Monday, February 3, 2020

Thinking Is Hard!


Now that the destruction of democracy has been sent rolling down the hill by a political party catering to white trash and professional assholes, if theres one of these Republican fuckers left in the Senate in 4 years I will know theres a certain part of the country that doesnt want o succeed. The vote to not allow witnesses on Friday by 51, actually 52 because Susan Collins is a toady the turtle allowed to try and save her seat, Republican Senators was at best cynical and at worst criminal. To listen to two Republican cynics, Rubio and Alexander, admit Trump is a fucking traitor but not worth removing him over was maddening. Lamar Alexander is retiring, has nothing to lose and could have been 2020's version of Howard Baker but instead chose to do what he was told by the golf partner he cherishes. Most 80 somethings with a pretty stellar rep, a lifetime of public service, a lifetime of not being a wingnut, would relish the chance to spike the ball with a win. Instead, Lamar Alexander chose to stay the course of playing golf with a cheap crooked tortoise and supporting a loudmouthed peasant intent on ruining the neighborhood. Nice going. A lifetime rep thrown away for a hooligan.

I hate cowards


Years ago I took a 10 year old Max to his first NFL game in Kansas City, Missouri that is, not Kansas. The kid was just beginning to enjoy sports and what could be better than a typical college football game but the big boys in Kansas City. The Chiefs were playing the 49ers, at the time not very good so I figured wearing a 49ers jersey wold be fine. The tickets were $70 each, a pretty expensive investment for the time. The parking was a nightmare, $30 and thrust onto a muddy hill a mile away. I'd never been to a Chiefs game, the Royals are more my speed, and as we arrived at the gate the national anthem was just concluding. The trash cans were overflowing with beer cans, the hillbillies Chiefs fans slugging down the last of their swill before going in concluded the anthem with a shout of "the home of FUCKIN CHIEFS!!!".......I should have know what was coming. We climbed the steep stairs, and were just about to climb over the rubes fans to our seats when I looked down below and saw two young women, both wearing 49ers jerseys coming out of the tunnel. The clods fans we would be sitting by stood up and one hollered "GET OUT OF HERE YOU CU*TS!!!! FUCK YOU!!!"......well ok then. I decided this needs some more thought. Max's hat was pulled down over his eyes. He looked scared. So we went back into the tunnel to reassess the situation. It was there the decision was made. Two moronsfans with t shirts that said something like "Motherfuckers For Chiefs" . Two cops told them to turn the shirts inside out, They refused and instead began a fight they couldn't win. Max and I left the game and went to the Kansas City Zoo, a place where smarter creatures reside.

I hate the Kansas City Chiefs.


Iowa is right across the river. The place is basically Nebraska East. Full of small towns of white people, medium sized cities full of white people, and a whole lot of racist "Christians". But every four years this vanilla state gets its ass kissed by every politician crazy enough to think they can be President. I know all about this phenomenon as once in a former life I worked there as a reporter and witnessed the whole disgusting affair. I will date myself by stating I talked in person to a Kennedy, a Bush, a Dole, a Reagan, a Baker, a Crane, ok now we are getting into really obscure names but some day ask me about being in the back seat of a car with Liddy Dole.

Anyway, the fact this whitebread state matters at all is infuriating. I dont really care about the Republicans as those "Christian" freaks never vote for the right person. Say hello to Presidents Dole and Huckabee and Santorum and Robertson. The Democrats are much better at picking a winner. And that scares the shit out of me. Some of the worst candidates out there are running around Iowa. Well one is anyway. The Loser. The Old Wizard. The Heart Attack guy. The one who isn't even a registered Democrat . Yeah you know his name. The guy I was behind in 2016 until he lost and then I wasnt cuz I like to win. If that fucking state launches this old man to the front it will be a sin that Iowa may never recover from. I dont hate uhhhhhh the man I wont name. I probably agree with him on more issues than anybody. But when the Thug From Queens, his spawn and the rest of his disgusting family all make the case for Ber........the old wizard I hesitate. You WANT to run against him and get impeached trying to NOT run against Joe Biden. Ok Thug from Queens.

I will decide if I hate Iowa later.


Rush Limbaugh announced he has advanced lung cancer. I've been affected by that shitty disease enough that I wish it on nobody. Even a son of a bitch like him. This man has spent a career punching down. Ripping apart the poor, the black, the hispanic, females, the disabled basically anyone he can look down on, this bastard has coarsened the discourse in this nation with lies and bullshit for 30 some years. I used to listen to him. Not that I liked him, but way back he was at least interesting. And then Bill Clinton won the Presidency and he went full asswipe. And I stopped listening. I havent hear this jackass in 20 some years but Im sure its no different than it was in 1990. Dumbocrats bad white Republicans good. Once as he stood on the football field in Lincoln with his buddy Clarence Thomas I began screaming "GET OFF MY FIELD YOU TWO SCHMUCKS!!!" My mother was not amused....Sorry Mom, its genetic. I scream at Republicans. And its your genetics. But I dont wish ill on Rush. I really dont. I wish he may look at his situation and decide to become a decent human being. But Im not counting on it

I hate cancer

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