Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Merry Christmas!
Thank God we can say Merry Christmas again. Thanks to Trump. Ya know that commie Obama NEVER said Merry Christmas because he was Kenyan and Muslim and married to a man.
So Merry Christmas thanks to the Traitor in Chief.
May next Christmas be the Degenerate in Chiefs last as POTUS3 or better yet, he's already gone and even better yet, he's in jail.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Yearly Review!
For the love of Christmas the traitor isnt even trying to hide his puppetry any longer. Touting his support from his Supervisor while denying the facts yet again.
Look, you've been impeached. Comrade Motherfucker. Despite your denials, despite that shitshow of Trump groupies that all stood and expressed their pre determined talking points about how the other side had no evidence and how the other side simply "hated" him and various pleas for unity, which of course means do as we say and all is well, you are POTUS 3, Impeached.
Remember back when the new class of progressives in the House all publicly exclaimed "OK Boomer" to all those that wanted to keep Queen Nancy as Speaker and touted various pretenders to the throne? Ok Millennials. Now you know why street fighters are the only way to battle these Republican thugs. Not through ideas or intelligence. Jesus what are you thinking. That strategy has gotten us to where we are. Led by a dumb asshole who makes fun of disabled people, dead people, tortured people, immigrants, women, blacks, gays and everyone not white and male. Face it, Americans are dumb, and getting dumber by the day. They are fed by emotions, fed by bullshit they want to hear, fed by a sense of entitlement that because they are white they rule. Until you decide to feed into that type of campaigning, forget it.
I am not suggesting to start being as fucking stupid as those rally attendees who have to reminded to breathe, I am suggesting you fuck with me I fuck with you. So far all I see is Joe Biden. Elizabeth Warren has some of that but Jesus Christ stop with the plans for everything. Nobody cares except the very people the rally attendees hate. Stop being so smart and shit, it gives us a headache and we are proud of being dumb. Kamala Harris had the right idea, but she's gone for now. Billionaires like Bloomberg and Steyer have the money to say fuck it and fight in the mud but really who wants them running a party opposed to that? Bernie has it, but come on, Bernie is 100 years old and off a heart attack. Not to mention his cult like following is the rally attendees of the left.
So come on. The fuckin POTUS 3 says OUT LOUD he's got his Boss in his corner. The jury foreman comes right out and says the "trial" is going to be the political equivalent of the Emmett Till jury. The defense "attorney" in the House, a truly despicable cornpone from Georgia running for Senate, says OUT LOUD that if the Democrats get an elected POTUS 46 he will impeach him or her for no reason other than revenge.
This is Dumb America now. A political party firmly in the hands of our adversary for the last 100 years doesnt give a shit as long as they can suppress the minority vote, put stupid puppets into the courts, lock up the Supreme Court with drunken boarding school frat boys and folksy fascists is the alternative to Democrats? Ok America.
And one more thing. ANYBODY who stands up in public to trash the "Democrat Party" is no longer a serious person. This has been a juvenile tactic put into place by radio talk show hosts years ago to get under my fucking skin. But when you do it, you lose anything afterwards and I dont care if you are reciting the Theory of Relativity. Its stupid. Just stop it.
Fact--Donald F Trump has been impeached.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Manifestos Make You Crazy!
If there was ever any doubt that the President of the United States is a mad hatter, that was squelched today when the handlers of the Narcissist in Chief crayoned a sort of Greatest Hits, a copy and paste of tweets sent by the Prick in Chief, and sent it to Nancy Pelosi. 6 pages of nonsense, ravings, speculation, desperation, threats, name calling, ya know what the Idiot in Chief does everyday, sent to the Speaker of the House. The Speaker of the House, a Baltimore street fighter who has handled loudmouthed street thug wannabes like Trump all her life, called the manifesto ridiculous and crazy. And tomorrow she will preside over what Trump fears the most. His legacy being stained,.
You're getting impeached on Wednesday, Donald, and you will be forever stained by it. All of your bullying and name calling and arrogance, the thought you were above everything decent, is over. All the names Ive called you over the last 4 years, Traitor, Thug, Russian Stooge, racist, rapist, misogynist, dick, horrible father, even more horrible human being all stay. I dont give a shit if you resign, I dont give a shit if you get voted out of office, all I care about now is you are impeached. Forever.
Our three representatives here will vote no and I dont give a damn about that either. Two of our reps here are nobodies who just rubber stamp whatever McCarthy says. They have no brains or accomplishments of their own. They are truly just rural nothings Republican by DNA. Our rep here in the urban Congressional district does have accomplishments of his own. His name is General Don Bacon. He is a retired Air Force Brigadier General who got bored double dipping, so he ran for Congress and won thanks to a gerrymandered district designed to keep the Democrats from winning a district they should win. But lets forget that and realize Bacon served his nation admirably. He commanded troops. He had subordinates. And now, Bacon has taken his own reputation, his own legacy, and thrown it into the latrine to defend the type of man he used to defend this nation from. For that, I do give a shit. Its sad. Maybe the only sad I feel here. The rest of these Republican bootlickers be damned. They are mostly con artists and dumbshits just one IQ point and one dollar over the dopes who vote for them. But Bacon? Why?
Bacon can throw it all away tomorrow defending a man he'd have busted out of his command long ago if he wants. But I have sent him email after email asking him if he'd have tolerated this behavior in his ranks. he never replies. Not even a thanks for your opinion reply and placement on his fucking email list like our do nothing Senator Deb Fischer did to me.
Anyway, I wont pretend tomorrow will be sad, or respectful. Nope sorry, I wont lie. I want this to happen. And I want that thug in the White House held accountable for his treason, his racism, and his criminal activity.
Donald Trump is a stain on this country's history. Its only right this country stains him for a change.
Monday, December 16, 2019
20 years ago today my father passed away and its always been a tough month for me since. I mean the man basically made me who I am.
He was a tough Irishman raised on the run by a nomadic father who seemed to not be able to stay in one place. Born in the 1920s and raised during the depression he went to college when he could and then when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor tried to join the Marines to no avail. Something about flat feet. So he joined the Army. My Dad spent the "worst 4 years of my life" in Europe defeating Nazism.
Then he came back to the US, attended college in New York City and came to Omaha to stay put, unlike his father. And he raised a family.
My Dad never dwelled on the negative. He never talked about the depression (unlike my Mom who couldnt stop talking about it), he never talked about the war unless the story was funny, and he never seemed down. I know better now that Im old. He hid it. But that was him.
My Dad never lived long enough to see George W Bush (though he once called him an "empty suit"). He never lived long enough to see Barack Obama. And he never lived long enough to see this disgrace of a human currently in the Oval Office. Thank goodness, though he would probably disagree cuz he loved life.
My Dad was a libtard. A Hubert Humphrey Democrat committed to doing right, to civil rights and to treating people with empathy and decency. I miss my Dad every freaking day. I want to pick up the phone and see what he thinks about this fucked up world.
One story to end that sums up my Dad. Long ago in the 1970s, when my mother still smoked she had asked my Dad to bring her home a carton of Parliaments or Viceroys or whatever. When Dad got home the carton was open and one pack was missing. He had quit smoking years before so it wasnt him who took it. Mom said why is there a pack missing? Dad looked at her and said, there was a bum (thats what they called them back then) sitting against a wall downtown so I flipped him a pack. Mom couldnt understand that type of thinking. Dad understood. So did I.
That was my father.
Friday, December 6, 2019
While the House wraps up its moral duty to impeach a traitorous scumbag reality show host elected by an archaic system installed to protect white male supremacy and the owning of human beings, other things have occurred in the last couple of weeks that nobody gives a shit about. The distraction is amazing. Sometimes I think Trump is nothing more than a puppet designed to take the heat while the real sleaze buckets install their Dickensian wet dream in the background.
Bill Barr. The DOJ thug assigned to make the department nothing more than Trumps muscle. His wartime consigliori. Where do you start with this Yabba Dabba Doo motherfucker?
Barr, a conservatives idea of what a real AG should be, a mob lawyer with a baseball bat, is greasing the skids to start whacking more federal inmates convicted of death penalty crimes. The federal death penalty generally acquiesces to state law regarding the actual executions. Most states cannot get the drugs any longer to actually kill people. Our own Governor, the reefer madness screamer Pete Ricketts, actually attempted to buy drugs illegally so he could fulfill his lifelong dream of killing someone legally, He succeeded only because an inmate sick of being in prison offered himself up to Ricketts as a lamb. So as drug companies continue to refuse to sell drugs to states that intend to use to kill people, Barr has decided to try an end run and change protocol from a three drug "cocktail" to a one drug overdose. He's been stopped by a federal judge. For now. But Barr's attempt to be Trumps hit man continues. Fuck the law, I'm Bill Fucking Barr!
Barr also has taken the position that local law enforcement is nothing more than a mob fueled protection racket. Barr speaking to some hack law enforcement group designed to protect thumb breakers disguised in cop uniforms, announced for all to hear “if communities don’t give that support and respect, they might find themselves without the police protection they need.” So in Barr's world, kiss police ass, pay your respects, free pastries, coffee whatever or else. And it doesnt take a genius to figure out who Barr was warning. Hey communities of color, if your loudmouths dont shut it, the cops will care even less than they already do. Barr is truly nothing more than a thuggish representative of the Trump Crime Family, or a Klansman. Pick.
This disgusting administration has also decided to further Republican masturbation by cutting food stamps to damn near a million people. Led by chicken salesman and Department of Agriculture hack, Sonny Perdue, the new rules will force the states to enforce work requirements to obtain food stamps. Hey man, everybody has two or three jobs now so why should food stamps be given out to able bodied people who just use them to buy lobster and caviar? Hey a friend of my cousins gardener's youngest son's teacher saw it happen once at the Krogers. Perdues cruelty, a billionaires cruelty. makes soulless creeps like Paul Ryan stroke it even harder to the Ayn Rand posters.
Meanwhile The Federalist Societys agenda of stacking courts with unqualified idiots keeps on going with Republican Senate collaborators continually providing the 51 votes necessary to provide America with further dumbing down. Sarah Pitlyk, a former Drunky McDrunk clerk, and general dope, was confirmed to a lifetime job on the bench in Missouri. Pitlyk is not only unqualified to be a judge, she may be unqualified to be a human being. The woman is such a nitwit she opposes surrogacy , in vitro fertlization, for chrrisakes she makes the Catholics look like Planned Parenthood. This is all based on Pitlyks crazy views that surrogacy and in vitro destroy respect for"motherhood" and that the natural mother child bond is not fulfilled. So if you're infertile, or cannot have children, go fuck yourselves. Sucks for you. God hates you I guess. Ladies and Gentleman, please rise for Judge Dumbfuck.
Lawrence VanDyke was also confirmed. A lifelong corporate hack, VanDyke, considered arrogant, lazy and a bigot by his own colleagues, sat in front of his hearing a cried like the bigoted little bitch he is when it was suggested he was a homophobic prick. Ahhhhhhh ha, you got caught, asshole. Crying wasnt necessary dude. You had the fast track to a lifetime job no matter if you came right out and said I hate the fags and want them all dead. 51 votes are guaranteed to make you a leech on the taxpayers so why bawl like a closet case caught at a rest stop? VanDyke and Pitlyk can go to hell. Quickly if we are lucky.
The diversionary tactics of this Republican Party show how corrupt they are. They dont accept election consequences though continually espouse that idiotic saying. For fucks sake, 53% of this base of baboons think Trump is greater than Abe Lincoln. Well after all, Lincoln did end slavery, a bit radical for this bunch of screeching simians.
Pay attention folks. Getting this criminal out of office is truly the main point here, but we can do two things at once. Hold the dictator at bay but dont let the accomplices accomplish his goals.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Impeachment Now!
You wanna fuck with her? She's not some pantywaist from San Francisco but a Baltimore tough who will kick your ass yesterday. Some dumb sexula harasser from Sinclair decided to go all Sinclair and ask Nancy Pelosi if she hated the President. Now my answer would have been fuck yes and Im not too fond of you either but the Speaker went to the religion card. How dare you sir! Im Catholic and I hate nobody. The quivering mound of purple jello sunk back in his seat as she wagged her finger and took to the mike to warn all males to not mess with her. Yes Maam.
Donald Trump is getting impeached, period. This pile of peach goo is going to be stained with the impeachment curse whether he likes it or not. He can rant and rave, tweet, holler to his stupid base, dominate his Republican collaborators into saying the most idiotic things out loud none of them believe but he is being impeached. All the bravado and the narcissism and the bullying and fake outrage and the name calling and the lies and the rallies arent going to help this creep. He's going to get his ass kicked by a woman. For the second time. And the fact this hardens his arteries more than Big Macs and KFC is going to be so sweet. Watching this degenerate squirm is worth it. Oh I know the Vichy Republican traitors in the Senate will not convict this stooge. Not a chance. The real goal for them is to cram America's courts with so many morons and puppets that no matter who is President and who runs Congress the stupid fucking laws passed by state legislators will be upheld by total loons sitting on judicial benches built by evil demons like Mitch McConnell.
This President is a misogynist, a racist, a homophobe, a bigot and a child hater. Not to mention a dog hater. Lied like a dog. Shot like a dog. This giant lumbering forest monster is destroying America in the name of white supremacy. He and his white collaborators know what the shifting demographics are going to be. Installing white male supremacy thru the courts by appointing some of the dumbest individuals know to man is all that matters to them. The fact there are so many female ass kissers participating is truly stunning. Senators like Marsha Blackburn are just stupid women. Total limp dicks like Deb Fischer do what they are told. Then theres the Joni Ernsts of the world. Truly evil women who know where they came from yet embrace power more so than what is right. These are gender traitors and please dont give me all women dont think the same. Tghey dont, agreed. But to embrace a serial rapist, sexual harasser and possible pedophile simply to keep power is just wrong. For fucks sakes, Joni Ernst was raped. She was married to an abuser, a white supremacist abuser. Yet she embraces the same philosophy as her abuser and follows a handsy grabby pile of toxicity right down the line. She makes me ill.
Nancy, impeach this motherfucker NOW. Let philandering phonies like Kevin McCarthy proselytize and express their own fake news about a man they all know is a traitor and a stooge.
We live under Vichy Government. They day they drag this bunch out of the White House and the Capitol will be the second 4th of July.
Goddammit, get it done. Its up to the women now.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Irishman!
Now that the Walking Bigfoot In Chief has left the country its safe to go outside enjoy yourselves. Just stay off twitter and avoid Senator Goober and his Russian water carrying.
The Irishman. Scorcese's latest and maybe greatest came to Netflix over the weekend but hell I dont watch movies on small screens as I must have the full theater experience in order to grasp what is going on since my attention span at home rivals that of Trump listening to a paragraph in which his name isn't mentioned.
The Irishman IS playing here in flyover country but only at the local art theater, a fantastic old theater called the Dundee saved by the Buffett family and Alexander Payne. Cant wait. Off to the theater to take advantage of my senior membership and pay $5 to get in with student Max for $7.50 and yes I know I just spent the monthly Netflix fee on a movie I cold watch at home. Theres two theaters at the grand old Dundee. The big 1920s screen and the tiny little 20 seat micro theater reserved for those foreign documentaries and movies about old eccentric ladies. And in this case, The Irishman.
Ever sit in a tiny theater in row 1? For 3.5 hours? My neck may recover sometime next week.
The movie itself is brilliant. The massive cast of Scorcese veterans and Al Pacino let the story tell itself. Its about Jimmy Hoffa, its about the Philly mob, its about truth and lies and soured relationships. Its about murder and theft and racketeering. Its about unions and corporate thuggery and politics. And its about growing old.
Narrated by an old nursing home bound Frank Sheeran played by Robert DeNiro, the Irishman who "paints houses", it tells the long story of his life, from World War II, thru the 50s and 60s and into the 70s and 80s. Along the way we meet Russell Bufalino (Joe Pesci) and Angelo Bruno (Harvey Keitel) and eventually Jimmy Hoffa (Al Pacino). Its a gallery of movie gangsters played by the Mount Rushmore of gangster movie actors.
The never ever boring 3 plus hours moves along like a great book. Please watch it.
Its not Casino, its not Goodfellas, its not The Departed. Only non Scorcese fans will utter that nonsense. Its the Irishman. Its a masterpiece in itself.
The de-aging is distracting yes. DeNiro and Pesci de-aged is reminiscent of the greatness of these two. Pacino de=aged does not look like the baby faced Michael Corleone. He's more weathered than that. And Pacino who has been getting Oscar buzz simply by not chewing scenery shows he has a lot left in the tank. His Hoffa is a working mans crusader and a tough guy to boot. Pesci is the calm and collected old mobster who knows it is what it is. Anna Paquin is DeNiros daughter who sees him do so many horrible things she eventually refuses to speak to him. Paquin doesnt speak. At all. The criticism of that is idiocy. Because silence is what it is. And Anna Paquin acts with her face.
But Robert DeNiro is the glue of this movie. He holds it together throughout. He shows again why he may be Americas greatest actor.
You put this bunch together in one movie and you fear its a disaster of competing egos that will be laughed at. Sorry, haters, it is genius. Screw your tiny bladders and short attention spans.But watch it at a distance, unlike me who still needs a neck brace. Totally worth it