Thursday, April 18, 2019

The Trump Crime Family!

The Mueller Report is out. Yep, he's a fucking criminal. There was that disgraceful press conference in which Fred Fuckstone William Barr, with a hostage named Rod Rosenstein behind him kept in line by a bearded thug I assume, played mob lawyer and defended a mob boss. But the report came out soon after. Those of us who can read, are capable of linear thinking and have a double digit IQ can see through the sycophantic Barr and come to the conclusion that Donald Trump is truly the Russian Puppet In Chief.

In normal times, the Attorney General of the United States would be run out of town on a rail by sundown. This stooge, this principle lacking lackey, this sausage fingered liar, this lapdog of a right wing movement that cares not of anything but power and the establishment of an autocracy in which the white man is king again, should not only be removed from office, he ought to be fucking disbarred. Barr is a disgrace. Rosenstein, obviously threatened and standing there like some sort of beaten down scarecrow is a disgrace. This entire DOJ is a joke like every other department in this thuggish administration.

The Mueller Report also informed us of more obvious facts. Sarah Sanders is an admitted liar. Making shit up by pulling it out of her hillbilly ass and once under oath admitting it. How can this cockeyed hilljack ever be taken seriously again? The first question out of any legitimate reporters mouth after anything this Arkansas rube says should be "Say are you lying now or what?". Much like her brother murders dogs and her father murders Big Macs this melting faced mouthpiece of a crime family murders the truth.

The Mueller Report also made mincemeat of the son of the Colluder In Chief. Donnie Junior met with Russian spies to get dirt on Hillary Clinton at the Trump Tower before the 2016 election. Junior lied about the meeting's subject by claiming it was about adoption, then allowed his stupid father to lie more, until eventually everyone knew what everyone knew. It was about collusion with a foreign enemy to take power. Period. However, because Mueller came to the conclusion that Junior is so fucking dumb, he may lack the mental capacity to actually understand that collusion is illegal. Thus, because Junior is such a half wit, charging him with any crime might result in him being declared mentally incompetent. Winning!

"Oh my God. This is terrible. This will end my Presidency. I'm fucked" The words of an innocent man? When the Traitor in Chief found out that a special investigator was appointed, his first thoughts were of who else, Donald F Trump. This resulted in half baked attempts to fire Robert Mueller, obstruct justice, cover shit up, and do it right out in the open. Trump ordered his White House Counsel, Don McGahn. to fire Mueller. McGahn, perhaps the only no sleazy person in this administration, refused and attempted to resign calling what Trump was doing as "crazy shit". Its hard to call anyone who helped elect the Thug in Chief a hero, so I wont, but McGahn is the only one so far capable of cleaning the scum off himself.

All of this scummy behavior, the Russian gloating, the ham handed attempts by Trump to commit crimes only to be stopped by a staff who just ignored him, the collusion with Wikileaks and its shit smearing rapist blabbermouth, the probable existence of the infamous pee tape. or some tape that frightens the Porn Star Payoff in Chief, the ordering of Generals to stifle the press, the incredible out in the open begging for Russian hackers to attack the Democrats, the 10 attempts to obstruct justice, all of this third world dictatorship shit that went on, is nothing more than criminal. This motherfucker should not only be impeached, but his entire crooked family should be in federal prison.

Hey Democrats. Grow a pair. The cannon has been loaded. Fucking fire it!!

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