Thursday, April 4, 2019

2019 Road Trip! Menu Pictures Rule!

Road Trip 2019 headed west through Ohio and Indiana to place drivable back home in one day. South Bend, Indiana. I was in South Bend back in 1975 to visit a buddy at Notre Dame. Then 43 years passed. Now Ive been there two times in the last 6 months. Not by choice, just by chance.

First of all I hate Notre Dame. I despise everything it stands for. The arrogance, the Catholicism, the in your face superiority of its alumni, the criminality, Prince Shembo and Lizzy Seeburg. Back in May of 1975, a tornado ravaged Omaha. That fall , while at Notre Dame, I was told the tornado probably improved Omaha. I was asked if we had "trouble with the Indians". The ignorance of a student body of rich privileged Catholics (Brett Kavanaugh anyone) brought back high school PTSD. I KNEW these assholes. And asshole they were, and probably still are.

Onward. Into South Bend to a hotel literally on the other side of a fence where the Notre Dame campus lay. It was a fine hotel as hotels go. I entered to check in and an older couple was sitting at a card table. This couple screamed Indiana. They were nice looking older folks who looked like they'd do anything for you, give you the shirt off their back, bring you a pie, and then put a Trump sign up in their yard. They were the check in people for a Marriage Seminar going on at the hotel that weekend. They said hi to the old hippie who walked in with two young women who had gotten there just as we did. I stood by them and came very close to winking at Ma and Pa. Oh by the way, the two young backpacked women reeked of pot. I mean Ive smelled a lot of pot in my life but this smell took me back. The smell made me wonder if they went upstairs to separate the stems and seeds . Skunky. The hotel clerk said to his fellow white male "man they are gonna be trouble". I didnt know if he meant because of the skunk smell or the fact they were black. So I said 'did you put them on my floor?" "Yes sir" "Its cool". Then I left to get the luggage.

All over the hotel were hand written hearts on doors. "Debbie and John" " Jane and Robert" "Donald and Stormy". The joke was stay the hell away from these rooms. Who knows what kind of "seminar" this was?

Off to the Steak N Shake. The finest dining only for The Max's Dad family. Steak N Shake is one of the most overrated chains in the country. Its ok, but doesnt live up to the hype. And apparently they employ lousy male waiters. Oh let me tell you about the town hipster at the Steak N Shake in Goodland, Kansas. No not really. Why am I talking about Steak N Shake? Because one of the strangest restaurant sights Ive ever seen occurred there. Across from us sat a young family. A mom, and little kid and a backwards hat wearing douchebag. When their food came, somehow before ours, the waiter was summoned. "This hamburger doesnt look like the picture" Mom said. "See it doesnt look the same" "Shouldnt this cheese be white?" The waiter pushed back a bit, which pissed off the douchebag. They ate it. Then the douchebag threw a tantrum at the pay counter, throwing the door open and LOUDLY announcing they were never coming back. I doubt anyone cared. Jesus, if the food you get was supposed to look like the picture on the menu you'd never eat. I am still mystified by it.

Finally a quick trip around the Notre Dame campus as Max's Mom had never seen it. Unfortunately a NCAA basketball tournament was going on and the place was jammed so we took the quickie tour. The Golden Dome, check, TD Jesus, check, the football stadium, check, the dorms where all the rapes take place, check, the library, check, the exit gate, check.

Out of South Bend, thru Chicago, thru Illinois, Iowa and finally back home.

Day 8 and its over.

PS :

Now about South Bend one more time. The people of South Bend elected as a Mayor a gay man who quite frankly should be President by default. Pete Butigieg (Boot edge edge) was the the Mayor of Where is running for what guy just a few months ago. Now he's a guy with a lot of money and the biggest brain in the field. FFS, the Iraq war veteran learned Norwegian just to speak with a Norwegian author. Trump cant even speak English. Pete Butigieg (Boot Edge Edge) is the anti Trump for if the nation goes against type in 2020, who else is there? Trump is a stupid, lazy, thrice married, dishonest, traitorous moron while Butigieg is an intelligent, energetic, once married, honest, war veteran. When we talked about Bill Clinton being the First Man if Hillary won (which she did) how about a First Man AND a POTUS 46 who is also a man. I can see conservative heads explode and I love seeing that.

Now I hear that Pete Butigieg (Boot edge edge) in 2015 uttered the phrase "All Lives Matter". Quick get me a fainting couch. Jesus H Christ, lets just swear that fucking Trump in again. The circular firing squad needs to end. Kamala Harris put people in jail, oh the horrors. Joe Biden is a touchy feely guy, what a monster. Amy Klobuchar is mean to her staff, get out the guillotine. Liz Warren fudged her ancestry a bit too much for the ancestors of an orangutan, the Trumps. Cory Booker took Big Pharma money, oh lethally inject him then. Beto O'Rourke is really a Robert Francis, stone him with potatoes. Kirsten Gillibrand is a pro-gun opportunist who railroaded Al Franken out of the Senate. Yeah ok fuck her. Tulsi Gabbard is a pro Russian stooge. Sorry we already have one of those in the Oval Office. And Bernie Sanders? Love ya Bern but get lost and take your nutty cultists with you.

Come on Democrats. Get it together..

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