Saturday, May 4, 2019

Graduation Day!

Graduations are a chore. They last forever, the speakers generally suck, the awarding of the diplomas takes more time than it took the grads to earn them, the parents and families are rude, and very few of the kids want to actually be there.

But if its YOUR kid. Then it becomes bearable, even if your last name tends to fall into the last 10% of the ceremony.

My kid graduates from college today. Proud isnt even a word I use but dammit am I proud of this young man. He never ever got a B all through high school, it was all A's. His record was perfect. He earned himself a full ride academic scholarship. He put up with a lot of shit in the 4 years on a social level but the kids eyes remained on the prize. He wants to be a lawyer and he will be in about 3 years or so. He earned another scholarship, graduates with high distinction and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa.

This fall he will enter law school with another prize to keep his eyes on. Things change I know. I remember the original goal of being a paleontologist and searching for dinosaur bones. But this prize is something I hope never changes. The future lawyer wants to help people. He wants to work for the ACLU, or some other group that sticks up for regular people. Immigrants, the downtrodden, the poor, the ones who lose their rights to the upper crust intent on keeping them down. In other words, this putrid administration.

If that happens, and I am pretty sure it will because this youngster cannot be stopped, life has been a success. Who would have thought when the baby came, and didnt even cry, and he looked at me like who the fuck are you, that the result would be this? Look I am not a smart person (and I can show you my transcripts). I am only "well read" as they say. I know just a bit more than most people. But as far as smarts go, fugetaboudit. His mom contributed just as much to this kids ethic as I did. Compassion and empathy came from her. Also a will to stand up for one's self. I am more of a loudmouth who ends most arguments with a big fuck you. She will get results without that fall into the abyss ending (except for the hotel in Denver story woo hoo) I tend to stumble into. Thus, the kid is a combo of loudmouth and pragmatist. I make him think by challenging his views while most of time not even meaning what I pontificate about. She keeps him on the straight and narrow with practical advice. It worked so far.

Anyway, allowing me to brag for a bit is appreciated. We may have made a significant contribution to helping this country stay true to itself with the unleashing of this kid. Fingers crossed.

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