds. His twitter Russian bots went to work. It was really a day to crawl into a shell and watch Mrs Maisel or something. You knoew the retribution was on its way. Shivers
The speech. The afternoon speech by the Thug from Queens. Walking down the same hallway President Obama did when he announced the killing of Osama Bin Laden, the Man I will Never Ever Call President stood in front of a cult of cabinet members, Congressmen , Senators and of course Ivanka and began his vengeance tour.
Eyes rolling in his head, gesturing like Mussolini, the Crook in Chief called his opponents "horrible people", "scum". "disasters", and other toddler like insults. He questioned the religious faith of his opponents as if he knows anything about religion. His sanity was obviously gone.
He praised his defenders. He told Ivanka, the sweat shop Barbie worth millions, that she could have made millions more if she was like Hunter Biden. Ok Gramps. He praised a drunk like Matt Gaetz. Then came a weird exchange in which he called Steve Scalise, an even bigger asshole than he was pre-shooting,ugly, he said he got "whacked", he wondered why Mrs Scalise cared about his well being because "a lot of wives wouldn't give a damn". Ahh the voice of experience . Take that Melanie.
To watch this insane blabberer do his stand up act in front of clapping seals, staring into space hypnotized minions is disturbing enough if you believe they are actually cult members like his rally goers. But these people thrive off self preservation. And if self preservation means sitting in a room clapping for insanity, so be it. Its a dismal situation in America.
But its a "normal" situation in the New America.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Thinking Is Hard!
Now that the destruction of democracy has been sent rolling down the hill by a political party catering to white trash and professional assholes, if theres one of these Republican fuckers left in the Senate in 4 years I will know theres a certain part of the country that doesnt want o succeed. The vote to not allow witnesses on Friday by 51, actually 52 because Susan Collins is a toady the turtle allowed to try and save her seat, Republican Senators was at best cynical and at worst criminal. To listen to two Republican cynics, Rubio and Alexander, admit Trump is a fucking traitor but not worth removing him over was maddening. Lamar Alexander is retiring, has nothing to lose and could have been 2020's version of Howard Baker but instead chose to do what he was told by the golf partner he cherishes. Most 80 somethings with a pretty stellar rep, a lifetime of public service, a lifetime of not being a wingnut, would relish the chance to spike the ball with a win. Instead, Lamar Alexander chose to stay the course of playing golf with a cheap crooked tortoise and supporting a loudmouthed peasant intent on ruining the neighborhood. Nice going. A lifetime rep thrown away for a hooligan.
I hate cowards
Years ago I took a 10 year old Max to his first NFL game in Kansas City, Missouri that is, not Kansas. The kid was just beginning to enjoy sports and what could be better than a typical college football game but the big boys in Kansas City. The Chiefs were playing the 49ers, at the time not very good so I figured wearing a 49ers jersey wold be fine. The tickets were $70 each, a pretty expensive investment for the time. The parking was a nightmare, $30 and thrust onto a muddy hill a mile away. I'd never been to a Chiefs game, the Royals are more my speed, and as we arrived at the gate the national anthem was just concluding. The trash cans were overflowing with beer cans, the
I hate the Kansas City Chiefs.
Iowa is right across the river. The place is basically Nebraska East. Full of small towns of white people, medium sized cities full of white people, and a whole lot of racist "Christians". But every four years this vanilla state gets its ass kissed by every politician crazy enough to think they can be President. I know all about this phenomenon as once in a former life I worked there as a reporter and witnessed the whole disgusting affair. I will date myself by stating I talked in person to a Kennedy, a Bush, a Dole, a Reagan, a Baker, a Crane, ok now we are getting into really obscure names but some day ask me about being in the back seat of a car with Liddy Dole.
Anyway, the fact this whitebread state matters at all is infuriating. I dont really care about the Republicans as those "Christian" freaks never vote for the right person. Say hello to Presidents Dole and Huckabee and Santorum and Robertson. The Democrats are much better at picking a winner. And that scares the shit out of me. Some of the worst candidates out there are running around Iowa. Well one is anyway. The Loser. The Old Wizard. The Heart Attack guy. The one who isn't even a registered Democrat . Yeah you know his name. The guy I was behind in 2016 until he lost and then I wasnt cuz I like to win. If that fucking state launches this old man to the front it will be a sin that Iowa may never recover from. I dont hate uhhhhhh the man I wont name. I probably agree with him on more issues than anybody. But when the Thug From Queens, his spawn and the rest of his disgusting family all make the case for Ber........the old wizard I hesitate. You WANT to run against him and get impeached trying to NOT run against Joe Biden. Ok Thug from Queens.
I will decide if I hate Iowa later.
Rush Limbaugh announced he has advanced lung cancer. I've been affected by that shitty disease enough that I wish it on nobody. Even a son of a bitch like him. This man has spent a career punching down. Ripping apart the poor, the black, the hispanic, females, the disabled basically anyone he can look down on, this bastard has coarsened the discourse in this nation with lies and bullshit for 30 some years. I used to listen to him. Not that I liked him, but way back he was at least interesting. And then Bill Clinton won the Presidency and he went full asswipe. And I stopped listening. I havent hear this jackass in 20 some years but Im sure its no different than it was in 1990. Dumbocrats bad white Republicans good. Once as he stood on the football field in Lincoln with his buddy Clarence Thomas I began screaming "GET OFF MY FIELD YOU TWO SCHMUCKS!!!" My mother was not amused....Sorry Mom, its genetic. I scream at Republicans. And its your genetics. But I dont wish ill on Rush. I really dont. I wish he may look at his situation and decide to become a decent human being. But Im not counting on it
I hate cancer