Monday, February 10, 2020

Kick Me In The Groin Again!!

The poo flinging monkeys lined up 35 hours in advance in Manchester, New Hampshire to see their lumbering Cult Leader, the forever impeached Thug from Queens. A rally. Another fucking rally to stroke the ego of the megalomaniac as he does his stand up. All to take attention away from the Democrats stumbling over their own clown feet to push forward a 78 year old heart patient with a gang of basement dwelling nerds. Yeah I know I was one of them in 2016 when he was just a 74 year old future heart patient but that was prior to HAVING to win or fall into fascism.

The Thug from Queens will appear in Manchester tonite fresh off his budget proposal which to any normal person would result in peeing your pants laughter at the absurdity of it. But its not funny in 2020 where up is down and real functioning people actually think the Liar in Chief tells the truth. By functioning I mean remembering to breathe, knowing how to load a gun and laughing at other peoples pain.

The Scrooge in Chief's budget contains some of the Draconian bullshit that gets the Heritage Foundation hard. Trumps budget cuts the EPA by over 25%, nice for polluters, it cuts the Center for Disease Control by up to 10% while a fucking virus is spreading. Trumps budget cuts Medicaid, Medicare and access to Childrens Health Insurance. It cuts aid to education which of course his uneducated base loves. Who needs schoolin?

The Peasant from Queens wants to cut Housing and Urban Development's budget by 8% and the pussies who like National Parks and scenery as opposed to big ugly buildings with Trump on the side will see a nearly 15% cut.

The Nationalist in Chief also proposes a cut of almost 25% for the commies in the State Department cuz who cares about gettin along with all those furriners.

The winners under the Dr Strangelove in Chiefs budget? Why, the Pentagon, the Homeland Security thumb breakers and NASA so the Nerd in Chief can get his Space Force.

This budget is atrocious yet tonite in New Hampshire, the Thug From Queens will lie and lie and lie and the Trash that still believes him will suck it up like a Parasite, an actual parasite not that ching chong movie that beat Hobbs and Shaw last nite.

Normally this type of idiocy would kill any candidate talking about it. But in this day and age of gullible bumpkin America, you can just do what you want, lie about it and get away unscathed because even it hurts me, watching them libtards squirm is the new paradise.

Brad Pitt may be squirming, Jethro, but he goes back to his mansion and you sink further in the hole. Ahhh Paradise.

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