Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Call To Arms!

77 years ago my parents generation came under attack by imperialists and fascists and Nazis and rose up and defeated all of them within 4 years. That was the Greatest Generation in the words of Tom Brokaw at least in regards to defeating a real threat to the world. Yeah yeah they had real problems at home that have never been fixed but the call to arms was made and they responded by being shipped off to squalor and death and horrors only they knew.

Hey Millennials ! This is YOUR call to arms. My generation of Baby boomers aint gonna save you. We are the fucking problem. We have turned from self interested protesters to a bunch of self centered morons who believe anything an orange toxin says. We elected an imperialist, fascist Nazi very fine person to run the country cuz we were afraid of the changes you Millennials accept as common sense. Equality and color blindness and who the fuck cares if you're gay.

2016 was YOUR Pearl Harbor. Will you young uns accept the challenge today? All you have to do is vote. Thats it. It takes 10-20 minutes and if the vote suppressors make it harder so be it. You can replace them. You have the power. You normally dont show up because your lives are busy and having fun is more important to you than responsibility. I get it. But take a few minutes or hours. I beg of you. Save Democracy from these closet Nazis.

I am in the 4th quarter of life and white so all of this will affect only my fragile psyche and perhaps my retirement. These people HAVE to be stopped. NOW! Its up to you. In cahoots with those of us who actually read and study things and realize what this current situation could become we can stop this. Fear of change, fear of brown people, fear of blacks, fear fear fear fucking fear. This is what the Republican Party gets. Fear.

Fuck fear. Fuck Republicans and fuck fascism. Help us!

Thanks Millennials.

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