Friday, November 2, 2018

Fascism Is 5 Days Away!

5 days to save the nation from a racist thug. The Mussolini in Chief has had quite the week. Inserting himself into all that is tragic, giving orders to a non existent military presence to shoot children throwing rocks, something that will never happen. Holding rallies in states for his oldster bitter base. Thinking he can change the constitution with a stroke of his EGG like signature. I mean what else can you think. Donald Fucking Trump is a thug. A creepy fascist. You know what he is. And in 5 days, he must be stopped.

Trump began the week by defying every Jewish leader, every politician, every decent human being in Pittsburgh by NOT staying away from the city attempting to recover from the Trumper maniac who murdered 11 Innocent folks in a synagogue last Saturday because of his economic anxiety. The story of Holocaust survivor being killed turned out to be false, but nonetheless, she was slaughtered by a gun toting mass murderer inspired by the words of a movement allowed from under the rock by the Racist in Chief. Trump went to Pittsburgh because of course he did what he was asked not to. And it was a typical Trump stepping in dog shit moment. He basically got run out of town. Go Pirates.

Trump continued his power grab by insisting, on the advice of "many legal scholars" led by what I assume is a gang of fake judges on TV. tghat he could eliminate an amendment to the constitution by signing a piece of paper. You see, the Bigot in Chief, doesnt think that babies born on American soil to non citizens, should be citizens. You know, like his 4 spawns of Satan born to non citizens. The idea that the 14th Amendment can be destroyed with a stroke of a dictators pen is ludicrous enough, but the fact he had support from various Republicans like the Screeching Lindsey Graham, still reeling from the latest Russian blackmail threat, is scary. The base loves it of course. Yay Donald! Get rid of those foreign browns and blacks. Russian women giving birth at Mar A Lago? What?

Trump sends 5000 military troops to border to fend off an invasion of women and children a thousand miles away. 10,000 more troops? Its getting dire down there. They are now only 995 miles away! The Fascist in Chief panicking America with his warning of something that happens regularly. People from other countries asking LEGALLY for asylum. People, forced out of American supported countries who fail to protect them from gangs and their own governments, flee and walk thousands of miles to stay alive. This is an invasion, per the Scaredy Cat in Chief and his wimpy followers, scared of their own shadow because its black.

This is the greatest overreaction to a non event since oh maybe ever. The Thumb Breaker in Chief then gave the order to the non existent troops to shoot to kill non existent women and children massed at the border if they threw non existent rocks. Shoot to kill? What is this, the 1970 Ohio National Guard?. This "order" would never be given by any military officer because they arent mass murderers but to Trump and his dumb base they apparently are.

We have 5 days to stop this crazy motherfucker. 5 fuckin days.


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