Thursday, January 30, 2020
Fleas Fleas Fleas!
Joni Ernst has had enough. She doesnt want to hear anymore nonsense cuz her mind has been made up since Trump told her it was. Its infuriating to no end for the fix thats in play to exist, but the utter arrogance and outright laughing in peoples faces is the truly galling thing about this clown show.
Iowa is right across the river. For some reason, the ridiculous white privilege inspired Iowa caucuses make politicians jockeying for position practically move to the state. It really is a sight to see. Iowa loves it. Makes them feel important which of course they are not. And Joni Ernst is the worst of the worst.
Ya know, Iowa used to elect totally worthless people to the Senate and leave them there forever. I mean that old coot Chuck Grassley has been in office since 1981. I know because in an old life I sat there and talked with him. He was a reasonable down to earth dude. Wrong about everything but hard to dislike. Dumb as a rock but hard to hate. Totally worthless but a nice guy.
Iowa would then elect a Democrat to the other Iowa Senate seat and keep them there forever as a kind of balance.
Then came 2008 and the black guy. And white Iowa, like the rest of white nation, lost its ever loving mind. The nuts came out of the woodwork. Iowa no exception.
Thats where Joni Ernst came from. The rotted woodwork. And the white Iowans of 2014 said sure, Joni's our gal. Joni Ernst gave a speech that can be best be described as Cruella De Ville on roids. Listen to that cackle and tell me buyers remorse wouldnt set in.
Since her election, Joni Ernst has claimed to have been raped, a victim of domestic violence and had her hair change colors like a spinning kaleidoscope. Yet here she is, a victim of rape and violence defending an accused rapist and violent abusive creep. And defending him with great glee. So utterly arrogant and overly confident, she pushed a fellow collaborating Republican Senator aside just to start screaming nyah nyah nyah hey hey hey goodbye and spilling the beans on whats really going on here.
Ernst said, out loud, "Iowa caucuses are this next Monday evening. And I'm really interested to see how this discussion today informs and influences the Iowa caucus voters, those Democratic caucus goers. Will they be supporting VP Biden at this point?"
For fucks sake, can you be even more blunt? Thats what scares the living shit out of the fascist side of this election. Joe Biden. Joe Biden, with his blue collar roots, his propensity to drop an F bomb now and then, and the fact he is the anti-Trump scares the Trump Crime Family like the SDNY will in a year or so.
So when greasy TV lawyers send hours talking about everything EXCEPT defending their traitorous boss, Ernst was listening so closely she couldnt wait to spike the ball at the 10. Ernst is without a doubt out of her fucking mind. And shes up for re-election and 5 points underwater on the approval poll.
Thus like other Collaborators up for election, she has made the decision that because her party has lost anyone of any sanity and is now run by nuts and populated by white trash, she must appeal to them and them only. Lose your sanity and go full Dear Leader. Go full dictatorship. To save ones self, destroy democracy.
Joni Ernst has laid down with the mangy unwashed dogs and now she has fleas.
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