Friday, May 3, 2019


Damn. Is there really enough prison space to hold everyone in the putrid administration who belongs there?

This lawless band of thugs goes way beyond Nixon and his group of liars and cheats. At least Nixon had some sort of patriotism, as warped as it may have been, and a political party willing to throw his crooked ass overboard. Trump and his thieving colluding traitors have nothing in place to stop them. A hack political party that knows its dying out as fast as the oxygen tanks on its base runs out. This party has made a deal with the devil and the devil is the Satan in Chief.

Lets just take this last exhausting month or so. The Mueller Report was released and people like me, still a bit trusting of Government officials to do what is right, clenched our fists in anger as the Attorney General, Fred Fuckstone, flanked by a non blinking jackwagon named Rod Rosenstein, and some bearded lackey that looked like an enforcer, read a statement in effect exonerating the Colluder in Chief of any wrongdoing and that any shenanigans that the Traitor in Chief may have gotten involved in was just because he was "justifiably angry and frustrated" at the pesky Mueller and his deep dive for the truth. Really? Getting out front on something like this is the job of liars like Kellyanne Conway or Sarah the Hillbilly not the fucking Attorney General of the United States. At this moment, despite the lackey press at Fox and the Liar in Chief crowing No Collusion No Obstruction, the Attorney General became just another mob lawyer protecting Big Donnie and the Trump Crime Family.

Jesus this is really exhausting. Led by collaborators like Mitch the Turtle and Lindsay Graham, who MUST be being blackmailed by someone with a tape of him with a live boy or a dead boy, ran interference. Refusing to call hearings or even to release the Mueller Report, this Vichy Government running the United States Senate also became mob thugs protecting the Mobster in Chief. Thanks to America getting sick of this shit in 2018, the House ramped up its investigations after it became apparent they were democracy's only hope.

So the hearings began to be planned. The redacted Mueller report was released. We learned Donnie the Goon thought his presidency was over, he was fucked, and of course he obstructed justice, or at least attempted to, at least 10 times. But because he's so goddamned stupid, and his son is so fucking stupid, no prosecutorial proceedings were beginning, at least by Mueller. Oh great, so if I plan to bomb something, order people to bomb something, yet those people ignore me because I'm so goddamned stupid, I have committed no crime? Welcome to Trumps America 2019. Where crime is only criminal if you have an IQ of room temperature and of course if you're not white.

The Attorney General, a truly despicable toadie from way back, appeared before the Senate this week. Hand jobbed by the Republicans, throttled by a few gutsy Democrats (thanks Kamala Harris your donation is on the way) Barr lied under oath, bobbed and weaved to avoid answering if he was truly Trumps reach around guy, debated the word "suggested" (God remember depends on the meaning of what is is and Republican apoplexy?) and was praised by Fox News and its senile viewers. Barr the refused to appear before the House, a clear violation of the law. Hey, why isnt this truly lawbreaking bobblehead in fucking jail already?

Oh you Democrats. So utterly afraid that people who live in the middle of nowhere will EVER vote for you. Oh we dont want to offend anybody. Oh we might get in trouble. Oh no, Sean Hannity might get mad. Red States might reject us. Jesus Chris fucking man up you preposterous wimps. You are getting no help from anybody on the other side, you're fucked in rural America forever because they see you as the party of the blacks and the Messicans and the sodomites and the uppity broads. The other party is struggling to stay afloat. Their last chance to turn America into a right wing utopia of White Male Supremacy forever is here and they will stop at nothing to achieve it. Passing laws in states to ban the ban of plastic bags, cracking down on pipeline protesters, blatantly defying the Constitution by banning abortion, arming teachers then doubling down by passing more extreme laws to arm teachers, the modern day fascists are using a narcissistic dummy to pack courts with neanderthals and unqualified Clarence Thomases to make sure their draconian laws stay put. Oh yes, it IS a coup all right. Just not the coup that the Victim in Chief cackles about to his cultists.

We are in danger folks. Real fucking danger of becoming Gilead. The Democrats better grow a pair NOW. If this Shitheel in Chief wins again, we are finished. This nation could take 8 years of George W Bush and his boss Dick the War Dog, but not 4 more years of this thuggery beholdened by a political party of collaborating scumbags.

Get out there and fight. And go the fuck away, Bernie, you're only fucking this thing up.

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