Friday, February 21, 2020

Battle Royal In Vegas!

Goddamn the Democrats know who they like and who they dont. A debate was supposed to take place in Las Vegas and a knife fight broke out immediately. Former NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg had bought his way onto that stage and his neighbor to his left, Elizabeth Warren, decided this was no time for polite debate and immediately pulled out the shiv and stuck it into Bloombergs torso. Wow, talk about taking one for the team. Warren is reeling from her playing prevent defense and either decided to take out the Republican interloper and with him, herself, or shes done playing defense and is going back to try and catch up. Bloomberg stood there as Warren called him just another sexist asshole billionaire and looked like he wasnt sure what hit him, meekly saying his NDAs with women were maybe because they didnt like a joke he told. But as Warren took a step back from shivving Bloomberg up stepped the jailhouse lawyer, Amy Klobuchar, who twisted the knife sideways. You could almost see the shock on Bloombergs face as he fell when he realized the Thug From Queens had nothing to do with his political demise.

On the other side of the stage, the smarmy student body president, Mayor Pete, took on his principal, the aforementioned Amy K, who Ive been a fan of since the day she allowed the Supreme Court drunken frat boy to reveal what a shitheel he is by ignoring his Trump like baiting and cynical reference to black out drunks as her father was. Mayor Pete is a good guy, I like him, but his condescension and smartest guy in the room attitude can get grating. Mayor Pete went after her support for the Thug From Queens' choice for Border Patrol chief. Went after her for not knowing the name of the President of Mexico (Vincente "We're Not Paying For Your Fucking Wall "Fox is President for life in my mind). To which Senator K came back with the most Mom comment maybe ever made on a debate stage, "I wish everyone was as perfect as you, Pete". I have to admire Mayor Pete just a bit because he didnt back down and ask for forgiveness like I would have. Sorry Mom. They dont like each other at all in much the way the school counselor hates the know it all kid she knows is crowing from insecurity.

Meanwhile, Uncle Joe Biden had a decent night. He took the assist from Professor Warren and scored his own 3 pointer on Bloomberg and generally sounded Presidential even when calling the Thug from Queens a piece of shit. Biden also handled a group of loudmouthed protesters, probably Bernie Bros, screaming before his closing statement about kids in cages and who knows what else, well by simply waiting for security to throw them out onto the Vegas streets. Then he continued. The gaffe machine was in check. Goddamned Russians better get busy cuz Joe isnt done yet.

Meanwhile that old wizard, the 78 year old heart patient, repeated the billionaire and millionaire stuff he says every single time he speaks, Repeated the Medicare for All. Repeated the same stump speech he's been giving for 50 years. Hey, its not that I disagree with any of it, I do not, its simply a matter of is a 78 year old heart patient going to get elected? Is it smart to nominate a 78 year old heart patient who will not release his medical records?

After the debate, Democrats better decide what they want. Cuz right now, the prospect of Bernie Sanders and his band of McGovern Bernie Bros getting this nomination in the same manner as Trump is getting more and more possible. And if that happens, its all in on an old man with baggage we dont even know about saving American democracy by beating a well funded fascist dictator with his own cult like fawns.

So if the Democratic moderates, Joe, Amy, Pete continue to beat each other up, and the other progressive, Liz, continues to make sure a non Democrat horndog police puppet doesnt get a foot in the door, the old Wizard says the same damn thing and keeps his eye batting Bros in a frenzy while cruising to a nomination. The nomination of a party THAT HE DOESNT EVEN BELONG TO.

I am beginning to get worried.

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