Sunday, January 26, 2020

Absolutely Nothing Wrong!!!

The president did absolutely nothing wrong.

And with that, the Presidents defense team launches into what will be, in the end, a rant of conspiracy theories. lies, denials of facts, and inevitably an attack on Joe and Hunter Biden.

But Saturday was nothing more than an opening salvo in a fixed fight. The fighter with the judges in his pockets, the handlers with the judges in their pockets and the judges, fresh off playing with fidget spinners, reading carefully selected books, and breaking rules by running outside to make sure the rubes back home see their favorite Trumpian bootlicker talking about something they arent even in the chamber to see defending the Dear White Leader the hicks so love.

The Ukraine. That place Mike Pompeo thinks is unimportant and lies about. The place where this whole disgusting crime started. The place where the President thought he could strong arm into doing what he does best. Breaking every rule in the book because thats what he does. Why do things the right way when the wrong way is so much more fun? The wrong way is so much easier because the Dear Leader is basically a lazy lumbering pathological liar without an ounce of fair play in him.

The Ukraine, the place that interfered in the 2016 election to elects Hillary Clinton. The place that invaded Russia. The place that a couple of guys named Guliani and Parnas never have even heard of. The place where the Thug from Queens made the perfect phone call. The Ukraine, the place of no pressure.

When the fight is fixed, you dont even have to try. You can lay in the corner taking blow after blow, you can sit on your stool and not even come out, you can be knocked down numerous times, you can stick your jaw out and let the other fighter lay you out because you know the 10 secind count will take as long as necessary because the refs in your pocket.

This fixed fight was started on a Saturday, the "death valley of TV ratings" per the Gangster from Queens, and the really crazy lies were put out there. No mention of Lev Parnas or Rudy Guliani. No mention of the Bidens which I'm sure will result in hours and hours of a defense team of hissing raccoons and sewer dwelling TV lawyers screeching the name Biden.

Meanwhile the Punk from Queens tweets out his cute liddle' insulting nicknames and watches his trial in real time, doing his "job" as he always does. Watching TV and getting boners at the mention of his name.

Everyone knows this fixed fight will end with a split decision in favor of the Bigfoot from Queens. At which point we will hear from the collaborators how offended they were by the Democrats case. How offended they were by the heads on a pike allegation. How offended they were by the attacks on their integrity. How offended they were by the truth.

Yet the people who think know whats happening here. The evidence is getting worse by the day. Yet we will get no witnesses, no evidence, no nothing except cowards bowing to a Goon from Queens. Its really sad to watch an empire crumble. And the fact its OUR empire makes it even more appalling.

The Mobster from Queens has done "absolutely nothing wrong".

God has stopped shedding his grace on thee.

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